Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Thanks for the report! Just tell someone you know about it. The more people know, the less they will be searching for that elusive answer!
Once the colony is wiped out, you won’t need to sulfur ipm. The plants will like it anyways, so there’s no harm. Unless you have used an oil based product. That will burn the plants for sure. Exercise caution. Elemental sulfur by itself mixed in water isn’t toxic, but if it interacts with something else, the leaves can die or get holes in them.


Yes Read that Joe, same with neem. I’m dropping neem from my preventive maintenance. And just a lot of baths and once a month Sulfur for everything in veg.


Probably a good move! :sunglasses:
I have read that neem can be linked to neurological issues.

I can confirm…sulfur and oil is a big no no.

Hey @JoeCrowe
I have heard to wait 1- 2 weeks after spraying sulfur before you spray any oil.
What are your thoughts on this???
Inquiring minds wanna know…


I would give it a good thirty days. Never tested the limits, personally!


I’ve had issues mixing them at 21 days apart, I recommend the full 30 days now as well


I went over to someone’s place in town, and asked them if they had a moment to spare. Said I noticed the powdery mildew on the plants in the front yard. He didn’t even know what it was, but then said the roses had it as well. I said get some elemental sulfur and mix a tablespoon of that with 1 liter of water and spray it on the plants 2 weeks apart. He memorized those instructions and then verified that he had it right.I said great! and went back to work lol! I was on lunch break, enjoying the final days of the season.


You so crazy.
Runnin’ round town wipin’ out PM where ever you see it. :grin:
I have to tell ya…
A superhero needs a proper cape, there bub! :sunglasses:
Nice work.

Thanks for the confirmation, good to hear real-world results.


" I have never seen cliestothecia on Cannabis, though there has recently been a report of Gloviomyces spadiceus forming sexual structures on hemp in Kentucky: https://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/full/10.1094/PDIS-01-19-0049-PDN "
Hey I found that post from years ago! That was the only other human on the planet I’ve seen that understood there are different kinds of mildew growing on weed than hops.


Hey Joe, this thread has grown!

I wonder, can you supply a good source in the US for micronized sulfur and maybe a sulfur bomb to use inside if I ever need it. I’m in a very old house and it’s in the house. Only when I isolate a room and can’t exhaust it well enough. No problems at the moment but as temps warm I worry a bit. I have had it outside, too. Sometimes very bad. It just depends on the year.

Thanks bro! peace :v:


I think in the past I recommended bonide for people in the usa. It just has to be 90% elemental sulfur. If you use elemental it won’t burn plant leaves that are supposed to get harmed by it. The mildew is only on the plant, and can’t infest your house. What you do is just coat the plants in the house and the mildew will be wiped out in 2 doses. Outdoors is a different animal where you have to treat the area where the plants were growing. Alternatively treat the plants twice should wipe it out. For plants that water bounces off of, you need a wetting agent, but not for cannabis.
If you are paranoid about it infesting things you can burn what’s called a sulfur coil, but here’s the warning. Once vaporized the sulfur will get everywhere. Even on your light bulbs. Makes it harder to clean up.


wow this thread has over 3000 views, that’s insane! I hope at least half of them tried it. That’s like 1500 cases of dead mildew, a decimation to the world wide population of infestations. Ding dong the mildew’s dead.


Still PM free here. Buddy of mine got it real bad a few months back bad. First showed in bloom room then in veg room. He took copies of all his strains to a different location and performed protocol and bye bye PM. He was like are you sure and I said yup and made him give me a couple of extras to bring back to my grow. I am 40 days in flower with them now. Clean as can be. He thought I was crazy. I am not worried at all thanks to this thread. Peace and thanks again @JoeCrowe


Hell yah, we’ve come a long way from people gaslighting me about it. You are helping spread the word, which is always difficult.
The truth is like a candle in the darkness, yet some people STILL flee from it’s light.


The sulfur army is getting bigger man.


It’s good stuff

I just got done doing a run with it and no PM anymore haven’t seen it on anything I had treated.Ozone generator coming very soon.I’m going to do an experiment with Ozone water this year and see what it can do.Will be running the generator in the tent and garage with plants out on the deck while it kills everything and dissipates.Ozone is dangerous shit I used to work with it I have it on remote and that door will be dead bolted until an hour after it shuts off.I’m going to murder pm this year and the whole yard is getting Liquid sulpher death not taking any prisoners no more shall we be slaves to pm fuck you Mr Pm I call him Mr fuckhead


Hell yeah man I am doing the same thing this year just for safety measures. That shit don’t stand a chance.


Another thing I seen a bunch of people going no you need JADAM sulpher Bonide isn’t water soluble the hell it isnt that Bonide mixes in water well and it doesn’t clump up it mixes perfectly I’ve never clogged a sprayer yet.Definitely go with micronized elemental sulpher.


I know he’s a bit of a blowhard but this dude grows is doing a bit on ozone water and he has pretty much cured a plant that was infested in flower with it no tricome damage with ozone water and there is no site of any PM under the expensive Microscope and has for weeks now


Cha Ching


Just wait, I have to start a new twitter account and buy thousands of followers and pay a social media influencer to peddle my sulfur stocks. Once the price rocks up cause everyone needs it, then I’ll do the rug pull and cash in cause I already own majority stock in all sulfur mines world wide.