Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

So the Bonide does dissolve completely in water? The Hi Yield Wettable I use doesn’t. After sitting in a jug for a few days, and shaking every time I remember, I still have to strain it. Not that big a deal, but no strain would be fun.

I’m getting ready to spray where we grew last year’s zinnias, squash, bee balm, peas… actually I’ll probably just spray everywhere outside!


Not completely like mixing kookaid into water but might as well be.it is such a fine powder it covers everything covers everywhere very well no clumps just shake it up well and it’s all set complete coverage leaves a fine white film that does no harm to Leaves to be honest I got more burn off of Safers sulpher spray.I suspect it has something to do with the fatty acids they add to it as an emulsifier I assume.I will be spraying my outside and garden this year as well


The sulfur has to be micronized because it never dissolves in water. aka grind into powder, the smaller, the better.
I know this motherfucker and here’s what he’s been doing.
He’s got the mildew, had it for a quarter of a century now. Sprays myclobutanil on there which is a fucking poison for humans. Then, brings in fresh infested mildew clones. Burns sulfur during bloom, then brings in more infested clones.
He could break the cycle by spraying each clone that comes in with sulfur. Except he thinks the shit is “floating in the wind” and you can’t get rid of it.
I hope he really likes mildew.


The funny part is this:
I went to his page where he’s shilling for ozone water and there is a single comment below “You’re telling me the sulfur treatment failed?”


I asked him one question on a live stream he was on about male reversals with Ethephon and what ratio one would use Ethephon to RO water to make a spray out of to soak some males with and he went from nice guy to complete Dickwad in 20 seconds then when a breeder chimed in and gave out a ratio and a kudos for trying to figure males out Dude starts throwing out there we’re wasting our time with males and just trying to encourage herms into breeding pools which really makes no sense considering The Ethephon was acting as a device to look into what a male had to offer we wouldn’t normally see in regular grow expression not be used in any way other that having another cut and running it out normally that cut would not be touched by Ethephon the other one you took would be and just to see what else it had into offer.When the breeder explained that to him he got all pissy and hopped off again and back in when the breeder was gone saying he had a bad connection and internet problems.The guy came off as a big time asshole


BTW Ozone generator is bad ass tent was torn apart scrubbed every surface touched with bleach then wiped down with Clorox wipes dried out Lights blown off wiped down reassembled then ozone generator ran 2 times one time with exhaust on tent zipped 20 min then tent flap open whole garage Ozoned smells like a clean Drs office now.Plants have received second dose of Bonide Sulpher waiting till tomorrow to repopulate tent and get that back up and running.Air cleaner with hepa filter going in the corner between the sulpher airborne spore filtration and Ozone generator Tent sanitation there better not be one goddamn spot of mildew pop up or I’ll cure it with fire :fire: next time


If you sprayed every cannabis plant twice that shit is dead for sure.


I’ll DEFINITELY be taking @JoeCrowe advice on sulfur. I fight PM every year out in the swamp, not this year. Sulfur going into my fogger, and gonna spray the entire area around my boxes.
After seeing it 1st hand in his microscope videos, I’m sold. No more Bro science, no more expensive sprays “trying” to get rid of it. I’ve got my other group of outdoor growers ready with sulfur in hand. This shit will die!!!


Sorry if I missed it, but how come you used the Ozone Generator if you sprayed the plants with sulfur?

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To catch any spores that the spray couldn’t catch hanging around the tent on any porous surface Ozone gets into more spaces that a liquid can as a gas and with the air filter it cleans up the air any spores left behind it’s a second pass to get anything.Everything was bleached it didn’t make sense to spray the tent down with sulpher just the plants it also sanitized the tent without spraying it again


It’s overkill, but won’t do any harm, that’s for sure. The irony is there are no spores hanging out, on your shoes or in the crevices of the rug. It’s only on the plant and any plant debris, so you don’t even have to perform a cleanup to get rid of it.

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What Joe says ^^^^^


I think I am going to make a mildew eradication video on youtube. I’ll put an end to the misinformation spread online. hashtag mildew assassins, yolo!


@JoeCrowe you need to show the microscope comparisons of sulfur compared to peroxide, and all the other things people are tossing at it that don’t work. It made me a definite believer seeing it in action.


I don’t think that’s how this all works but it’s your story you tell it.PM doesn’t just pop up out of thin air and it’s been too cold out to be exposed to it outside and I don’t play with any other Cuts but my own yet it popped up this year in flower while plants were clean the whole time.Spore had to come from somewhere


Ha ha, I have told my story, and more than once!

I admit, I’m not clear on how it gets around, but for me, 2x sprays on the plants only, and I haven’t seen any in over a year. And, my space couldn’t be more friendly for pm to lurk.


The fact that it’s only living on plant material is the key to it’s eradication. When I had mildew on the pumpkins I didn’t bother doing anything, except douse all plant material in the greenhouse that could support mildew, with sulfur. It broke a 10 year cycle in one go, I even had a plant I put in there and didn’t spray. I hosed down the bits of plant material on the ground though. Lots of yummy sulfur! Those ancient bits of plant material from when the infestation happened are still in there as bits of dust. If the mildew was capable of re-propagating from the floor or any other plant material in the greenhouse, I haven’t seen any evidence.

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Everything in there has been sprayed at least two times even earlier and it still popped up with no other contact with any living plants.Either I have a little baby Jesus immaculate conception going on or a spore is dormant.This stuff has to live and places have winters so how does PM come back to life in springtime ?


It’s on plant material during the winter.

These photos are from 2014 in august. The colony was fully formed on all the squash and cucumbers, by then. It was always a mystery why it would “suddenly” start in julyish/august. Secret was that is when it became visible.