Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

The fucking mildew would have been munching away for approximately 40 days by then. Which means it starts to grow in june…ish. lol! At this point in the journey, all I knew for sure was it only grew on one species of plant. I would experiment with eradication plans each year, and each year it would fail. I even had the sulfur at this point, but already saw that sprinkling sulfur powder on your plant didn’t do anything. I had eradicated a mildew colony probably 10 years before this one on my cannabis plants. So I parlayed that experience into outdoor eradication.


Here it is post eradication. I don’t spray anything in there to keep mildew at bay. IT just doesn’t grow on the plants any more.


september 21, 2021. By now these plants would be dripping with mildew.


The test I ran, that I thought would work for sure? Bleach. I fucking bleached the entire place with strong ass bleach solution. I was fogging that shit until I was blue in the face. That failed!!! When the mildew sprouted again in the fall I was demoralized.

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The greenhouse was just like this. Spring except the stalks and plants were all tossed in the compost including the mildew stuff. So I planted the plants that could get mildew and I sprayed them. I also walked around where I had grown the plants before and sprayed the top of the soil and the plant materials laying around. I didn’t spray this one plant, off to the side. It was the untreated control heh heh. I hadn’t grown plants that could get the mildew in that location before. That finished the shit off. I kept scanning with the microscope every time I thought I saw something, but it was all dead.


In the early days when I first learned how to finish off the mildew, I did do all the things. I cleaned the entire universe with hydrogen peroxide and bleached everything. I didn’t know that those were actually going to be disproved as eradication schemes, later on. I think that was back in the early 2000s. After I had sprayed all the cannabis plants twice with sulfur, I moved on to cleaning the entire place with peroxide. Wiping down everything. Don’t get me wrong, cleaning is good. But not if you’re deluding yourself into thinking it’s getting rid of mildew. It didn’t do anything. So fast forward like 20 years, I tried that eradication method as an actual experiment, not just something I “thought” would work. False. I moved on from the “spores are everywhere” scene.

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I had every plant sprayed with sulpher weeks before I did the tear down in winter here with snow on the ground not near anything so right there the PM should have been eradicated by this theory.Haven’t taken a cut in or out since and it popped up week 7 of flower.So that must be some strong PM to go through snow like that?


Here’s the thing. I’m not going to be able to tell you how it happened. I have no idea because I wasn’t there watching. What I can tell you, are facts about mildew.


Just need an audio track now. I’ll use the robot voice!

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This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends,Some people started singing it not knowing what it was now They’re still singing it just because This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends,Some people started singing it not knowing what it was now They’re still singing it just because This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends,Some people started singing it not knowing what it was now They’re still singing it just because This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends,Some people started singing it not knowing what it was now They’re still singing it just because This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends,Some people started singing it not knowing what it was now They’re still singing it just because This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends,Some people started singing it not knowing what it was now They’re still singing it just because ……………:facepunch::dash::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face:

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Catch your breath, I’ll do the next part :joy:


Oh boy, a doo-et, lol!

ok I think I’ve got it all into 1 min and 6 seconds. Anyone who can’t understand the computer voice… well I can’t help you. The video will go over what you need and what to do!


There we go! hah hah!
Yah, mildew is only on the host plant that’s for sure. Anyone who thinks otherwise can see for themselves. That’s what microscopes are for.


oh my, this guys video is good stuff too. I agree with everything he says.


I dusted off my UV flashlight. It’s almost time to start hunting for mildew colonies wintering over. I know they won’t start growing until June sometimes, but I really want to figure out just when the colony comes back to life.


So those uv flashlights are not just for spotting blood at a murder scene or pm in the garden… a lot of caterpillars glow when they are shined upon… pretty cool for the kids!


I finally have a pound of the micronized sulfur on the way! I’ll finally be ready this year.


@Gman Nice!!! Joining the club of PM slayers. I’ve got mine in house, fogger is ready to go and eliminate it from the swamp.


@JoeCrowe when you find the 1st colony of the year, it would be interesting to see under the scope what hypochlorous acid really does to PM.