Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

I just barely saw it last year. It was so late by then that I just plucked leaves and kept an eye on it. Never did flare up. Funny thing is that we had more rain last year. It seems to be worse here in the dry years. We have really low humidities and I never expected to see it here.

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I’ve been using these two lately:

Agra Quest 708510A Serenade, 32-Ounce Garden Disease Control,Ready to Use, fl oz https://a.co/d/dZMieDT

Or just the commercial stuff like Bayer Serenade ASO (liquid) and Opti (wettable powder), or Cease, ya just need bacillus subtilis and amylolifaciquens and it’ll wipe the fuzzy boys out. That RTU or small consumer concentrate Serenade is discontinued but possible to find, it’s out there, the ag stuff usually comes in gallons or as a soluble powder in 10# bags but I know someone out there is repackaging it on Etsy or eBay or something.


Another option that looks good but too expensive for me is Blacksmith Biosciences Armory WP, as usual Arbico Organics has a great section on biofungicide divided into the two Bacillus strains and then Trichoderma. The stuff from Mikrobs looks like some of the most interesting and thorough bennies I’ve seen lately at a reasonable price, want to check those out maybe give a friend the kit and see how it does in their homegrow.


I have some Seranade. I never liked it. But, I have it, along with other stuff. At least I’ll have options, heh.


My enduring question is can it actually exterminate a colony or just temporary setback so you have to keep using it?

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I would love to run that test. I heard it knocks it back but doesn’t eradicate it, so I was super curious as to what happens at a microscopic level. Must hit it better than the peroxide! That stuff didn’t do anything.


How long have you been using those guys?I have something similar to the Serenade same damn Bacillus strain actually that was way more expensive about 100$ a gallon called Cease and I’ve used the revitalize I still have a bottle almost full on my bench.The revitalize in the last grow worked to an extent it can hold off mold in flower but it won’t kill it I’ve tried twice no luck.The cease much more effective that one will hold it back very well if you can get them to finish outside in fall and get the cooler temps it seems to pair with the Cease and the PM stays gone.Sulpher in Veg how ever I can say this I have officially passed the 40 day mark 2 weeks ago and I have got too to bottom of every living plant in my grow and not one speck of pm the only thing white on the plants is sulpher residue clean as a baby’s ass no PM for what Joe says it’s a 40 day show and tell I’ve passed it by two weeks


There’s the overwintering colony. It still glows under UV, even though it’s not growing. This pile of leaves was at the base of the infested aster.


Is this overwintering stuff visible with just a uv light?

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It’s definitely easy to see with the UV, as it glows white still. That’s how I found the colony, was by gathering leaves and then shining the UV and cutting off the glowing parts as a sample.

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Great, I’ve got the uv flashlight charging!

Do you know how the pm can overwinter on dead leaves if it only lives on live ones?

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well, I’m not certain that colony can germinate into a new one from that dead leaf. But it does look very lively for something that was under the snow since November. I would have to test it to make sure, by doing a trial germination. Requires some materials for that test. Namely an uninfected host heh heh. That came from an aster, so I could probably buy one from the store, that might be clean. Then try and infest it! I’m keeping an eye on the colony from the asters because the plants are easy to find once the snow melts.


You guys ever hear of “AirROS” purification?


To tell you the truth, it’s not going to eradicate powdery mildew, or even prevent infestation. Since the mildew comes in on infested plant material, that’s where you have to eradicate the threat. If it’s already infested, treat at the source. I would even put it in the category as using ozone on the colony. It fails the logic test. There is no way I am going to roll one of those machines into the garden and wipe out a colony.

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Are you replying to me?

It’s not a big machine that needs getting rolled in or anything, if that’s what you mean.

It’s this: LINK


Nope, that’s not what I mean. Here’s what I’m talking about:
I have a mildew infestation in my garden, that is all over the weed plants. How is the airROS system going to eradicate that?

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That’s a great question for them. You should ask them and see what answer/information they provide. Because I’m almost positive that that’s basically one of the scenarios that companies/facilities would employ their products in.
I duno if it’s the “infestation” level or the “it’s different because it’s weed” that you’re pointing to? Or it you think it won’t work because the mildew is on the surface of the plants/objects and not in the air. Either way, I’d read closer into their device, or better yet ask them.

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You awaken the beast.

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It’s actually 100% interchangeable in those respects:
mildew infestation can refer to a colony you “just noticed for the first time ever”, to “it’s been here for 10 years, coming back each year!”. The mildew colony host can be anything from weed to pumpkins. Each one of those scenarios are functionally identical in the mildew world.

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@JoeCrowe I have a question for you.
Will suffer also kill aspergillus
Thank you for any help/info.


The documentation says it won’t work on oomycetes aka water molds. So I would give it a try for sure, the worst it can do is nothing. Same cautions apply. Never spray on something you intend to consume etc use elemental sulfur if possible.