Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

I’m guessing I can google elemental sulfur for sale to find it


Sold out everywhere.

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Definitely. I got some from the grow store, and they sell that shit everywhere!


For someone who has been hate-watching my thread for… years, don’t you think it’s time to break out the sulfur and end your mildew problem? Then you can grow outside again.


Yes thank you for your input I will take it under advisement.


I’ve been telling people about sulphur sprays for years but because of past bad experiences with the burners a lot would not listen. The thing is I lived in grape country for many years and as soon as I realized that’s what they used for PM I got a bottle of bonier orchard spray and never looked back , stuff is super concentrated to so a bottle lasts a long time unless you actually have a orchard.
Oh it also kills broad mites , russet mites and your average spider mites like nothing else.
I use it at half strength on plants and triple strength on the grow area before plants are put outside for the season.


Oh interesting, they add some pyrethins to the sulfur spray. That would definitely make a deadly combo!


Do you have access to an ozone generator?Id be curious to see under that bad ass microscope you have what Ozone gas and ozone treated water do to Mold spores and colonies.I’ve been spraying the tent down with ozone water and hitting it with 15 minute ozone treatments with plants removed in a seperate area that get sprayed with Ozone water and once a month sulpher sprays in veg.Not one spot of PM still I’ve been able to ride out 60% humidity with rapid temperature fluctuations like 32 degrees to 75 to 46 them back to 70 again.No PM not a spot been keeping up with watering to avoid dry back lowers growing with so much shoots I have to prune once a week yet again Not one spot of PM.This shit is absolutely fucking glorious

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The colony is probably dead. As long as you don’t bring any plant material into the grow, it should remain mildew free.

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I went out and since it’s so warm, I looked at the wild asters. The shoots of this years growth are literally pushing up through a dense mat of mildew covered leaves. I’m gonna give it a week or two, then take a sample for scanning. I’m so curious about when the colony starts to grow. Of course, I can check on it’s progress at night with the UV flashlight. I dug up an aster root cluster, and made sure it was perennial. Check. The rhizome is growing up from underneath last years plant.
There has to be edge cases though right? Like the fact you can get the hops mildew growing on cannabis when it’s not a perennial. I wonder how many different strains can be cross-infested like that?

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@HorseBadorites did you make the JADAM sulfur mixture? I was watching a video on how to make it, and it looked like some nuts witches brew! Sea salt, sodium hydroxide and sulfur mixed with water! Fucking wild!

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No, I didn’t… too much faffing for me! And, just plain sulfur works so well, I didn’t see the point. Did you try it yet?


lol! I had the exact same thought. Too much fucking around just to make sulfur into a liquid.


Been wanting to bring this up for a little while now but didn’t have the time. Looks very cool.

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It’s an exothermic process that looks like it clocks in above 100C. I’m not sure I’ve even seen a bottle of pure sodium hydroxide. Now that shit could be dangerous on it’s own!


It’s “Lye”, I think. You live in the US, right Joe? You can get anything there, easily. It’s on amazon.ca, so it’s also probably somewhat available in canada as well. It’s used in soap making, cleaning, and other stuff (including some food related stuff…I tihnk?).

Actually, I think it’s used in the JADAM wetting agent (JWA) too; which is basically like making castile soap, and has many uses.
All this stuff looks easy to make, and cheap (maybe depending where you live and what you have access too).

Amazing stuff.

I’ve known about the wettable sulfur since before this video, but this video had me try it out (I didn’t need it, just tried it a few times and keep it on had):

Sounds pretty simple to be honest, haha. Simpler than a lot of “compost tea” recipes, and even some peoples fertilizer regimen (hello advanced nutrients, et al). You mix a couple things that heat up on their own and stir. Huge shelf life, better availability, etc. But yea, the powder works too.

Also, I had some back and forth with someone at AirROS and it seems, by their answers and by some of the stuff they provided links too, that you might be incorrect about some of your assumptions about it.
They seemed like a company more than willing to help detail/explain what their product does, how it works, answer any questions (like you posed to me), and all that.

It’s pretty interesting.

Anyway, props to you for doing your own work, breaking out microscopes, etc., man. Respect.

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airROS suffers from the same logical failure as ozone. I can go out into the garden and spray some sulfur on a pumpkin plant, but I can’t take an airROS machine into my garden to eradicate hibernating mildew.



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They addressed this “statement” (for lack of better term), and several others. If you just took your statements and phrased them as questions, and shot them an email, I think you might…uh…glean some more information, that would only benefit you and the people who visit this thread. Honestly, I’m curious to hear what you would have to say after having spoke to this company, because it seems you’ve put lots of time into this, and have some knowledge about it.

It kinda feels like you’re opposed to maybe hearing something you don’t want to hear, though (or that you already know everything to know about it?). It does not suffer from the “same logical failure” as ozone, if I understand where you’re coming from. But it doesn’t make sense to me that you’re willing to make this thread, spend this time, actively reply, but not send a quick email to these guys and pose the “questions” you pose to a forum user (me in this case) to the manufacturer of a product that says it works on PM, and a company who’ve done plenty of research on the topic, and have data, (and case studies) and the means to at least fully describe the product, process, and confirm or deny any assertions you’re making.

It’s a lot easier for you to just “dismiss” or disregard anything said here (by me or anyone else), than it is to have a discussion with someone at AirROS who has the knowledge, expertise, terminology, etc. to make/prove claims, confirm/deny function, and communicate to get a better understanding.
Why don’t you discuss it with someone who’s closer to your own “qualifications”, and then share? I’d sure appreciate it.

Edit: Sorry, I don’t mean to “troll” your thread.

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“Snork. Australian for Snake”?:

(edit: spelling)