Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Don’t know but I have a feeling those generators use something similar to this they sell kits with all different sizes in the same kit my shits newer so I’ll wait to take a peek inside some day if it ain’t broke I don’t fix it.The water part is completely sealed off from the rest of the unit so I don’t know what it would be other that a set of smaller plates in a sealed compartment with forced air from another smaller fan blowing the gas out that nipple in the back to the hose and stone.Mine makes a whining noise very faint when I use the water part so I know it’s running so far I’ve ran it everyday no problems for hours at a crack in my 55 gallon tank.Takes that new chlorine shit out in 2 days no chorine smell

instead of two weeks

I was wondering the exact same thing; how the air output for the “water” works.

That’s interesting. I’ve heard ozone make the air smell similar to bleach/chlorine. You’re saying it take chlorine smell out of the water? (or chloramine)?


My water smells like plain water after that ozone smell goes away The chlorine smell is completely gone you can smell Ozone off of the water for a bit then it goes away the tent that’s another story the tent smells like bleach for a day then goes back to nothing again

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Holy fuckballs! I’m still in shock even though it makes so much sense. I never had considered…
The mildew parasite and the host grow simultaneously. The environment that the plant grows in, is the same environment the mildew thrives in. It just starts to replicate as soon as the plant surfaces.

We haven’t even hit June, yet the colony is in full power grow mode. We’re experiencing 7C over night, with periods of +30C and incredible storms.
No wonder it works so good to plant the plants then spray them right away. That’s when the colony is revving up to replicate like mad.


Heh heh in the growing exposed episode about rosebud cannabis farms, the host mentions how there is no powdery mildew on Che’s plants. I delivered the protocol to make sure he never gets infested! Each mother plant is inspected with UV before it’s cloned a hundred times and planted. If the plant glows, he sterilizes it with sulfur, and then clones and plants it.


I was just hit again, and it’s a shame there’s nothing to use in flower. This is a battle dealing with twice now, and I’m almost ready to toss the towel in. This is the most frustrating shit.

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Indoors or out? I can tell you how to finish it off once and for all.

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Indoors. 3 small spots yesterday that I removed as easily as possible. 4x4 2x 6" ocillating and 1 6" exhaust I run 247

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I was researching around here and saw a million ways, but I think copper and sulfer stood out. I’m in week 4 tho

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ok, what you have to do is get some elemental sulfur and spray the plants twice in veg. 1 liter of water and one tablespoon of sulfur, spray them 2 weeks apart. 90% sulfur(elemental is 99.9%) and it’ll never come back. Copper will fail. never spray in bloom. I’ve never seen something actually eradicate the mildew in bloom with no residue.


Hypochlorous acid, right up til the day before harvest


Do you know if it actually gets rid of the mildew, or just washes it off temporarily?

I’d never spray anything on flower. I’d rather just toss.


You’ve got clones ready to go? Toss the flowering plants and just start the sulfur protocol today. in 2 weeks you’ll never have to worry about that shit again.


I have my clone in the veg tent still. The only things that don’t have flowers in the flower tent are my wedding cakes. They’re 1 week into flower


IF you are feeling adventurous, you can toss the WC back into veg and treat them all then go back to bloom. They might get a little strange looking!


Every year my Lilac bushes and squash plants get PM. This year is my first legal outdoor cannabis grow.
I’m gonna experiment with the lilacs and a sulphur spray to see if it works and keeps the rest of my yard PM free. They already are showing the PM. Gonna try to nip it in the bud. :sunglasses:


The mildew starts growing as soon as the plants do. That includes the lilacs and pumpkins! Those are 2 different mildew colonies. Separate species on the pumpkins and the lilacs. I wiped it out on the pumpkins for sure! It grew on all squash and squash related plants. Cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, butternut…etc. I’m sure it came in on an infected plant from the nursery. Bam! One year I sprayed the plants and it finished the crap off for good. I sprayed them after I planted them, but I was so thorough I only needed a single spray to kill it off. I always recommend 2 sprays just to make sure it’s fucking dead though. Almost every plant in there originates from the clean room from seed, so there is no chance of re-infection. Someone brought in a zucchini from the nursery this year, but I scanned it with UV found no mildew.


Thanks for the info. This years garden is all started from seed. But some plants do get PM as the season progresses. I’ll spray them later today and see how it turns out.

One question I haven’t seen asked is.
Can i use the same sprayer to use the sulfur solution and say a neem oil?
Used at different times not mixed together. just to be clear.
I don’t want to create an issue started from using the same sprayer.


Just make sure you really scrub the oils out of the sprayer. A mix of oil based substances and sulfur results in burned holes in the plant leaf. Don’t spray on your plant within 30 days of an oil application, you have to wash that off first.