Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Thanks Joe, That’s what I figured. Much appreciated.


lol! People used to gaslight me and tell me I was full of shit. “Nobody can get rid of mildew, that’s for life!”
Showed them up, and laughed ever since.


Kills it on contact.


So if you spray your plant and then stop, the mildew never comes back?

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Is there a certain kind to use? I tried looking for it before and there’s a lot of different things it’s targeted towards. I seen sprays for skin, disinfectant, I was going to grab some but wasn’t sure if a certain dilution ratio was needed


Outdoor it has eventually. Then I spray it again and it’s dead.

I know sulphur works great…I’ve had this conversation with you…I used sulphur forever. But once my plants are in flower I’m not putting that on them. Hypochlorous acid can be used up til the day before harvest, in an organic grow, and you can even use it as a bud wash if you want. And it kills botrytis.


I just bought the Eco One generator and make my own for literal pennies.


Hey, this stuff is not something that you’d pour through root zone, or add to rdwc (at some specific, reasonable rate) to help…“clean things up” (like h2o2), is it?

Now that I think of it, I have heard about this stuff before. A yt gardener made it once using a diy method.

How long have you had that unit for? Curious how well it holds up. And if you find the volume it makes enough for your use (whatever that is; size of garden, or household use for general cleaning, or what)?

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@JoeCrowe In your research of sulfur, how far back did it’s use in agriculture/gardening go, if you came across that at all? I’d suspect you would have.


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No, it’s a foliar…I bought it about a year ago.

I used it on this garden last year


Oh ok, cool.
Beautiful, out where they belong.


They say about 1000BC, the greeks were using it as a fungicide and pesticide. About a 3000 year history of using it.


OK, wpm army, nice job everyone!!! And thanks @JoeCrowe :slight_smile:
Are we still at 1 tablespoon per liter of water for this application?


Thank you so much for posting this @JoeCrowe. I have been struggling with PM for a while now.


Half will work, so you can use half a tablespoon per liter. I go with 1 full tablespoon the shit is so cheap that’s like 15 cents worth.

Sulfur will end it’s ass, and you’ll never see it again!


Thanks for the quick response, much appreciated. I get it outdoors, from what i dont know, but we have many strains. Sunflower, squash, cukes, cherry trees, shit, i have seen it on lots of stuff. Now I will kill it dead :slight_smile:

I plan to treat the entire garden from tips to tops, and surrounding stuff too. all out war, lost a very good plant last year, not looking for a repeat.


When you plant your cannabis plants, give them the first dose. Two weeks later, the second one and it should finish off the mildew. It’s host specific, so it’s not the same strain as on those other plants. It regenerates from downed plant material where it hides over winter. As soon as it detects a live plant that it can prey on it starts to replicate. I wiped it out on the cannabis over 20 years ago, and killed it off in the greenhouse about 3 years ago. It was growing on the pumpkins/cucumbers/squash in there.


What I’ve found is the mildew on perennial plants, is way more advanced and spreads faster. I still can’t SEE the mildew on the annual plants, even though I know which ones have it.

None on the crops in the greenhouse, of course.

That shit ain’t coming back.


How do you have PM if sulfur eradicated it?


That mildew is on plants I’m not growing, so I just leave it. If I go and finish off all the colonies…I won’t have anything left to study!! The colonies I’m studying are:
wood aven
wild aster
Additionally there is mildew on the sweet clover, but I never studied that colony. I should go see if it’s an annual or perennial mildew colony though.