Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Oh I forgot there’s a colony on the plantains as well, it’s an annual colony.


Ah that makes sense.
Thankfully, and pretty cool that, there are various species of PM and they dont do too much inter-species infecting. So like what infects my squash wont infect my weed.


Is pm on tomatoes the same as on weed ? In a very non scientific trial my weed seemingly caught the red fruit bastard?


Not the same mildew on tomatoes and weed. Seems to be really host specific, and the mildew on the peas I tried to grow on the cannabis failed to germinate. So the mildew detects the proper host, somehow. I suspect it’s RNA based signal.


I’ll tell you something interesting.Believe it or not have a strong connection to Sulpher I recently found out.My Great Grandfather Was from Montedoro Sicily he was a sulpher miner.That was a very popular commodity for that small area of Sicily in the late 1800s when the work dried up he and a lot of other Sicilians and Southern Italians migrated to Pittston Pa like mine did and became coal miners his son my grandfather would at the age of 9 be working right next to his father in the coal mines till the day he died .everyone always wondered why so many Italians and Sicilians were coal miners theres the answer lol.I haven’t had PM in a year and that one Peoni that always gets eaten alive by it has been Spot free all year.Shit works Homies


that’s a pretty cool story about the miners.
Nice plants too!!
and I agree , the shit does work indeed.
I sprayed the greenhouse down inside with sulpher spray and all around it outside before the plants went in this year and so far so good despite poor air movement and perfect pm conditions.


We’ve had a shitstorm of perfect humidity and drenching rains perfect conditions for it and I just don’t see it anymore.Sprays have killed the PM as well as all the puff ball mushrooms that invaded my front flowerbed mulch.I soaked them with sulpher and it ate that shit right up.Even the black dust don’t work it killed all of it.I’ve tried to infect the other parts of the bed on purpose and it’s all dead withered right up and the plants ate all the puffballs up


@JoeCrowe In your research of “sulfur/sulphur” powder / wettable sulfur, have you come across the term “flowers of sulfur”?
^This is an old draft. I was gonna ask you. I think it’s the same thing, but maybe the powder is kind of in clumps. Maybe you know.


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What is everyones thoughts on Neem Oil? I have a large container of it. Otherwise I have to find a way to aerosolize sulphur for my rose bushes and my cannabis plants get hit mildly :confused:

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JADAM Sulfur. (+JADAM Wetting Agent).


volcanic in origin.

It won’t eradicate mildew at all. I would wait until spring to treat the roses, since it’s perennial. OR… you could put a barrier temporarily in there. Don’t mix neem and sulfur it’ll kill your plants by eating holes in them.


But is the product still a “wettable, powdered sulfur”? Something I read seemed to suggest it was. Wikipedia and some other source, I can’t remember.


For any kind of sulfur to be wettable it has to have something to stick it to the surface of hydrophobic plants. In the case of pumpkins you don’t need a wetting agent and the same with cannabis. For peas, I would need a wetting agent to make it stick.


This might be a dumb question but I gotta ask it, any concerns spraying sulfur indoors? I got some of the bonide brand sulfur to use as a general preventative after hearing Bob hemphills IPM routine, but I got real freaked out thinking about spraying it inside, got a respirator if i need to wear it but I just figured I’d see what you thought @JoeCrowe


When you mix it with water and just use a regular sprayer, as long as you don’t spray yourself in the face you should be ok. Goggles etc if you think shit is going to get crazy. It can stink a bit, but after the mildew is dead the clean up is easy. mop the floors. They say elemental sulfur is non toxic.


Not Joe, obviously, but I have sprayed it indoors. The smell dissipates very quickly, but I do have overkill extraction. I made a little 3 sided area with a tarp to stop most of the overspray, and set the plant in a mortar pan for runoff. I didn’t need a mask.


Nice, I mean the garden is pretty small, so I’m never really spraying much anyway but I couldn’t get the thought out of my head.


heh heh someone said this was mildew on muh pumpkins. Definitely not! It’s actually silver colored, and completely normal.


What is it, @JoeCrowe ? We get on Summer squash.

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They call it “normal variegation” of squash plants. If you type “variegated squash plants” into google you will see endless photos of it!