Interesting, it doesn’t look anything like what I’d call variegated, but whadda i know, lol!
I have seen that as well on some zucchini in my garden. It definitely doesn’t wipe off or glow when using a uv light.
Are they little hairs, that appear like ‘fuzz’ to the human eye up close?
Definitely not, but I can take a magnifying photo, just gimme a sec!
Here’s a decent photo you can see the plant cells, and some organic debris. Nothing special, in fact, under magnification it’s not even a silver color. Isn’t that strange?
Interesting, @JoeCrowe. Maybe just the way light “refracts” or hits it, whatever it is.
Some incredible footage of a fungal colony just starting to take hold on the calla lillies! It looks like mildew hatching. I’ll keep checking on it, through it’s growth and see what happens.
In the lower pic is that mycelium threads spreading from spores we’re seeing here?
I’m pretty certain it is! Also you can see the hypha invading the stomata of the plant. The oval openings with a dark interior look like they are the infested ones the fungus is feeding off of.
Sulphur fumigation. Works like a charm too. Never looked back. No water needed. But honestly I did find 90 bucks to be a steep price for a sulphur fumigator. And for the amounts I’ve needed it for sure. But still, it’s good to have it in case.
I’ve even used it outside a few times. I’d use plastic sheets and bamboo sticks to create a little tent and just run the fumigator in there for a couple hours before switching out the plants under the tent for the next ones.
Works for spider mites too.
If you can trap the vaporized sulfur it could work pretty good!
If the mildew on the calla lillies spreads to the pumpkins I’ll crap my pants. Never tested that combo! Not sure where those lillies came from either. Probably wal mart? ha ha!
I really dosed the calla lillies. Even though they were hydrophobic, I’m trying the in vitro idea where I coat it, so the leaf can’t resist.
My guess would be water scale. If you have some kind of magnification that helps!
Well I treated it with milk water just in case. Several patches randomly around the plant on the stems only tho
Powdery mildew can easily be wiped off with your finger, but water scale can’t be. Do you have any sulfur laying around? I wouldn’t say that milk works.
It wipes off pretty easily. I don’t think I have any sulfer
I can get it here at the hardware store or the garden center. I got some elemental sulfur at the grow store. It think lots of people just order it online, as well!
Ya I need to have some handy for sure