Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Here’s a close up. Not sure what pm looks like

Only on stems here and there no leaves


Wow that doesn’t look like mildew to me. I’m almost thinking plant hopper nymphs! Nuts!!!


im just a lookyloo but kind of looks like mineral build up?


I was just reading about the plant hopper nymph. I do know I have those little leaf hoppers everywhere


Mealy bugs possibly. That is their egg sack/nest


I’ve gotten stuff like that in the past. I just strip the interior of the plant. Then spray neem oil mix on the stems only. Just hitting leaves accidentally. This knocks whatever that shit is right out of the box.


@JoeCrowe youve mentioned not to spray sulfur within 30 days of spaying an oil.

I use btt regularly. But have not used neem this year.

Can I come right back after the sulfur with the btt?

Do I need to wait a few days after a btt to apply sulfur?


You can test spray a leaf and see what happens. If the leaf is undamaged after 24 hours it should be fine.


This is the wild aster. I sprayed it along with the calla lillies and a bunch of other plants. All of them. You can see how a single treatment decimated the parasite on some random perennial plant. I also sprayed some of the comfry. Plantains. etc. Every single plant in existence lol!


The title says it all. I put some cleaning vinegar on there, but it didn’t cause that much damage. 3 and a half min time lapse.
I’m working on a special mildew project where I microscopically photograph every colony around here and compare them using computer based measuring.


Couldn’t get the video to work, @JoeCrowe

Since spraying some of the outside veggie/flower beds with sulfur last year, we’ve had way less this year. None on the squash or zinnias. Bee Balm and Verbenas got a little, but I hadn’t sprayed those areas.

Why are you messing with cleaning vinegar? For that matter, what is cleaning vinegar? :slight_smile:

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Cleaning vinegar is 10%, so it’s strong. I was just demonstrating another method that doesn’t seem to work out but people say it does. Like hydrogen peroxide. I would have personally thought 10% acetic acid would have more of an effect, but I can see viable mildew still under the scope after the vinegar has gone.


I was wondering since there’s different pm for different plants, do you think that positive treatments could differ?

I’m still sold on sulfur… why fuck around? lol!


Holy shit. This imaging project is amazing!!! I can’t wait to post the results they are so radical I almost shit myself. Mental :exploding_head:


I’m going to give up for now, but I’ll complete the project tomorrow. I’ve got three plants left to image! I did

  1. comfry
  2. columbine
  3. butternut
  4. cucumber
  5. sweet clover
  6. red clover
  7. sweet pea
  8. snap pea


  1. Aster
  2. Plantain
  3. Wood aven

I might find more, but we’ll see!


Can’t wait for the report @JoeCrowe
And still pm free here. Thanks for your hard work.

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ya still pm free here too.
When I harvested last fall and cleaned up the greenhouse for winter I sprayed everything down with sulphur spray inside and outside the greenhouse. Sprayed the pots down , sprayed everything to do with the greenhouse, the plant stakes even.
Then indoors last fall I treated everything I brought in from outside , washed the walls and floor with sulphur juice too then re-washed everything down with water and pinesol.
Haven’t seen a spec of PM anywhere around or in the greenhouse and we have certainly had the right conditions for it.
So far so good and 5 weeks left of light dep to hopefully a pm free harvest :wink:


If I may, I’d suggest zinnias, bee balm, and verbena.

And, thanks for reminding me to mark our columbine patches for a late fall spraydown :slight_smile:


For the first time since living here for 6 years I haven’t seen any PM on the property (knock on wood)… Fall is always iffy, so we’ll see. I have a pound of sulfur ready to go so maybe mother nature doesn’t want to bother with me, lol.

We do however, have a hell of a grasshopper invasion. I put down NOLA around 6-7 years ago just before I bought it and it’s kept them at bay until now. These came in with the winds I believe.

Best of luck to everyone, on a PM free season! peace


Thanks for this thread @JoeCrowe :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol: