Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

lol! Ahh them trolls!


They sort themselves out.


lol! I swear they are that first dude posting about peroxide with a puppet account as well.


See Yaaaaa :100:


He lurks in the shadows i can sense him ……He was preaching to us the word of Boron showing is how dumb we were and telling us we were also dumb too and then he suddenly vanishes im mean how will we live……?


I eat Boron for breakfast.


I think thats how you summon him but aren’t we supposed to burn incense or some shit and draw a pentagram or something?

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I believe the chant is “Norob, Norob…” oh my!


Sulfur at war…


Yeah well that sock puppet he used for that account was probably his whack it sock ,Just goes to show You the depravity of it all some fools………Just lose thier minds at the mere vision of KnOwledge

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One good thing about a powdery mildew discussion. The divergent camps on the solution hasn’t changed in 20 years. :slight_smile:

And since I am the “puppet account” that threw the H2O2 bomb, I thought I would comment again.

I can only comment on what worked for me. And it did. Not a fan of Sulphur since I have an indoor situation. I also live in a dry area and have had very few PM issues.

Now If I was on an outdoor farm in the Triangle, Sulphur is the best, cost effective solution to a large PM problem.

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I can show you a microscopic video of hydrogen peroxide on the mildew colony. In the video, you will see it is untouched by the peroxide. Like, completely untouched. Also, mildew thrives in a dry environment. The humidity thing is broscience/oldwives.

This is a repost.


Like…shit… If people only read this thread, they’d know I did a complete university level phytopathology study on the fucking mildew. Then someone else comes in with an idea I’ve debunked already SIGH


Me too :slight_smile: I was concerned it would cause more problems than be a solution. It wasn’t a problem, and was the solution. 616 Days without a spot!


I my view its common sense
If there’s mildew the conditions
Are favorable to it.

The environment is what I look at first.
I just make sure I have a fan blowing
And the Temps stay about 74 f
As of now.
When it gets cooler i back off on water a bit more and keep a tad dry
As cool moist conditions bring issues to.
It’s why I use only one tent and that ones front stays wife open with
A fan blowing into it.

Temps/moisture are imo the key.

One condition is what the mildew needs to live: the host plant is alive. Your collection of old wives tales are not going to help you eradicate an infestation.


Been growing indoors and outdoors 30 years non stop. Some of my outdoor grows due to Mother Nature had the worst conditions ever. Never had powdery mildew in those hostile conditions. Got a clone from a guy that had powdery mildew unknowingly and bam grow became infected. Tried all the wives tales and some held it at bay better than others but never eradicated it. Obviously you want your environmentals to be on point but this won’t cure the pm sulfur will though.


Can anyone recommend a good sprayer that won’t clog up with un dissolved sulfur powder? I’ve tried a few already and I have to filter out most of the dust to get them to work so there’s extra work and wasted sulfur. Also has anyone had any issues with testing high levels of sulfur compounds in the extracts from plants treated with sulfur?


Never spray in bloom!

I have an adjustable nozzle on my sprayer so if it gets clogged I just open it up a bit more and let the clog out. I continually shake the jug as well, to keep the suspension going.


Im starting to learn Birds are a big Spreader of PM.They make nests out of infected material that had a chance to winter the spores and thier feathers are a perfect paintbrush to spread that shit.Sulphered all year up until hairs popped and PM still showed up was like what the fuck.Then i started to see the little sparrows made a nest in the top of my shed where they were flying out over my crops i ripped out the nest after finding little feathers stuck in my buds.I took the nest and put a good uv light on it and wpuldnt you know it lit up like a Christmas tree.The birds got so bad this year Redtailed hawks came in and ate every last one of

those fuckers