Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Just remember, the phosphates in the bird shit glows really bright as well.


No bird poop this was definitely spores you could see the mycelium threads from when i covered the leaf material under the scope.


Around here it’s the road mower. That machine that mows down the bushes on the side of the road. I’ve noticed the thing spread the sweet clover powdery mildew through the entire neighborhood.

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I strain the solution through some cloth, still works great, and no clogs. I make up a concentrate in a big jug, then sit that in the sun for a few days.

I use this stuff… it’s lifetime supply.

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Oh really?
Well I’m not the one with Mold
So your collections of bullshit
Won’t work either

I know you didn’t read the thread. If you had, you would know that information you posted is copy and pasted from google search. Also that information is completely untrue. Good luck with your mildew colony.


Not really on the extermination side of PM but on the preemptive side …

I’m interested in seeing more evidence about this but more associated with insect pressure as opposed to powdery mildew directly. May be a vector, of course. Do you have a handle on research studies available to share? Is there a possibility that insect pressure is reduced while also encouraging PM growth?

@JoeCrowe and folk, what’s the word on encouraging calcium pectate formation?

Side note to the gallery. Please keep the conversation cordial, thank you.


Strong cell walls don’t prevent or eradicate powdery mildew. Even the studies on it show the mildew continues to thrive. That guy keeps coming into people’s threads with no evidence and making claims I know aren’t true.


Cell walls? Referring to the interstitial space and the formation of pectate.

There is a two way street. Flag offensive commentary.


Yah the pectate combined with calcium ions form the cell wall. Not that calcium pectate is PART of the cell wall, but it’s used by the plant to build it up. Mildew puts down it’s hyphae into the stomata of the plant. I’m not sure that has anything to do with interstitial fluids in that case.
I guess he was trying to be offensive, but I realize it’s just a response to cognitive dissonance.


I looked up a couple of references and they do refer to the cell walls simply as pectate. My bad.

Conversely, the interstitial space was being referred to as pectin. I believe those references are primarily trying to differentiate the soluble vs insoluble pectins and as a simplification but it’s just my guess.


Harley …? on youtoob touts an amino acid and calcium spray for pm… it doesn’t work either :slight_smile:

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Now we all know that sulpher Kills PM dead in its tracks and has little consequence in Veg other than using too much and burning shit up but even thats hard to do with sulpher.Its the transition into flower that screws us.Soon as all those white hairs pop up we have to back off.Its in this phase of transition we are most vulnerable to molds due to buds getting thicker and heavier and the lack of sulpher to kill new reintroduced spores brought in by Animals or whatnot. @JoeCrowe whats your take on using Hypochlorius acid and a fogger to touch up Flowering plants to kill PM and Botrytis on contact?I used Dr zymes up till day of harvest and it destroyed the PM and haulted the bud rot and arrested it to the point it was brown spots that died right there and never spread was very easy to remove and clean up.Ran buds under uv light and everything was clean Have you used any Hypo under a scope yet to see what it does to mold yet?


Curious what @JoeCrowe has to say about that. For me, a thorough sulfuring in veg has lasted til harvest. No need to spray buds :slight_smile:

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I haven’t tried the hypochlorous acid, I forgot to get some from the drug store when I was getting vaccinated. I suspect it’s like the cleaning vinegar though. Did some actual damage to the colony, but didn’t nuke it.

No. Research papers, been awhile. I might go sniffing around again though.

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Just finished reading the whole thread.
It has been a treat.

Thanks a lot Joe!


I made it 8 weeks after a sulfer treatment until I saw PM appear

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Ive been having PM issues for months. Given the grow room about a month empty, cleaned with no plants, im about to start again. What can i spray/ use as Preventive maintenance from seedling on? Ive read here that sulfur is no good as preventative. can someone please clarify. I need something to protect, so this never has a chance to catch hold. I have Seven dust and H202 ready to go , please advise.


Sure when your plants are in veg spray them twice with a sulfur mix of 1/2-1 tablespoon of elemental sulfur per liter of water. Do it twice, two weeks apart and the mildew will never come back.