Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Sir, thank you, but what can I do as soon as they pop the soil ( preventative), as seedling stage is when PM catches on easiest, and ive had Powdery mildew all summer long, until i took this break. Should I start with H2O2 from seedling until Veg then sulfur? again this is to prevent.


I had to come back here and thank you! After that horrible incident with PM, I can say this run was PM free. Hit them once in veg then 2 weeks later about 7 days after 12/12(no bud formation). Harvested on Monday. Thank you for all your research and information you shared with so many of us! Sulfur will be something that I will never be without!


You could vaporize or spray sulfur around the room before hand. Two sprays or a bunch of vaped pellets works to sterilize the room. Honestly it’s just as easy to spray your plants after they are growing in veg. The mildew harbors on downed bits of plant material, and then re-infests your crop. That means you have those two ways of eliminating it. The plants won’t be injured by the sulfur, unless you have sprayed on an oil based application. That will burn holes in the plants. Never apply sulfur after an oil based spray.
The sulfur mixed with water will literally disintegrate the mildew colony. The crystals left behind will prevent re-infection. Then the life cycle of the parasite will be broken, and you won’t have to worry about spraying anything on the plants after the colony is destroyed.


Now that you’ve slaughtered your first colony, you’ll be a mildew killing machine. It’s a parasite that still strikes fear into people’s bones because it’s very hard to get rid of unless you know the sulfur protocol. Spread the word!


I dont have a vape? 2 sprays ? daily ? where exactly? can you please explain. why cant I sulfur spray right away in the seedling stage? Do you think H202 is useless for PM? Do you mix fresh sulfur/water each time you spray?

Thank you


hydrogen peroxide is useless for it. You don’t need to mix a fresh batch for each spray. Spray the plants all over drench em good. If there are no plants, spray all surfaces that have any plant material on it. One spray then two weeks later another spray. If you are vaping the sulfur you do that once. Warning the vapors get everywhere.


:sunglasses: :metal:


Hay man, you’re making this a lot harder than it is :slight_smile: You said you’ve cleaned the area. If there’s no more infected plant matter, no pm. So then your seedlings won’t be getting pm. Early veggers are the easiest to treat.

Sounds like you are inadvertently bringing it in somehow. So, like Joe’s saying, wait til they are veggers, around 6 nodes, then spray, or dip, them in a sulfur solution. 1TBS/liter. Saturate them. Do that again 2 weeks later, and you will have eliminated pm… as long as you don’t bring in any more infected material.

It’s really easy. Got rid of pm I’d been fighting/preventing for two years, in two weeks.

Just be aware of the oil warning Joe gave ya, and you can’t hurt 'em.

Good luck, not that you’ll need it :slight_smile:


Thanks for the Reply, I was wondering about preventive measures since Ive had one after another infection for a while now. Yes, the room has been plant free for a month. I figured Id start to spray early since I swear they all caught it in seedling stage.


I’ve never had pm on seedlings, at least that I’ve ever seen… and I’ve had plenty of pm. When I’ve noticed it on toddlers, I was able to wipe it off enough so it didn’t cause any damage.

I would wait until they were at least 6 or so nodes before I used a sulfur spray, but that’s just me.

The sulfur is an eradicator, not merely a preventative. When it’s gone, it’s gone… I haven’t seen any for 637 days, but who’s counting :slight_smile:


20 ml neem
1teaspoon Maxicrop (kelp)
60 ml 3%hydrogen peroxide
5 ml surfactant. Your choice I use dr bronners eucalyptus.
1 gallon RO water.
This is a good foliar for basic plant health and preventative for bugs and what not but will not eradicate mildew like sulfur does. I have used this formula for over 20 years with no issues at all. I got pm from taking in an infected clone a few years back. Sprayed twice with sulfur and haven’t seen that crap since.


Hey @JoeCrowe, forgive me if this question has already come up, but is it possible that applying sulfur into your watering regimen will do any good against any pests or PM? I was thinking of adding some just to maybe affect the terpenes and it made me wonder.

These are all in flower and I’m using Lost Coast PT to spray for a few thrips and aphids that snuck in during transition from outdoors to indoors. I was just wondering if the sulfur could also be affective from within? :v:


It’s partially effective because the plant will use the sulfur in it’s immune response to the mildew attack. Won’t eradicate it though, unfortunately. On the other hand like you said, sulfur is really good for the plants stink levels :smiley:


Ive tried what Joe said to the letter, to be clear I haven’t been able to grow healthy plants all year, i think its being brought in from the rainwater collected from the roof/gutter. I tried adding bleach to the water. didnt work. Every single plant is green yet weak bendy, i always see the white powder start almost immediately. Ive given time inbetween grows. My next thing is to buy distilled water , start new plants and see if it works. Can rainwater water hold spores? This is next lvl bad compared to ALL ive read here, all year long guys! Nightmare!


Whats tour growing environment like?You having a bunch of rain up where your at? Is it rampant humid in the area your trying to grow?Sounds like you have a few stubborn spores lingering around or your bringing it in some how PM doesnt just spontaneously appear from the aether its being reintroduced some how.For my outdoor this year i learned it was from Birds making nests out of infested plant material and spreading it like a pollen brush with it stucking to thier feathers as they ate the Japanese beetles off my plants.Was greatful for them eating the bugs not so grateful for the PM.Now i dont get it in my indoor anymore with the sulpher sprays i dont bring in anything from outside anymore You always get PM or bugs that way.My tent is periodically sterilized with an Ozone generator every two weeks during my indoor grows and i wipe the tent down touch every surface with my disinfectant wipes frequently through out the grow not just after i finish up a run.I dont even go near my plants with dirty clothes that have been outside im at my tent right after a shower and clean clothes.An ozone generator might help you out.Mine does air and it ozones water too i use it to break up the chlorine in my water i keep in my 55 gallon storage drum with an air bubbler to keep it clean.Ozone can kill you if your not careful so just a heads up This is the same one i have been using it for a year and it works flawless.Thier on sale for like 100$ now


Do you have a photo of it?

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@Punch J personally would quit using rain water and use tap water. No need whatsoever to use distilled water. I use my well water and plants do just fine. If your in city water, let it sit for a day or so, or throw an airstone in the bucket to process the BS the city throws in it. If your spraying with sulphur and your still getting what you think is PM, then take the outside water out of the equation. Also, are you running a humidifier??? The old one that I used with my well water would leave calcium stains from the mist that you could swear was PM, but wasn’t.


Hey Ya GMan!!,
I have use garlic bulbs for a Sulpher boost, and many bugs do not like it either.
Lots of goodies for our fav,s are in them.

How much sulphur is in garlic?
In the dry substance of garlic there is about 4000 mg/kg of potassium (48,1% from mass of all elements contained in cloves), about 1500 mg/kg of phosphorus (18,3%), about 1400 mg/kg of sulphur (17,2%), almost 900 mgs/of kg of calcium (10,7%), about 300 mg/kg of magnesium (3,6%), about 100 mg/of kg of natrium (1,3%), 20 …
Now that I have a bag of PM killing Sulphur, I’ll figure out what a wee bump does for my plants.


I am growing out of a small closet. its not humid. I been keeping the humidifier low all year, even though its not perfect VPD.

Im using R.O next time since im just growing 2 3 gal plants and its coco. If it keeps happening im cursed and i quit.

I pulled both plants today. I want the coco to dry, then ill douse it with water and h2o2.

How long till I dont have to worry about old spores in the coco and room, in order to restart?

Thank you

Prob asked already and I’m too blitzed to see. how’s your air movement. inside and exchange? humidifier on low nets what rh in the area? my winters are low rh, ike 35-40 en and I don’t supplement for the veg tent and haven’t personally seen a diff. big ass fan leaves, I’m sure grows slower too.

I got PM before and all I did was foliar spray a few weeks and then bleach the inside of the tent. never came back. I did move to 3x 6" fans inside the tent and have my 100cfm inline on full send sucking out air.