Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

2 fans for a small closet. This has not gone away in a year, I think its the water somehow, its too drastic, and even if I doused 1st with h2o2 and then, i found here, and did sulfur, the plants can be green and still always get the LIMP sick look, that were all used to already. This is out of control im ready to give up if its not this. No more rain water.


I had much success with Murphy’s fresh aloe gel and baking soda. 1 stick of aloe juiced(infilet with knife then pulp in blender. 1 qt water. 1 tsp baking soda, like 1/8th tsp Murphy’s.

do you have ventilation removing air from the closet and placing new air inside? and you have the fans blowing I’m assuming the plants are moving in the wind? I’m no expert and I only had to fight it twice now 2bd time I saw 2 spots and shot with they foliar twice in one week. haven’t sprayed in months.

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and definitely don’t give up! my first grow was pathetic and my second grow barely better and my third grow I got powdery mildew really bad. but like I said I’m not an expert I do feel that the plant’s health plays a role in its spreading but the environment is a factor

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hey just so you know there is one single environmental factor mildew needs: your plant is alive.
baking soda and aloe won’t work.
@Punch, do you have a photo you can show?


Or one could also pick a cultivar that eats mold and craps thunder.I have to Highly recommend @JohnnyPotseed Frankenstein She doesn’t get PM and has no real issues with Botrytis.I had her laying in PM and she never got so much as a speck of Mold not one.Now im going to take a

Rip of some of my hash balls off of Frankie….Mmmmmmm


My conditions were fine with good ventilation but I had pm. Spraying sulphur was all it took to get rid of it


For powdery mildew problem solving, I’ll definitely require positive identification. @Sdd420 had a classic case. I’ve never seen it survive!


Joe I dont have photos, the plants were covered in sulfur spray so it would be tough to clearly see much anyway. I pulled them yesterday since they are weak, very LIMP, same half deformed leaves and all around pathetic for great genetics, Before this started ive been doing fine since im using jacks, vpd is on point etc etc. from seedling every single plant this year has been limp yet green. All plants show powder in seedling. I understand you may not believe this mold issue is what it is, i cant believe it. Any good theories, would be gladly considered.

questions i have are: How long do i have to wait for these spores to die to restart? can i reuse the coco?
I will be using RO water this time, not rainwater.


You don’t have to wait, the sulfur will eradicate everything. The fact that you say it came back afterwards means it’s not mildew but probably something else. Penicillium? Water scale? Who knows. At this point I’d get more info from staring at a wall.


Thanks Joe, no questions for now i read the 930 comments. I Appreciate you man.


I’m watching a video on YT from a “powdery mildew” expert. So far, it’s total hog shit.


OMG that’s it. That guy has zero credibility. Can’t watch that trainwreck any more.


if sulfur isnt working and youre sure youre not bringing it into the tent/room then maybe temps are too high during the first 24hr from application? i read something about needing somewhat mild temps, but it did work in at least 85F for me outdoors. youd know if it was heating up though because the smell turns into a sort of burnt rubber.


Ahh sorry about last month peoples. I swear to fuck I had just got my dog euthanized and tossed her carcass in a shallow ditch I dug with the backhoe. Then I came in here and read some crap and it got me pissed off. mmm Life.

Can’t like that one! Wishing you a happy new year. I’m sorry for your loss. Thanks for all your help and information last year, it really helped. everyone just needs to read this and follow instructions, it WORKS!!!


lol! Yah I wasn’t going to bother making that post, but I think I was fairly abrasive to @Punch because that was like 5min afterwards. My mind was just like ffuuuuucuccck read 1000 god damned posts like I give a shit about your problems.
I’m going to be enacting the sulfur protocol again this year in the green house! The uhh… calla lillies really infested that place with mildew. Ohhh yet again! Joygasm! Wal mart specials for 9.95 complete with parasites. Ah humans. I’m going to plant all the plants, and then spray the ones that can be infected with sulfur just like it was a grow room. The colony will be murdered. I will rejoice! Total cost probably 20 cents?


I changed the water for the next grow, 100% RO water. im 3 weeks out no PM, however I just noticed that one plant is turning limp and its leaves are starting to do the common flip from the gentle breeze from the fans, the other ones is beautiful yet going the same way, limper every day.
Joe, I dont come here to discuss my feelings or problems, and I did read the older posts, and I can tell you of someone that does seem to have emotional problems on this tread… If i piss you off, simply ignore me JOE or PM me and we can talk that shi out like men, instead of whining here like you’re being asked for a blood donation from your 1stborn son.
Anyway my issue has been around for a year now, I dont even think its PM. I have no clue, im wondering about spores. should I simply stop growing for a period? The only thing I haven’t changed at this point is the Coco. and I let it dry out totally in between grows… I dont know WTF I have going on here, but its nasty! its not even manifesting as PM this time, but the plants just ALWAYS turn into rubberbandy crap, I could shoot pics and youd say they look great because im feeding Jacks/ RO water the plants would seem great, but in person its noticeable. Plants always turn flimsy/ yet they are green and I know im feeding them perfectly. I need some help with this one, if anyone has an idea what I am dealing with.


The possibilities are: light, nutrient, water.


Thanks for the love, everyone! Powdery mildew is on the ropes. Toss a little sulfur powder in his eye and go for the left hook, lol! Mildew will be in the fetal position in the corner begging for mercy!


Thank you for the insight and advice. I am/was more concerned with PM than mites, thrips and other pestilence here on Big Island. Got me some sulfur to send that PM away wimpering.