Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Thanks. That micronized Sulphur is CHEAP !


I know someone told me they roll into the store and there are 5 different “treatments” each costing like 70$. Sulfur is cheaper than dirt!

24$ worth is probably a lifetime supply :wink:
I swear for every person who reads this, 5 colonies die. It’s hard to get people to believe that it works, sometimes. Or, they don’t know what to get exactly? Just powdered sulfur! Doesn’t matter what kind. Single ingredient: sulfur.


If those clowns haven’t figured it out yet by reading, and seeing your videos 1st hand that sulphur assassinates PM on contact, let them chase their tales and spend $1k every year on stuff that just masks it and doesn’t kill it.
I for one have seen the proof, especially in the swamp. I sprayed early in the spring around the surrounding area, and lo and behold, not a single spot of PM appeared last year.
I spent a total of $18, sprayed once, gone.
Guys at work were throwing money away like it grew on trees on damn near everything under the sun, except sulphur, and they never did get rid of it.
Thanks @JoeCrowe once again for showing me the way to TRUE PM eradication!!!


I managed to produre a 1# container of pure sulfur at my local grow shop At my age I will am certain to be leaving this as part of the trust. :slight_smile:


This thread is great! Going with it. I have a couple questions that are probably in here, but can’t find them. I am considering also doing an initial sulphur burn to get nooks that I can’t with spraying (quite a few). and before I disturb dust.

I read that sulphur can damage electrics. Should I bad all of the LED’s and equipment before burning and spraying?

If so, how do I then clean the equipment before setting up again?

Everything is going into a new environment.

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Take plants and spray them outside your tent unless you have want to be cleaning sulpher residue off your tent walls dim the lights as far as they will go until its almost off.Put plants back in and leave in tent and dont turn lights back up until plants dry off and all you see is that thin yellow white residue on leaves.


I would recommend against a burn because it gets everywhere. The mildew is actually just on your plants. So yah, anything in the room if you are vaping sulfur will get some sulfur on it. Rumors are it’s not good for electronics if the vapors get on there. Never tried it personally!


In 30 yrs I never encountered it. About 10 years in the current environment. It has been packed with a flow of 100’s plants for years continually. Basically it is ideal for PM, but it was never introduced till I took in a cut about 4 weeks ago.

I noticed a spot this size on one leaf of about half of the plants with 2 weeks to finish. I chopped and bagged all 3 tents without a hesitation and am rebuilding a new room in another location. Basically I am willing to take the most extreme measures to eliminate PM spores on the plants or in the environment completely

I rely on a relatively small space to flow around 1000 plants per year for hunts. It is probably ideal for pathogens and or virus’s to do this so I depend on not introducing anything.

It sounds like many people are caught in a perpetual cycle of maintaining environments and treatments that seem to have pm present. I want to eliminate it entirely to return to my process and just not reintroduce the pm…


If I am understanding correctly there is no concern about spores in the room, tents, equipment etc. Treating the plants alone will eliminate PM and there is no residual spores so I can then return to my process and it will be fine?

Right now all the keepers clones are in domes. I sure don’t want to play the PM Maintenance game.


I’ve had many baddies in my garden like spider mites, scale insects, thrips, HpLVd, and botrytis, but have never experienced powdery mildew.

I guess I have been lucky?

Is the powdery mildew that affects cannabis universally the same strain?
Outdoors I get powdery mildew on my zucchini leaves and the wild roses seem to suffer from it.


I have been thinking about that too. The cut was from Washington and I am sure that is a pathogen capital. This was aggressive for sure.

Another indoor product recommend was this Procure G

Prokure G 25G - Fast Release - Cultivator LINE https://a.co/d/4iQ8IjJ

I ordered the wettable sulphur too. I don’t mind spraying down everything. I threw away 5 lbs of haze without even thinking about it .

I just don’t want to halfway commit and do this over. @JoeCrowe thank you for this thread. If I understand right there is no solution you would recommend or need to clean equipment and surfaces? Just the wettable sulphur on the plants?


That’s right just spray the plants twice in veg two weeks apart and that shit is history. You won’t have to do it over again unless you bring in more infected plant material. That’s really how it spreads. It’s definitely NOT EVERYWHERE like people try to claim. It overwinters on downed plant material from the host. The mildew on cannabis is highly host specific.
It’s not on your clothes or shoes either. :slight_smile:


The same sulfur protocol for cannabis works on the roses and zucchinis as well.


ProKure G looks like bleach to me, I’m not sure it’s effective against mildew, considering actually 10% bleach didn’t touch it.


If your in flower Dr Zymes clears that shit right up its safe to spray on flower just take the plant out dim the lights and make sure shes dry when you put her back in.Zymes will arrest that shit even works on bud rot.Had the worst outdoor pm year with the Canadian wildfires the whole summer was a brown dookie haze that smelled like the Iraq burn pits.Low light conditions a lot.Found out Birds transmit PM through using infected nest material had to keep spraying until 3 days till I harvested.Bud was clean and unharmed


This place is like calm camp :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

That Dr zymes knocked down mites for me…pm too. Sounds like a great one for this too!

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DR zymes won’t finish it off though, so make sure you sterilize your plants with sulfur.


Cant spray sulpher in flower Zymes will knock it down so you can harvest


heh heh you know my advice… Cut the whole mess of contaminated shit down and toss it in the trash. Sterilize the clones and keep truckin’.


I listened to the pro @JoeCrowe ! Spray living plants twice 2 weeks apart, gone for good. 3rd harvest in the bag. Thank you Joe!!! The Sulphur does get everywhere and I took the plants out and sprayed then in the bath tub(can still see sulphur on the bathroom roof). Be aware it ate away at the tub drain so I wouldn’t recommend doing a Sulphur burn around anything you cant wash!