Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

That should be easy to avoid as I do not have a perpetual grow. I just harvested three plants that I started from seed in January.No problems there. Obtained four clones from two different sources and I’m starting to see similar problems across the board right now. Maybe one contaminated the rest. Ugghh


yep, excellent advice and ideas! Make sure you have all plants in veg at the same time and do the sulfur treatment. Never spray on blooming plants, they are ruined. The buds will taste like sulfur, or gun powder if you prefer. Once you have eradicated the mildew colony, make sure any incoming plant material is treated for mildew. For sure contact the person you got the clone from and tell them to get rid of the mildew. It definitely infested your entire crop, as it can spread from .5 to 6 meters.


Would I need to clean these areas with bleach as well?


Oh, I forgot the warning too. After you get rid of the mildew and then try to tell other people how you did it, they will call you all sorts of names. Not sure as to the cause of it, but lots of people go mental when you tell them you can get rid of it.

Bleach is completely ineffective against mildew, but you only have to treat the plants. That’s where it lives, and nowhere else. Definitely not on your shoes or in the ventilation system.
I encourage deep cleaning your grow just to keep the dirt and grime out. Mildew is a different beast.


I do keep my grow areas, pretty clean, so I’m not worried about that. If all I have to do is dispose of the plants to eliminate the problem, that can be done. I haven’t had much luck with my clones. Good thing I’ve got plenty of beans.


Just make sure to finish off the mildew. Even if you clean up it can come back because it lurks on bits of downed plant material.


I plan on using beneficial mites in flower.
Is spraying sulfur in veg going to kill those Californiacus mites used during flowering?
I have cleaned the tent with chlorinated spray and rinsed it all down with h2o2, is that enough?

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I’ve never seen sulfur KILL a bug before, and I’ve tried it on quite a few of them. They claim it can be used against russet mites, but I’m skeptical. If your clean routine managed to clean up every little bit of crud, then you could break the cycle. From my experience, it’s really hard to get rid of it with a good cleaning, even if that’s bleach or hydrogen peroxide. I went into the greenhouse and sprayed bleach until my eyes got red, but that didn’t do squat. Spraying the greenhouse with sulfur water finished it off in one go. I always recommend two, though :slight_smile:


So both greenhouse and plants W/sulfur?
That is easy, thanks.


Yep same protocol for each one. If the plants were grown outside, I would recommend a good spraying around the area they grew, as well. It can spread a bit, but not infinite distances. Then you can plant clean seedlings or clean clones and the mildew won’t re-emerge because it’s been killed off already. That way you don’t even have to bother spraying plants.


yah three different things and two different options for treatment.
Indoor: spray the plants twice classic sulfur protocol…or spray the room if there are no plants and sprout seeds.
Greenhouse: same as indoors.
Outdoor: spray an area around where the plants grew. plant clean plants. Or spray the plants themselves.
hmmm… you know what? The treatment is roughly the same, no matter your location! As long as it’s only weed. Things get more complex if the colony is harboring on a perennial plant rhizome.


Sulfur has been ordered, thanks.


Based on your info, SEEING it KILL PM first hand in your microscope videos, I took the plunge and your advice and sprayed 20ft around the swamp boxes last year. Not a single spec of PM appeared. Yup, folks talk all kinds of trash, but let them do them and spend tons of cash on band-aid products that will not kill it, I’ll keep using what you suggested, and eradicate it, not keep it at bay for a few days.
1st hand experience showed me that you were CORRECT on how to eradicate it, and TRULY appreciate what you suggested I do to make it go away with no worries.


Thanks for the props! I’ve soundly defeated the ucdavis agriculture phds. Told me that shit wasn’t possible.


If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible, he is almost certainly right; but if he says that it is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
Arthur C Clarke.


Just coming back to this thread from quite awhile ago.
I grow cukes in plastic drums. No weeding, no watering. Fill drum with 40gal of water and fertilizer, pick cukes all summer.
Every year they get PM around mid August.
So your saying I should spray the barrels now, before setting them up for the plants?


Yep and spray around where the barrels are, as well. You just have to get some sulfur on any bits of plant that are laying around from last year. The spread pattern is more than .5 meters, but less than 6 meters.


I just ordered the Bionide Micronized Sulfur from Amazon.
Certified Organic, safe to use up until day of harvest :slight_smile:


The sulfur is non toxic to humans. I make sure to wipe the mildew out before the veggies start to form, though. I’ve never tried to eat the sulfur, but it probably doesn’t taste yummy, lol!


Wondering what protocol for rinsing? I left the residue on some a couple weeks ago and now I’m thinking i should have rinsed to keep from killing leaves.