Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite

Don’t rinse it off, but also don’t spray it on a plant you sprayed an oil based substance on. The plants like the sulfur bath, it makes them vigorous.


OK Peoples! This mildew eradication is going to be… epic? See here’s the thing. “Someone” took mildew colony plants that had been in the greenhouse and moved them into the greenhouse again and then into the garden in different areas. Now, that’s a real problem. The colony is probably spreading to new areas as we speak! ooooooo! Here’s the thing: Nobody follows the rules.
Do you see how mildew can’t be eradicated? Stop spreading the shit around!!!
OK OK, now for the eradication scheme. Spray each plant with sulfur and don’t be stingy! Both inside and outside the greenhouse, I will spray the plants I know the mildew can infest. I will spray around the area as well, for the outdoor lilies. I will spray the following plants: cucumbers, squash, lilies. Probably 40 plants in total, so it’ll be genocide. Do it again later, to make sure it’s dead. hmmm what was the mix again? tablespoon per liter or half of that? Can Do, I got a lifetime supply.


Have you tried infecting pot plants with the colony plants? Be great to see who does what! And, don’t forget to spray zinnias, bee balm, and verbenas. I haven’t seen any pm in our areas that were infected last year :slight_smile:

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That mildew species won’t infest cannabis, that’s for sure! I grew perfectly fine plants last year in the midst of a complete outbreak in the greenhouse.

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I’m late to the party and new to the forums, but I nod at the fact that everyone is copy-pasta-ing PM eradication techniques as if it applies to cannabis unknowingly.

Let me start by saying I’ve been growing outdoor for 21 years now, and I have only had 1 cannabis PM outbreak. However, I migrated to a serious indoor attempt a little more than two years ago, and, it wasn’t until 6 months ago that I was able to combat the unfun fungus.

I grow in a clean environment, always from seed, with a custom temperature and humidity controller I designed and programmed, along with plenty of airflow and air exchange. The PM kept coming, and always late in veg or early flower.

I did find that the sulfur treatment worked reliably, but I still wasn’t satisfied, because well, I like to be safer than sorry now, wasting 2 years of time, money, and energy on failed crops, and therefor, I wanted an IPM that could be sprayed religiously even during flower just to ease my mind.

I now concoct my own solution of 40mL per gallon of fermented citrus. I found that approaching 60mL can lightly burn plants, and higher is disastrous, which is why I settled on 40. Ever since I have been doing this, I have seen no infestations, even under a microscope. The best part is, this hasn’t shown any negative effects on biomass production rate, and, according to my blind testing, does not affect the taste of the buds in any way, and can be sprayed up to the day of harvest with my misting gun.

Now, everyone is probably thinking I might be absolutely crazy for doing this, rather than trying to find the source, but, do you blame me after failing to find the source for nearly two years? After all, spores are everywhere. I have never brought outdoor plants indoor, not even to dry, and, I live in a temperate climate where I don’t even leave my house to be around outdoor plants 8 months of the year.

Go ahead and call me crazy, but this is what I do, after so much frustration in my serious indoor journey over the last 2 or so years.


I really hope you’re satisfied,
I just came back to say goodbye!!!
- colin james
I dosed everything on the face of the earth, lol! I sprayed in the greenhouse, and I sprayed in the garden. Took a long time to locate all the colony plants which were calla lilies. They were here there and everywhere a real nightmare fuel. I stink like sulfur now, it’s the smell of love. I’ll do it again in two weeks to make sure it’s fuuucked.


The source was this: plant material.
It’s dead now, and you can relax. I DO understand the feeling you get after having it for years. It’s like a PTSD where the shit is fucking everywhere. Reality is, the mildew isn’t everywhere, but specifically on plant material. Downed leaves, bits of debris. On top of that, it’s host specific, so it’s not infesting any other plants.
I got rid of the mildew in my grow 20 years ago, and it never came back despite me doing absolutely nothing to prevent it. The secret is never bring outside plant material into your grow.


Dang, I haven’t ever seen any on ours. They’re spotted calla lillies, what do you have Joe? I’m gonna hit them anyway lol!

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I think they are Zantedeschia albomaculata and Zantedeschia rehmannii from wal mart. They came infested last year spreading the colony. I had gone a record 3 years without an infestation!

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So I went crazy and sprayed everything. Including things that I didn’t have to, just to show that the sulfur won’t hurt anything. I’ve read online this plant or that plant it’ll kill the leaves. Someone’s wife told me that too. All bullshit. I repeat, the truth is it’s completely harmless. To you, and plants. and your dog and baby. hah hah don’t drink it or spray it in your eyes.



calla lilies



more weed

and more weed

derrrr… uhhh zinnias


weed and squash. WOAH!!!


orchids are almost ready to bloom! Excitement!


The plants I sprayed seem to like it. There were definitely no consequences to spraying all those different plants in the day time at 25C.


Have you tried it on hollyhock rust? Just read it might help, I’m going to give it a shot :slight_smile:

What kind of orchid? Is it in the ground?

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Cypripedium aka slipper orchid! They started growing a decade ago where the garden used to be. I just go over there to enjoy the scenery heh heh! It was deer haven. Too far from the house! Anyways, there are probably 20-30 of them. I don’t think I’ve seen rust on the hollyhock out here. We have loads of the plants, though. I sprayed a random patch of weeds outside the greenhouse to see what the sulfur did to random weeds. I sprayed the plantain weeds, because they get mildew as well. Just a small patch. I wonder if the sulfur crystals can prevent infection on plants around an active infection.


Do i can use normal sulfur like 1kg Schwefel Schwefelpulver Anorganisch 99,9% Sulfur fein gemahlen 1 kg | eBay

Or do i need an net sulfur product?

Greetings from germany


That will work for sure, it’s above 90% so it’s really deadly to mildew. A kilo will last a while!


Thank you… Saved a lot of money… The net products have like an kilo price of 130 €


Well! The fucking host plants have moved again! Man, it’s like someone is trying really hard to keep the mildew around. I didn’t even get to complete the cycle and the calla lilies are already moved to some place else. So now we’re looking at a 50/50 chance of spreading the mildew to another host. Oh well I suppose I have lots of sulfur. And buying more is cheap! It’s like… next level frustration though right? I’m trying to contain a biohazard scene and people just keep wandering off with pieces from it. I’ll have to upgrade to a fogger and attack the entire garden. That’s basically my area of contamination.


Stupid question but is 2 in two weeks enough is not an like 3 times every 3 days betters.
Kill em all :skull_and_crossbones:


It takes about an hour to spray all the plants, and 4 tablespoons of sulfur powder. While spraying them MORE times won’t hurt, it’s also more than is required to kill it. 2 sprays finishes it’s ass off.