Powie Wowie - New Strain that rocks. Need testers.

Thanks! It is so fun! I wish AZ would allow me to have more than 12 at a time. I’d go nuts!


I can confirm this works, I’ve also had luck beheading the males in front of the others, I reckon I get a few % more gals this way :joy::joy:


Glad I’m not the only one. :grinning:


Ok, I have 4 - Powie Pink 2.0 showing face!! The other 3 seeds were crushed, during the ride here.
I have 4 starter cups, with Powie Pineapple seeds in them, but 2 have faces showing. I really hope the 2 stragglers will still bless up with showing their faces yet!
Long road trip, and no, we are not there yet! LOL!


Lookin good!

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My package has send back to the sender… My girlfriend didn’t payed the taxes on time, :sob:

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It’s okay, I have a better way I am trying out to send internationally when it is too many seeds for a postcard and puck. if it works you will have a new batch of seeds.
I am sending 2 international packs tomorrow, will take a while to see if it worked, but no problem. I got you.


They are out of the water( that hydrogen peroxide/water mix worked well for me this time). 4 out of 4 showed tails. 2 powie wowie and 2 powie pineapple. I should have gotten a pic of the one that popped out if the seed and was just floating on the water, you can see the empty shell in the pic.( first time seeing that). Lets see who can survive me to make it to veg :laughing:


I got two of them going ever so slowly.

my plants froze next to my window and some powies didnt make it from that.

but two of em are going strong, a little stretched tho from not getting light as soon as they popped

we will see


Happens to the best of us.


I posted this in my thread, but I want others w/these beans from Bobby to see this so re-posting here. If you’ve got these beans - DO NOT WAIT!!! :heart_eyes:

I couldn’t be happier with these right now…unless there were more of 'em! :rofl: Something tells me it won’t be long! I’ll try t drop in from time to time to update. Good luck with these beans guys, get 'em in the soil! Thanks again @BobbyBudz Fantastic beans bro!



1 week later…more copied from my thread…

Powie Wowie’s from @BobbyBudz I’m lovin’ these! Her half-siblings (Powie Poison and Powie Pineapple) are coming along as well. Thank you so much bro!

I’ve pinched about half of these and will let the other half run wild. There are a few more outside in the Lemon Grove as well. If anybody got these as testers from Bobby, I’d recommend soakin’ 'em soon! You’ll be glad you did!



I harvested my powies, so much Powie!


Now that I’m properly stocked up on Powie (all strains) I am playing with some new strains this grow. A bit of everything Iv’e been given or traded for.


Hello dudes :slight_smile: ,

I’m glad to tell you your beans have arrived safe and sound.

I will make them sprout in the next days. I aim to select 6 beans of each. With hope to have enough exemple of phenotypes to show/express.

I will grow the beans left in another session, in a different way probably with improvements we may share altogether here.



Just saw this thread. Very cool! I’m at work now so cant fuck around too much, but def read up on this one later.


Hey BobbyBudz, posting up my test beans. This is my only Powie Pineapple.

The rest are Powie Pink 2.0 plants.

All the best to everyone!


Lil’ update… I have been really enjoying growing out these beans from @BobbyBudz . The initial planting tossed out a couple males early, then half a dozen females declared themselves…and now one more male. I’ve gone heaviest on the Powie Wowie, but there are some Powie Poison and Powie Pineapple comin’ along now.

We are at one of those spots on the globe here where ‘shit just grows weird’! Well, that is if you are like me and abhor the vacuum of having a ‘down’ time! If I’d stick to a ‘normal’ planting schedule everything would probably be closer to ‘normal’. But as it is,my growing is not only for supply of Cancer medicine, the ‘growing’ itself and resulting ‘Will to keep fighting’ is what keeps me going! So, this time of year, from about Oct. all the way until April or so, it’s always like growing auto-flowers…smaller stature, really fast plants that for a long time look to be ‘lacking’ something crucial (generally that’s a “Veg cycle”! :rofl:) and then suddenly just explode w/bud growth. The PW girls appear to be hitting their stretch now and we have the beginnings of budlets showing. (some of these shots are 1-2 weeks ago!)

I’ve been watching for those odd-backwards center blades on the leaves but haven’t seen it yet.

After seeing these girls getting started, I couldn’t help myself! Planted the rest! :rofl:

So, BIG Thanks to @BobbyBudz for turning me on to these! :pray: This all started out as a way for Bobby, a newbie to OG, to put his work in the hands of OG’ers to test out…for FREE! But that seems to have violated the ‘rules’ for a non-sponsor, so things have changed uP. I’m not really sure where it all stands now? I don’t want to violate any OG rules or cause any upset with anybody, but at the same time I gotta tell the other OG’ers, support this guy if you can!

I’ll try to keep dropping a few photos here along the way! (More regular posting at; First Time (growing legal that is)! ) I guess ‘nothing’ is for sure, until it’s been in the Grove Bags, (and one burned!) but I’m sure impressed with these genetics so far! If any of you got testers from Bobby, don’t hesitate to drop them! Think you will be quite happy that you did!



Nice jpb @webeblzr ! Think you will be very happy with what you find. I’m gonna be watchin’ your Powie Pinks - that’s one I didn’t get, but it looks pretty spectacular on the website photos I’ve seen!

I asked Bobby about ‘pinching’ them and his reply was that he doesn’t find it necessary with these strains. I got that message about 2 days AFTER I had pinched out a few, so we’ll get some side-by-side comparison!

Best of luck to you and your ladies! Looking forward to watching them progress.



Hey Tlander, I’m pretty sure we are fine posting up his work.
The powers that be, just wanted their taste, I, myself see nothing wrong with that.
I also saw bobby’s side also being a smaller sized player.
I enjoy testing myself. I had not fallen down the haze well, when I saw his offering for tester.
All the best to your run!!