Powie Wowie - New Strain that rocks. Need testers.

Absolutely, shoot your address to bobby@bobbybudz.com
I’ll shoot you some beans!


@BobbyBudz If your still sending them out, I’d love to try the powie pineapple. if give the chance I can pop 2 in january and more later when I have space.

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Sure, Shoot your address via the app, or by emailing me at bobby@bobbybudz.com

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Also love to try some Pineapple express if you send to Europe…

send your address via the app, or email to bobby@bobbybudz.com


I got the seeds!! thank you :point_up::metal::pray:


Awesome! Happy growing!

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Hey BobbyBudz, Thank you for the cool contents in the envelope!
Outer appearance of the envelope is showing some tattoos of being caught, in a sorting machine, a few beans crumbled, most just fine. Please that is not a dig, just for knowledge base building. I’ve seen FAR worse arrive, LOL!
Are you going to start separate thread for the grow show, of these?
Or should we just post in here?
My count down has started for my next cycle, and these are in it.
Couple days or so.
All the best, webe


A few of the recipients had the same roller issue.
I bought some coin cases for the next round.
If you could post here that would be fine. I will be pulling info down daily from here once things get interesting.
I’m glad some made it and am happy to send you more if they were internally damaged. :slight_smile:


Oh heck no, plenty are just fine man!! Thank you again for the trust offered to me, us, LOL!


WOWWIE!!! Just when I thought I when I thought was almost caught up!!! :rofl:

Landed safely!! BIG THANKS!!! @BobbyBudz :pray: :pray: :pray:



@BobbyBudz First 12 Powie Wowie are soakin’ bro! Thanks again! Moved a dozen DJ Short 90’s Blueberrys outta the E&F tables to make some room for all these goodies you sent! I may stagger-plant the rest of these batches to give me a little breathing room. But Damn you sure made it hard to pick what to start with! :rofl: Those coin-flips were “Classy”, quite a bit thicker than the pucks I’m used to, but yours were really high-quality ones, fairly easy to open without showering beans everywhere and the pre-cut foam inserts are great for giving you a range of sizes. And as long as they made it through, I think they are great!

I’ll keep you updated as I/they/we progress! :crazy_face:



For folks starting to grow these strains, I just finished a grow and a few interesting things to note.
One is that every 2-3 plants provide one with this weird trait of backward leaf finger (that I am going to try to double down on, so more % have that).


For specs on this grow

Here are shots of each of them:


Those are lookin’ gorgeous! Love the grow chart too!
The show is on-the-road, all the way over in SE Asa now!
Lookin’ good so far. I believe I can see about 8 tails out of 12 now. (Edit; 10 of 12 at plug planting).

Thanks again bro! :pray: The others strains will follow!


I also got the Powie Pink 2.0 and Powie Pineapple seeds that made the trip whole, soaked over night.
Then yesterday, folded them into paper towels.
This am, I’m wanting to add some starter mix to them in 4" nursery pots.
Well hell, my pics from late last night just suck, the 3 strains I started, looks like crap.
I’ll come back with some pics.
But we have started also!!


Apologies, I’m just pasting from my own thread, but others here are interested and probably won’t see it there, so…

Well, starting off with a continuous BIG BANG are @BobbyBudz 's beans! This is my third set to go in the soaks since bean-arrival (he DID say to 'please plant ‘em soon’!) and germination times and rates are all absolutely fantastic so far!

Started out w/the Powie Wowie popped 10 of 12, I believe, overnight and there are now 8 of 12 standing up in the plug trays, with 3 more above ground, but still helmeted. (Seems I either didn’t ‘take’ pictures of these, or couldn’t upload 'em? (…or…of course, I could just be stoned!).

Then came these, the Powie Poison. I dropped 10 in to soak and by morning (9 hr. later) I counted 9 tails/cracks. Now despite recommendations, I’ve been using @Budderton ‘s (and others’) ‘very hot water and aloe’ trick for my initial soaks, and after really good results I’m stickin’ to it!

The latest batch are the Powie Pineapple,. 10 beans in soak, these a little longer as I’ve been busy…so about 10 hours. Now 2 of them have sunk to the bottom and I can’t see them, but with some creative side-lighting you can see that all 8 others have tails!

So, from a “germination quality” perspective, I’d say BobbyBudz Beans couldn’t be much better!

Now let’s just see if I can keep ‘em happy without fup’in’ 'em uP! :upside_down_face: Thank you Bobby for the opportunity to try these out over here! :pray: Good luck to all you other testers, pop these babies, I got a feeling you’ll be happy you did!



Following along! You guys are having fun in here. Super eager to see what’s coming out of here. Enjoy your work @BobbyBudz :purple_heart::metal:t2:


If you’re looking to use pucks for shipping shoot me a pm.


The girls look happy! I tell mine every day they are growing, “I love all you girls, but if you decide to become a male, I will have no choice but to kill you, for the sake of your sisters. So, make good choices”
I’m not saying it’s why, but I always get a higher ratio of females, just sayin. :slight_smile:
The powies always give me 70% girls if I don’t stress 'em out and just let them grow.

I am interested to see if that is only in a garage, or if others have the same experience. (without the prayer).