Pre-98 BUBBA and my search for youth

No. It was at China Lake Naval Weapons Center… 120 miles east of Bakersfield.

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Peace All, yeah @Heritagefarms I have been telling ppl about that for years and no1 has heard of it but that’s what we called it “red hair sess”. I even looked around for beans of it. No1 even heard of red hairs in the end product be4. Thought I was the last person to remember Need to find that and grow that. It was str8 gas when we were kids.
Be safe :v:t5: :call_me_hand:t5:


Oh yes I remember , thick dark burnt red hairs that curled around the nugs.
I have old seeds tucked away but doubt they would sprout, you never know though I’ve germinated 15 year old seeds that were stored wrong before.
I have some Cali connection beans going atm but after those I will probably try to grow the red hair beans out.


That pic comes from Dank.Frank

This is the original bubba kush clone i have


I have Katsu pre 98 Bubba fixing to pop next run


Please do those are 100% legit, I’m a big fan of Katsu in fact have been for many years.


Will be making some crosses with pre98 bubba to trade and give away
I hit a branch with my Afghan male I have been using from the real seed company
I have some sts will make some s1 and crosses into so Og’s mostly the chems down the road my health is not good right now so I’m little slow


Hope you get to feeling better, plants look very healthy. Those crosses sound pretty good will be looking forward to maybe getting some of that :fire:


I am also keen to see those katsu beans run :slight_smile: I will keep an eye out!


I missed the katsu S1 drop but I did grab a 6 pack with 3 freebie beans of his Schromba s1(schrom x p98 bubba). I dropped one seed a few weeks ago and it’s progressing nicely as a young seedling. Also dropped my last 2 Verdant Green p98 bubba s1 … only 1 made it and it’s slow and runty but it’s growing.
I’m eager to see how the schromba turns out though. For a bubba cross… I have heard only good things


Does anyone know what ACE used for their Bubba hash …I ran some and loved a cbd pheno that found. I need to run it again.

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Garden looking solid!!
Hope your health rebounds quickly! :pray:🫂

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She’s finishing up


I don’t know how this thread has evolved or what direction it might have taken, as the title is what made me look, and I only read the first few posts. But I just wanted to mention that Dinafem has a “bubba kush” that they describe with a mention of “pre '98 bubba kush” lineage of at least some degree, I think. Hemp Depot had a buy 1 get 1 free on Dinafem stuff just recently (and runs until all stock is gone, which might be now, I haven’t checked, sorry.).

Upon looking into some Dinafem varieties for info, I found out why the sale was happening. Apparently their parent company or something, “Lamota”, was raided and they’re being put through a bunch of legal threats and other bs by the gov. in their area in order to destroy them (why else?). So all of their…subsidiary companies/breeders/seed brands and those strains will be “no more”, at least they won’t be being produced any more.
If I got some of that wrong, feel free to correct me or fill me in.

Ok bye.


That was a couple years ago I think. A bunch of Spain seed banks and their grow facilities got raided. HSO was another caught up in that. They disappeared for a minute but are back at it again.

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Let’s chat seeds!!

Any chance you send that Bubba clone to someone in need?

Here’s my Bubba Kush at the start of week 7. She’s a stinker! Really excited to try this, I don’t think I’ve ever had a proper Bubba Kush.

Have a great day all!


This is the pre 98 BK? Where you got it from?

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