Project 33 Test run

Hey hope you don’t mind ima gonna sit right in the middle here and spark a big doobie​:dash::dash::dash::dash:
and watching this :sunglasses: your Killin it dude! :dash::dash::sunglasses::v::canada:


Pull up maybe one of these will be banging


They are all standing now. Let’s see if they all make it. They are just in some cubes and coco with ph’d water.


About a week since I put them in the cups. They look pretty good. The last beans I popped from SJ didn’t look like they would make it a week. So I’m happy these are looking vibrant. I just hope I get some ladies . Hoping for at least 3 or 4 so I can see what I’m working with.

They are just getting ph’d water every two days .


The babies are taking their next step. So far so good. Just gave them some water and a few drops of nutrients to hold them over. Next the stalks should start to thicken up along with some leaf growth.


Sorry if I missed this from your WC thread, but what are you feeding?


The past year I have been using GH one part system. During veg I only add Calmag and in bloom I use some additives throughout the cycle .

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A couple are moving a little faster .


Looking good so far. I think I have to start putting the heat on at night.


Getting a little leaf curl on a few of them but they will work their way around it. Got my sex test kit so mid week I will send the samples out


I just got caught up and am going to be following along with your grow show @BLOODTHIRSTYCULT and I am sending some good vibes your way and to those healthy looking babies and I had to get my heater out last week so Happy Growing The Doc

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Thanks Doc ! I was hesitant but you got to give them a good environment. Much appreciated

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I moved the babies down to the tray and added a drop light to get some light closer to them. Also put a heater near them. It’s getting cold in the northeast and my space is a cold garage.

I’m going to wait another week before I send out samples for their sexing . Out of the eight only two are growing a little a little taller. Been feeding them a touch of calmag and a couple drops of 1 part veg nutrients. About 0.6 EC which about twice the EC of my tap water.

They will like the extra light. I can already see a change in the leaf color


Have you grown in that cold garage before & how do you go about controlling environment? Looking great btw, wish I could grow 8!


I have been growing in the garage for five years or so. I keep everyone happy enough with oil filled heaters . It’s not ideal but it’s what I have to work with.


I finally got some space to put these babies under some light. I topped the ones started getting leggy . The slower growing ones look to be a little different than the faster growers. The mom was a bean pole with massive fans. When it flowered it branched out ok. I still haven’t sent them to be sexed . Maybe this week.


I had my plants tested and I have 3 females out of seven tested. I didn’t test one plant because I didn’t like the way it was growing. But I may put it in anyway.

The three that tested female are the plants that reminded me of the mom in seed form. They are topped and the tray is waiting for them.

I’m growing these under a CMH 315 and I have them in coco. What they will get for nutrients GH flora nova one part with a couple supplements. I use some diamond nectar and some advanced nutrients big bud of course I will be using calmag plus iron to finish it off. Nothing fancy . I feed from 1.7/2.2 EC then taper them down PH is 5.8 / 6.3

The mom is going to grow right next to them. So I will have something to compare it to in real time. I will show a picture of the babies and a pipe the mom.


I put the plants in the flower room. Because this is a test run I did a quick veg and top . The veg room is to cool to expect a big growth this time of year. I can keep the flower area nice and warm so here we go !

The plants have a nice thick stem and the branches are thick too. These plants are under a Growerschoice 315 CMH with a Phillips bulb. Second time using this bulb . I was real happy with the flower that came from my keeper wedding cake.

Feeding another day with veg nutes EC is 1.7 with a ph range around 6

Fingers crossed


Got about a week since put under the CMH at 12/12 2 of them are about 24 inches and the smaller one is around 20 inches. They seem to be healthy. I’m trying to keep these guys compact . I’m only trying to see what the flower looks like. The branching is good and strong. Now I just have to keep my eyes open I don’t need a bunch of sacks ruining the mom in flower right next to them.

Hopefully next post they will be flowering.


The plants are flowering now. It took around 11 days for that. Basically the same as the mom . They are starting to stretch big time. I have plenty of room.

As far as feeding it’s once a day at the moment. EC around 1.7 PH 6.0 they are wanting for nothing as far as I can tell. Been able to keep the flower room warm in the mid 80s

Merry Christmas and happy holidays