Project Ish (Legacy Strain Project)

Definitely found a gem amongst rocks here my friend, OG is special for sure. Amazing people and what a wealth of information! Truly. I find those that come with good intentions etc and are for real about growing they tend to become staples here and pay it forward by helping many many others grow as well as to start with good genetics as opposed to some bullshite


YES, that idea is the backbone of this entire project. I want the Blood and Leaf Structure to be pretty universal (at least on a single cross) but the entire branching structure and flavor of the plant is inherently going to be kept homogenous and easily modifiable. I’m beyond excited to see what it can do when I unleash it upon OverGrow. I want this thing to mate nicely with anything and give you incredible aesthetic results, while the hallmark strain qualities that YOU worked so hard on can easily shine through and make a unique end product no matter who I hand it to.

Very. Excited.

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Holy Shit.

Might be a bit rude to celebrate this early (if so I’m sorry, I’m geeking out), but I just took a step in the right direction on this project. I chose Dragon’s Blood Hashplant for the prize. I have it. Whether I’m ready or not, It’s time to begin.


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It seems like since I’ll be starting with Dragon’s Blood, my initial attempt will be to pop them alongside some Gelato mix seeds @rasterman gifted me. Ideally, I’d like a mix of both male and female bleeding varieties, but as it’s a V1 (I believe), I might have to work on it before it’s ready for the cross. V2 I’m told is more frequent in the bleeding pheno, but that’s okay. If I strike out with all 5, I’m going to try to self it or inbreed it and roll the dice again. If that’s the case, I may attempt to organize a pheno hunt with the seeds I collect. It’s all about increasing the chances on that blood. The V2 seems like it got brought to F4 and crossed with some sort of 88g13hp male to up the likelihood. “Balance is the key” was the lesson taken, so it looks like they’re introducing a parent’s genetics to see if they can rattle loose some of the non-blood traits in select phenos.

Nice find: Apparently someone got a bleeding pheno of Dark Ghost Train by Rare Dankness. I bet this is a trait that can come out in many different ways, so I’m curious if there’s been a blue anthocyanin bleeding plant spotted yet. Seen red/purple, that seems to be the common of the two. Sometimes more red, sometimes more purple. Heard it oxidizes red to purple?


Since notification that my DBHP seeds are on the way, I went ahead and worked on creating a clearing for the work ahead.

Pulled a lot of it by hand, then ran the riding mower on ground level to use it like a bush-hog.

Just a nice little pathway that dips behind our burn pile.

There’s a lot of fallen logs around. Gutted this one, sort of working on a Log-SIP idea for the seedlings.

(I doubt you can see the hole, I’m working on that)

Then you just hang right and . . .

A nice natural creek-bed to work with. The floor is nothing but rich black dirt, leaf mold and broken down logs. Pushed a lot of those out of the area, cleared myself a space to grow.

And this is the obligatory “You must be level 10 or higher to unlock access to this area” debris. I swear.

Anyhow, that’s my grow area for the time being. Any suggestions or comments are surely appreciated. For now, the Official (I made a badge out of macaroni, respec) name for this breeding project is Project Ish. Ish was my Father’s nickname (everyone had one apparently), and will absolutely be a part of the finished strain name. For sake of brevity, the plan is make some sort of a In-Fern-Ho x Dragon’s Blood Hashplant mix that I can be proud of, and dedicate to his memory.


My suggestions:

Swales for waterharvesting perhaps, to sink more water into the ground which raises the watertable. They can be filled with woodchips inoculated with edible mycorrhizal fungi (free food and helps your plants grow). They can also serve as walking path.
It’s great to have designated walking paths otherwise you walk all over the place and compact the soil, reducing drainage.

A wide diversity of low growing or creeping companion crops and nitrogen fixing crops like (vetch)beans (chop and drop when starting to flower for max nitrogen).

You can also sow grass, it activates mycorrhizal fungi and harvests dew, which drips down the blades of grass into the soil.

Godspeed to you, may your project be a tremendous success!!!
And so it is!

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Asked Nomad Seeds about In-Fern-Ho and how frequent the mutated leaf pattern showed up. I guess they worked it until it was rock solid. 1 in 100 is pretty damned good by my standards. I’m excited to work with it.

I’ve also been finding a lot of Freakshow crosses that showcase the same leaf mutation, Like Mexican Collieherb and a few others. They could help in the long run perhaps. In-Fern-Ho seems like the most comprehensive work on it so far though.



The Dragon’s Blood Hashplant, sticker and magnet have arrived safely! I’ll be happily setting seeds to pop later on this evening. Many many thanks for the wonderful genetics, OG! :pray::heart: Let’s get this project started!

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