Project Ish (Legacy Strain Project)

As I’ve stated before, the advent of legal cannabis growing in Minnesota has led me to the growing numbers of cannabis cultivators. As I went on a rollercoaster ride of looking into the cool new strains all over the world that have been developed- I had an idea.

I’d like to create a hallmark strain and dedicate it to the memory of my father. He was an avid cannabis cultivator and was so respected that The Badge would show up- just to sample his product. Scared the dickens out of me as a little guy. Everyone knew him, knew what he did and everyone sort of let him just go about his business. He passed away in 2007 (yes I did previously say 2008, that was a typo. Hard times get blurry and all that.) Here we are 30 years later and I can finally cultivate safely.

So here’s my plan. I want to start with two strains and work hard on each one before I make the cross. I’m a terrible perfectionist at the same time being absolutely new to breeding and serious growing. I’ll work with whatever is most convenient to get first, but I’d like to cross two particular strains.

[In-Fern-Ho x Dragon’s Blood Hashplant]

In-Fern-Ho blew me away with its mugwort-like leaf structure and I likewise had the happiest seizure of my life when I saw the “blood” dripping out of DBHP.

Its pretty much the same plan for both. Continue breeding and pheno hunting until I can raise the likelihood of those traits before I make the cross. If at all possible. I hear In-Fern-Ho is stable- but I’m willing to bet you still see normal leaf structure. I know a lot of people are working DBHP so that may just be a matter of patience and luck.

I’ll take any input, suggestions, banter, anything. Even if someone already did this, that’s fine. I’ll continue anyways. I owe it to the old man.

Addit: I’ll be using this thread a bit more now to discuss the breeding program specifics and potential Pheno-Hunts. Updates on Specifically anything I’m working with for breeding purposes.

Edit: I changed the thread name. It’s on.


Can you clarify what In-Fern-Ho is?


Here for the journey with you @insaneyanish, cool strains and cool goal to work towards. I have been eyeing starting a similar journey but cant seem to wrap my head around how to complete a proper selection, and my fear of genetically typecasting myself and missing out on a plethora of expressions that may be out there. I would love to do a 1000 seed pheno hunt, but think I would end up with too many keepers.


In-Fern-Ho is a “stable mutation” that Nomad Seeds created from the Freakshow plant.


My advice to you @sprinklememaynee is to just start and keep clones of your parents to compare against. Experience can come from education but it can also come from doing things and failing and just plain old observation and note taking in your garden.


So re-reading your initial post. Are you saying you want to line breed these separately before combining them into a true hybrid?


I was worried about the same thing, but to be honest- I really don’t mind a super high cull rate on something like this. DBHP is getting some good attention, but I don’t know if anybody is working In-Fern-Ho, so I may have to shoulder a lot of that.


Yes, I’d like to “breed out” the undesirable traits (Normal Leaf Structure in In-Fern-Ho, Bloodless in DBHP) before I make a cross. If anybody wants to play with the strain, I’d like those traits to carry on as much as possible. Primarily Leaf Structure and Blood. Terpine profiles, Yield, color variants I think this community is going to have a field day with.

Edit: I’d like to stick to inbreeding rather than roll the dice with mate selection. Work each strain separately until they combine reliably.


In that case I only repeat the previous advice about keeping the parents, for as long as possible or as many as possible, for each generation. So you can go back in your work if you find it necessary.


Yeah, that’s definitely the plan. Clone the clones of the clones until I start hearing Imperial March in my head. Massive cull/giveaway rates. I’m trying really hard not to look too hard at the giveaway threads. I gotta establish myself before I even feel right with that. I’m nowhere near set up for them yet. I gotta get a decent light before I do anything other than collect information, make connections, and raise hype for the project.


Definitely get a good light.


The project is to breed a plant with those mutations and the red sap? Nothing about the high, smell, taste, or anything else?

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Yeah, that’s what I’d like to start with to keep it simple. I’d like this plant to be highly workable once I release it. Other breeders will add their own twist on the growth, terpine profile and possibly additional mutations. It doesn’t have to be super high THC or a super high Yielding plant. I guess if I could pick any flavor I would choose some sort of fruity Do-Si-Dos profile, but that just isn’t my focus. Leave that to whoever wants to work it.

Additional: I do intend to release something that can smoke though. It’s no good if the strain comes out smelling and tasting like moldy dog shit and dead animals.


excuse me. stop insulting my moldy dog shit road kill skunk


Thanks for making my point, honestly. :rofl:

Additional: I thought about it and I really don’t want it to have a really dominant terpine profile. I’d actually prefer all that stuff to be highly variable depending on what you cross it with. I sorta looked up how they made Freakshow in the first place and they spoke of keeping things “genetically homogenous” to increase likelihood of further mutation. I figure I like these two mutations so stabilize them, cross them into a plant that carries both so that people can make their own interpretation of the strain. Once it’s done, there won’t be a specific “direction” it’s going by itself. After that I’m just going to play around with color and size variations of it. Offering you more choices. Plug in any genetics you want. I’d like these second generation variants to all carry the blood and leaf structure though. Past the second gen, I can’t really expect to keep it stable so I’m not going to sweat 3rd gen yet.


I just saw DBHP has been restocked @Great_lakes_Genetics if you don’t have or want a pack of f1’s for this, 45$ and buy 2 get I free. Epic deals as always from my brotha Drag Boat Jeff


Down for the show! I absolutely love this stuff, I have some stuff in mind once I get through a couple of repros . Looking forward to this project, awesome


Oh, I was definitely drooling over them this morning. If it was posted 24 hours earlier I’d have had $100 flying at them with gusto. In-Fern-Ho is going to be a massive pop, so it makes sense that DBHP is more readily available starting point. Should be fun just for starting out, figuring out inbreeding and trait selection. Seems like a stable strain that’ll be around for quite some time. Can’t wait, but the wallet reads empty. :sweat_smile:


I hear you, story of my life the last couple of years, struggling is the new norm apparently and as prices skyrocket on everything, especially necessities like gas, groceries, energy, water it’s sure not looking like things will ever get easier unfortunately. Good luck with your project :facepunch:t2:


Oh, don’t I know it. So happy to be here, with a wealth of people that care about loving cultivation rather than just cash cropping and greed. But I do understand, these strain creators gotta feed their families too- so I’ll wait patiently until I can start a good business repertoire. :wink:

Additional: :pray: Thank you so much for the well wishes!