PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

yah make sure those apple tree cuttings are dormant. Doesn’t count for the grapefruit though :wink:

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Never tried growing grape fruit. Too cold here and I don’t want to have a tree inside all winter again. Did that with a lemon tree a few years back hand pollinating the damn thing with a cutip.


Hardwood cuttings it is.

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I’ve got a 20 year old grapefruit tree in my bedroom, and I made grapefruit curd ice cream out of the last crop… mmm so good! lol! I cloned the tree for my friends and now I am giving away seedlings as well.

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hopefully I’ll be snacking on grapefruits in 12 more months.


Not suprised the bleach kills them. I’ve been using it to clean my equipment lately. It even kills viruses!

Looking forward to more snuff films.
:seat: :popcorn: :movie_camera:


Grapefruits are so yummy! What variety is that?

It beats me, my grandma gave it to me as a gift when it was just a little sprout. Told me it was a watermelon! I had no idea until someone came to my house and said hey nice grapefruit tree. I’d have to conduct a seance to see what kind it was, but I think she bought the fruit at the store.

Awesome! Good grandma you got there. Watermelon! Hah! What zone are you in? Do you keep it indoors? Willing to share a couple cuttings? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’m in Canada zone 5b, so the tree is in my bedroom! It’s even pre-citrus greening disease, so it’s good and healthy. lol I can definitely provide cuttings, I make second year cuts, they rooted best. I also have 9 seedlings to give away, they are 2 years old, so will bloom in another 5.


I wonder if the seedlings fruit will taste as good as the mothers fruit. I’d love a cutting or seedling, but I’m in the us and that probably isn’t the easiest to ship in. What do I know though.

You like that meat breath pretty well, huh? What’s it smell and smoke like? How about the yield? Affects?

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It’s got the fresh scrubbed hospital flavor everyone likes. The yields are pretty good I think lol I filled lots of bags and bags full of frozen stuff. I didn’t weigh it, but the estimate I’ll put forth is 600 grams on 4 plants. The other bonus is there are hardly any leaves, so it fills the line quick with dense nugs. Eventually I’ll offer people cuts off those things, I thought it was just some plant but people are thirsting for it like dogs it’s a hype strain? or something lol. The hash makes me happy, not angry, so the effect it has… sublime. I’m also ripping it as freeze dried love puddles, so it’s probably going to make anyone happy.


lol a love puddle is when I take some freeze dried hash and I hold it close ahh I love you little hash, and it melts into a puddle. Then it re-solidifies after I put it down so I can rip it to my dome.


I’m gonna post this in both threads, make sure everyone sees this snuff film. It’s surreal, I was sure the mites would die, but they are sooooo tough! oh my!


Sounds nice, especially the easy trimming part :wink:


“I love the smell of napalm in the morning…

"Now that’s my kind of Snuff film!! :+1: :+1:



Meat breath earned it’s place by out performing king tut, sugar black rose…etc…etc it did not defeat big bud, my invincible hash producer.


well! All those geranium plants are rooting. Turns out the plant doesn’t care where you make the cutting. Above or below the node it just regenerates. Strangely, it takes about as much time as the cannabis clones. Very easy to clone I would put them somewhere between pepper and tomato plant. tomato being easier to root than the pepper. 7 days vs a couple weeks.

I am certain the acariforms are living somewhere in this clone chamber. Probably where the dark patches are on the clones.


These are the clones that are rooted. You can see little bugs didn’t chew on the stems. I am starting to wonder if that causes other people’s clones to fail as well. Interesting. One of the causes of clone failure could be hungry hungry microbes.