PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

Vegging and blooming! You can see I cleaned up the slum. hah hah!


Is there a wild animal in here somewhere!? Jesus! Baby H. Chriaast!


cleanliness is my IPM, I let it slack for a few days… my bad!

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Those colas are the size of my entire life!!! Dang it. I must get back to my lair immediately.


hah hah those are crazy big buds I got from AMS, a sponsor here. I’ve had them since 2017, they are the primal hash producers. The buds are super long and fingered out, sometimes pollinate themselves, but they can’t be beat for hash production. The last crop of it is in my freezer still.



ha hhah that’s hilarious!

I also did the golf ball thing to them. They get like super long tree like colas, it’s nutty.


Beautiful! They are singing! I can hear it

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ok I didn’t fuck it up this time :wink: Just remember kids, don’t mix your plant species in the cloner.


HI guys, I’d a problem with some of my plants: 14 days ago i start seedling and after 2 weeks i had my little babies 4 inches tall, the first 10 days they got 24 h of light and this last 4 days i’ve started with 18 h of light and 6 of dark. The last 2 days some of my plants started to fold, as you can see in the picture. Do you know why is this happened ?

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extreme stretch what kind of light do you have over those things?

there’s also loads of moisture, unless you just watered the plants, it’ll be a problem as well. Fungus could cause damp-off.

The bulb its just 100 watts, and i watered 2 days ago. Maybe to much water and insuff

icient light ? But seems like they are growing good… :man_shrugging:


Move that light about 6 inches away then they shouldn’t stretch like that

What is the buld looks more warm colors??
Or is it a full spectrum bulb??


yah, definitely need more detail what kind of light are we talking about LED? incandescent? fluoro?

bam! Bugs are scared of me.
Sadly didn’t work on slugs, but it works on:
caterpillars, thrips, aphids, earwigs and flea beatles.
Won’t kill beneficial insects, I tried it myself on syrphid flies.


Slugs and snails hate copper.
Strip a couple feet of 14-2 wire and make a circle on the soil a few inches away from the stem. They won’t cross it.



Start it in August here outdoors, or they will get you. They got a few buds from me last year, but I learned my lesson.

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Whats the golfball thing??

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I’ll chew through a couple bottles of that stuff during the year. I spray the peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, apple tree, plum tree. I even sprayed the onion thrips. I’ll do that every couple of weeks until harvest. Anywhere an aphid sets up a colony or a pepper could get chewed by an earwig… I’ll be there!

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