PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

oh I just hold a golf ball there so you can see the scale of the buds.

oh crap you reminded me I need to bring the EC of those buds back up to 2.6!

Oh haha I thought you strapped it to the plant somehow… using it like low stress training lol


I think the protocol 0 plants that are given a grow solution when they are cloning and exposed to as much light as a growing plant do much better. They are susceptible to low light conditions and running out of nutrient stores. I have an idea for an interesting cloning experiment where I try different conditions.
The guy who told me how to kill of the mildew is running a bakery in town I should stop by there and say hello! I knew it was him as soon as I saw the sign light up for the first time.


Two protocol 0 clones and one control clone. I don’t really see much of a difference in the long run. The protocol 0 ones would probably do better with some nutrient juice instead of just plain water for cloning.


I gotta make a complaint about humans. Look peoples… you can’t refute my claims just by saying it doesn’t work. You have to falsify it ok? Like when I say btk kills thrips in one go, you can’t just come on here and say oh that doesn’t work. Like how the fuck do you know that? Tried it??? No? Same thing goes with everything. People gotta get with the philosophy of science, MAN!
Also, @schmarmpit, I am going to steal your ultraviolet light idea and claim it as my own :wink: That idea was real genius I must say. I can use it to seriously stomp on the “theory” that powdery mildew is living in the corner of the room or on the ducts. Some people still believe that shit.


Ha, you’re welcome to it! I originally got it for searching buds for rot, but interestingly the bud rot fuzz actually absorbs the light and appears as dark spots. Still useful.

But for PM the glow is so helpful at spotting it early. I wish I had thought to use it when the infected clones first came in, before the damage was done. But I’ve heard the spores are what’s lurking in the corners with jagged drooling mouths. I certainly don’t think you would be able to see a single spore, right?

The blacklight is also great for finding fibers, many of which glow like the dickens. But when all is well there is just a nice dark red hue to everything. Even the trichomes won’t glow and throw you off.


oh yah don’t worry about me seeing spores, I’ve got a decked out biological research lab. Combine that with some black light, yo!!! I can smell good ideas forming already.


there’s the harlequin plant! She is thriving! So much so, that I am going to let her thrive. I am actually curious about what happens to the plant as it changes from being the protocol 0 shitstick with bugshit to a giant beast. What I have observed so far is intriguing! The roots grew little by little from what was left until some time later the plant is getting big so it’s growing some radical new roots.

wow almost like the same transformation from being a seedling to growing into a full grown plant.

Infestation free, of course. Nothing lurking in the shadows there.

without this little crazy dead nub up there you wouldn’t know it was the same pathetic stick infested with bugs.


No, I was too. When ever I went to the store with my mom, I would hang out in the magazine isle looking at Mad Magazine and Metal Maniacs.


I forgot to mention any copper alloy it seems, scares away the slugs and snails. I just use a piece of copper ground wire around the base of the plant, keeps the slugs at bay.


hah hah you can see I took my image editing to a new level with computer generated cartoons. The harlequin plant is ready for cloning! Turned up negative for parasites after the cleaning.


I’m loving the new graphics abilities, they’re like a new toy to play with!!!
I think this is the best likeness of myself I’ve produced yet. I’ve become a cartoon!


It’s hard to visually reproduce someone enjoying their own voice! :rofl:


fuck that, I’m enjoying these graphics abilities!


hah hah I might even do some on the computer I had done by hand before. I’m just getting warmed up.


here’s one of my original shitty cartoons. Holy crap! You’d think I was some kind of cartooning whiz.

The original is terrible!!!


The key to using Dawn, Joy or castile soap as a bug spray or bug soak is to spray it off after only a few minutes with water and rinse and soak your pots several times after an overnight soak.
Have only lost one plant this way(soak w/castile) but she had a massive FG infestation that blackened the yellow sticky trap.
She was already a goner.


You said it not me.


Fungus gnats killed your plant? Did you try BTI?

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