PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

hah hah everyone knows by now I’m like a real life cartoon character. My friends comment on it all the time.

Actually I did.
In the form of Mosquito Bits.

I bubbled the bits in rainwater for an hour and soaked the 1.5 gallon oxy pot in a size appropriate pail.
Used some castile soap as a wetting agent.
My mix was mostly dry, watered by only two blu mats.

Forgot to add used the spent ones as a mulch and refreshed it once.
So on my return to this remote grow I was pissed to see the sticky trap black from the bastards.

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Did you check to see where they are originating from? The little fuckers love to thrive on organic material. A good coating of sand over the surface of your growing medium can really give em hell. Prevents them from laying eggs. I’ve seen other people use egg shells to cover the surface to kill the fuckers off.


That’s a tough one as they started showing up right when the weather turned warmer, suggesting the outdoors.
My tents are in the basement of a remote house and are vented to the outdoors.
Possible entry point? Hard to say as I have a static pressure fan powering the vent and she’s sealed tight.
Tents are of average quality and leak at two door zipper joints.
I’ve sealed the overflap acrost it with magnets,
Probably still getting in.
Took that operation down after that…wait for winter.

The airpots provide plenty of entry points too. Not their best feature.


Keep’em coming! :rofl:


I just whipped up this doozey! hah hah! Look at the expression on my face!


It may be sad to say, but I needed that!! Thanks man!


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everyone needs a laugh now and then, that’s for sure!
Eventually I’m going to make something radical, I don’t even know what. That’s how radical it is.

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well… that’s less humorous. But true!!


ok so I was talking to wonder woman about the poisoners weed and how flavorless it was. I told her the mildew hypothesis and she agreed that the mildew is killing the flavor. There’s really only one way to make sure… but soon the meat breath will be harvested by the poisoner and I’ll know if he’s still doing it. Then I can finally figure it out. The only real way to tell in the long run would be to grow some infested weed. I wish I could get him to finish off the mildew once and for all and complete the test that way, except he won’t learn about mildew, so it’s failing. You would think some guy spraying fucking whats basically eagle 20 on there every two weeks could kill the shit off, but nope. Fail.


wow! Listen to this crazy story. The poisoner won’t allow the justice league to finish off the powdery mildew. If they stop spraying myclobutanil, they are fired. He won’t let his workers spray sulfur on the plants to finally kill that shit, and always just keeps re-infesting. I would say at this point, that telling all his workers how to kill it off has definitely failed. The poisoner refuses to change. Just…wow. How can a single person be so ignorant?


Some folks think unbending willful ignorance is a virtue. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :call_me_hand:



hah hah he’ll pay for that. Oh… he’ll pay. In fact… he’s now having trouble selling his weed for 2$ a gram. They keep sending it back.


Nice thread going bro, I gotta go back and do some slower reading. Loving the cartoons. Spot on!

@Badger put up the link in @Tinytuttle’s thread. Luckily, I haven’t been hit with many large infestations but the PM can haunt me at times, but I need the knowledge to be proactive. It’s always the best way if possible.

What type of graphics are you using.
does it take photos and cartoonize them. I love them. You have a good knack for bringing the characters to life… showing them as the stupid humans we are… or some are, lol… peace


Like to see wonder woman.


The longer I spend on the cartoon, the better it is. Check out this hilarious number!


I make a blank cartoon, just a background with nothing and a layer on top that’s alpha channel. Transparent. I start with compositing an image on the white background. In this case, gal gadot as wonder woman then I put a table in there and pasted the image of a bong on the table. After that I trace the image with the line tool in black. Then I use the color picker to select the colors from say gal and fill that into the cartoon. So, I composite and draw them all by hand, the longer I take, the more details I draw.


hah hah!


ahhh fuck the older I get the more crazy bullshit I hear. hah hah is that enough well poison? ok here’s the story!
Buddy’s claim was 40C isn’t good for the plants, it somehow gets rid of the trichomes. “the sparkle is off the plant” was the quote. I said yah no shit 40C ain’t good for the plants you need a more controlled environment. Like 22C. No he says you need to hit 12C over night in the grow. So I asked him if he had verified any of those details with a glance in the microscope. He said no.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Humans!!! Huuumans!!! fuck me! ahhhhhh oh my. Just had to express my ultimate disgust.
So I told him my auto flower plant went through 50C and the trichomes are still pumping on there. Oh did I look at that under the microscope? Of course. Like fuck, man.


ok humans. I got another complaint! Stop living in your stupid fantasy world!!! Ok I admit everyone lives in a narrative inside their own mind. The problem is people mistake that for reality. Here’s a hint for you… if it’s in your mind - it’s not fucking real. VERIFY REALITY.
Oh but you can’t disprove aliens/sasquatch/ghosts…whatever. Vibes. I don’t have to disprove that stupid shit! You… personally, have to disprove your own reality. People don’t like that. Proving their brilliant idea is stupid. That thought they had was totally off-base. Listen, I thrive on that. Each time I have a thought my next thought is ok how can I be totally full of shit. Then try to prove that I am full of shit.
You must constantly challenge your own stupid thoughts. Falling into a fabricated reality is a huge no-no. Like…how the hell do you think I learned stuff that people think are total lies? And then be able to stand by those statements, betting your reputation on the outcome? Come on people!!!
So… how do I decide when someone is full of shit? I mean, people can say anything right? Simples. If you can’t attempt to prove it wrong, it’s already wrong. If you can prove it wrong, then it’s wrong. They call it “falsification” because it’s either FALSE or NOT.
You wonder why I assault people with questions? That’s what I am doing. Determining if your full of shit. When you stop answering my questions or are unable to answer them but not admit that, then you are so full of your own shit. lol! I can completely get onboard with someone who says " I have no clue" or " I don’t really know" but if you are going to spin some shit tale… woo woo woo here come the bullshit police.

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