Proud to be a new sponsor- get some mycology with your botany. Coupon code inside!

I appreciate that my friend, so good to hear some people have heard of me here. I appreciate you vouching for me and look forward to helping you add more to your library when you’re ready!

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Thank you my friend!!

My man!!

Thank you so much for the shoutout. I am so glad you pointed me here to OG, I can’t wait to keep making friends and helping everyone get their spore on :stuck_out_tongue:

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I will be here my friend! I look forward to helping you get some homegrown supplies for winter :slight_smile:

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Thanks man. The genetics made it pretty easy :joy: I might dabble with some more come winter time.

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Greetings, MushroomManMycology, |

  • |

It has been a few decades since I have
had fresh Reishi, Ling Chi in my diet,

I was lucky to attend a few classes in Asian medicine and
along with the acupuncture, shiatsu, chi gong and herbal studies,
a fine course on beneficial fungi was offered and enjoyed.

Just placed an order



I maybe old school but I prefer PayPal.

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I appreciate it my friend!
Going through emails now so I will get to you soon if I haven’t already :slight_smile:
I can’t wait for you to add the Reishi to your diet again from your own homegrown samples, there are few better things.

I would love to offer paypal but they do not support spore sales. Actually in the spore seller community, paypal has stolen many tens of thousands of dollars from at least a dozen spore vendors that I know about…

I am working on offering direct card payment on the website, like any normal website and hope to offer it by the end of the year. Just like cannabis/hemp products and seeds, the gray area of legality with spores makes it difficult to get some normal banking/payment options.

I appreciate everyone working with the payment options I can offer until then. I am always trying to add more options also, so if you know of anything let me know

Mush love <3

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Beautiful funny thing this is the first I’ve seen of your after 2 years or so seems odd. Got my John Allen working from a syringe I got from you a while ago! A few people on here have those genetics now!:wink:. Little bacterial but will produce!

Tried to stay away from summer grows but you see how that went.
I have that sticker or one similar as well.


Learn something new every day,
Been happy with PayPal for years.
Always done right by me,

Ah, the ever present yolk of tyranny doing it’s best to control our
minds and bodies.
The grip is loosening and gives rise to more hope and
peace for all.

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Hello @MushroomManMycology!

Super excited to have you here! You seem like a real Fungi! :joy: (I’m sorry, I had too :rofl:)

Seriously though, great to have you here. Your mushrooms look beautiful and I’m excited to follow your thread! :grinning::fire::+1:



Amazing thread. I have been hunting and growing mushrooms for 20 years. Love this


I appreciate it my friend!

Consider grabbing some gourmets yourself and showing off here too :slight_smile:

From one Fungi to another, maybe even one with questionable morels :stuck_out_tongue:
Mush love <3


Foraging is so fun! Some species you can only get that way, thats why chanterelles, truffles and morels are so damn expensive.

You should try growing some gourmets! Less bugs, more reliable, and super fun :slight_smile:

Show off some of your foraging harvests! I’d love to see whats around your area.
Mush love <3

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Oh yea, I do grow gourmets. I’ve been a chef for 25 years and sell my little amount of stuff to a one of the restaurants I used to run. I’ll post up. Found these last week
Chicken of the woods, lobster mushrooms, saffron milk caps and chicken fat mushrooms.


Do you ship to Canada?

Damn man some nice hauls there! I can’t wait to see you show off some dishes in the future too :stuck_out_tongue:

I love chickens, such a great way to get people into foraging and mushrooms also.

I do ship to Canada! All orders outside the US just need to email me to do a custom order off the website at this time.

I’d love to see you do a run of some of my genetics!
Mush love <3

My experience with this “sponsor”
On another website he advertised a free LC giveaway. I also placed an order for one of his cultures. Neither showed up(Out of a mass of shipements received at this address his was the only that didn’t show).
I reached out and he agreed to resend another LC from the giveaway but refused to send the culture I had paid for.

Hi my friend!

I am sorry to hear if there was an issue. Please send me an email in our thread so I can verify and sort out the issue- I am happy to do so.

I do think you may have me confused with another vendor as I do not have giveaways for LCs, or haven;t in quite some time. Maybe you meant a spore syringe, but I would like you to verify with me i our email thread- I want you to get what you paid for :100:

There are a few impostors and also a few other vendors with similar names to mine, so lets make sure it was me and if it was, I am happy to honor the freebie and item you ordered- as long as no issues were brought up in our email thread that violate my TOS (I cannot send spores to those who discuss active species cultivation, I do not provide replacements for international lost mail etc).

Nearly every single order comes with tracking- so we should be able to determine what happened to the shipment that you said did not arrive.

I am sorry if you had a bad experience, help me get to the bottom of it so I can take care of you!

Mush love <3

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Hi my friend!

I just wanted to make sure you saw my reply yesterday- my reply is not showing your name in the corner so I am not sure if you were notified. I am still learning Overgrow a bit!

I didn’t get an email from you either yet. No rush but I do want to get to the bottom of your issues/claims.

Mush love <3

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Tag him with his name if his isn’t watching this thread he may not see it. It’s the best way to make the person aware of the post.

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