PsillyRabbit starts off 24'

Yeah you could call that a king tide but really its just a full moon tide and a blue moon it gets higher…
Down to 55F last night and night temps dropping quick.
Its been beanie and hoodie weather for the morning smoke.

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oh chit
looking at it from this angle made my stomach sink a lil bit. what have I done. :cat: :kissing: :rabbit: :grin:

I tried.



Step one of Overgrowing the world man :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :deciduous_tree: :earth_americas:
Overgrow your locale🏡


I know that he’s jelly as f&ck about you not having to do compliance :rofl::rofl:

Wanted to see what you thought about the Fort Collins cough?

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It’s hard to answer. When I was running clones in the spring, I was taking the plants outside in the morning before work and back in at night. Unfortunately, one day I turned the LED up to 100% and ended up bleaching a lot of the delicate terpenes.
The 87’ is a beautifully dense sativa—still a bit of a challenge to trim, but better than most sativas. It has the hazy terpenes I was searching for, though they’re sharper and more electric, which makes it pretty unique. I can’t wait to see how she turns out outdoors and to run her properly indoors.


Any Fish in the Canal

Was curious, since I should be picking it up soon. Wanted some first hand feedback. Thank you

There are fish but not many keepers except for blue claw crabs. Young flounder, blackfish, snapper size bluefish, even stipers in fall. All small though if i take a boat just 5 mins everything double and i can get clams, mussels. 5 mins after that you are in jones inlet a good spot to get steamers and fish there can be real big then its a straight shot to the ocean.
Have an artsy photo


This is the first time in 12 years that i have fruit on my calamondin from seed! It was a fruit i eat off the tree at Logees. 3 seedlings out of one seed. I lost one the first 2-3 years but these two are amongst my oldest plants. They reach the ceiling in my house over the winter



Cage and scrog nets were originally for hurricane proofing ganja trees. Its works so well for tomatoes I get walls of fruit 6-7’

I found a single variegated jalapeño in flats dumped at work. I guess I have another new project.

Elderberries in chaos shot


I love snapdragons! They were so much fun to play with as a child!

You have such a beautiful garden! d8JBdDJ


picked about 8-9 pounds of elderberries. Gonna make a 3.5 gallon batch of wine.


I bet that makes some good wine

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It taste surprising like grape wine. Last year was the first time i had a good 8 pounds top play with and made a fortified spiced wine with it. I used super expensive Belgian caramelized sugars, and cinnamon+ vanilla. aged it on oak.
Even after all that it tasted way more like a "regular " wine than you would think. I ended up cold distilling it to potentially double my abv up to 20% before bottling.

I dont know shit about wine and its been a minute but brewing chaos was part of my life

#PsillyRabbits cream ale super silly beer.


The only way to get better at anything is to do it repeatedly, I have thought about trying my hand at it before, just never pulled the trigger.

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10 week cut or not. 87’ took her time entering flower. This is about equivalent to two weeks of flower development under 12/12. Im still confident she will finish up as long as we dont have a hurricane.

just came home for lunch to find the security guard sleeping on job

moved an entire 3 feet by the time i got for the day.


Moved the Calomandin to get a side shot

This Purp[le lemonade FF clone was purple in spring

newest purchase: Variegated Hypericum

Spicebush Swallowtail on Spicebush ( Lindera benzoin)


New phone who dis?


Seriously tho i did get a new phone. No more solar flares to art up my shots.
Sorry lemonadejoe LMK if this is too many pictures ;0)


1987 next to Purple lemonade FF

87’ is taking her time


Topsy Turvy

4-6# a day

government drone

Calocasia? " mojito"?


Nice, never to many pictures… Just lovely :smiley:


Looking good my friend :v::green_heart:

Thanks a million.
Im floored how fast this freakshow is. She doesnt look like she will need much longer than the Purple lemonade fast flower. I dropped a lil too low on the N with the 87’ and she is a lil lighter than i would like. Im honestly surprised my soil is depleted already, although I do expect it by the end of the season. Im planting in amended sand.
Canned almost 20 quarts of tomatoes and expect another 20 within a couple of weeks.

Brought my most cold sensitive plants in for the winter.
Night temps have gone as low as 55.

I added a few pics above ;0)