PsillyRabbit starts off 24'

Sending Good Vibes your WAY… :green_heart: :green_heart:

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Cheering for you, and that ant :ant::facepunch:

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You have an amazing garden. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Thank you so much and thanks for the likes :+1:. Im so torn. I have no more space for projects but I do love living here.

just found night mode on my phone ;0)


reaching for the morning sunlight.


Wow what a explosion of the 87 :boom:

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^self proclaimed- unopposed:largest female non hemp Cannabis plant in NY^
(#Whatchyagot Farmingdale

Purple lemonade fast flower over here getting supplemental light from 7-7.
When I reversed the 1987 I knocked up this clone and have been calling the resulting seeds “sumac Lemonade”




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Nice, What are those purple flowers in the last pic…

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They’re really stretching out and loving it!

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They are passion flower. I believe the variety is clear sky.
Some are tropical and I buy as annuals but others (the last two)are cold hardy here in NY (may pops)


A couple weeks ago I was like, I dunno bud, but given how it’s up and through the trellis, and how you managed to hit the stretch just right with supplemental light and all, even if it isnt the biggest (not saying its not, lol), it’s awesome in it’s own right and it looks like the freakshow is pulling through too right?

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Is that an all white passiflora? We have the frilly purple one and the straighter blueish one, but I’ve never seen all white

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Dont forget the genetics! she is a 10 week 33% clone only sativa. Genes play a huge role. I dun care if its the biggest I just want someone to oppose me.
Honestly wish we could grow a bunch of small plants legally not just a 3 in veg and 3 in flower limit.
Dont they know I need to pheno hunt from hundreds…

Ya the freakshow will pull through. Just a shame I let that happen. I could have been more careful.
I mustabeen so high that morning when i was freaking out.

Yes all white passiflora from a great company. Third year in the ground.


Beautiful Flowers. :green_heart: :green_heart:

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I found some pretty big plants on Long Island. They are as tall as mine for sure. Mothers still in veg. I would still say not as big…

must say though im jelly as fuck at this guys legal operation.


Yea, what size are those pots. Guy is doing a good Job…

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Nice thats a good 10 feet before flower. Yy 1987 is almost 12’ but im at the end of flower stretch.
She started to flower pretty early and has not bulked up at all. She truley is a sativa. If The clones didnt finish in 10 weeks i would be worried.
We are starting to get some real high tides. Freakshow is a good 2-3 feet above my neighbor across the canal but the 87’ is only about 1-2 feet above. Check out how high the water is. Tonight will be slightly higher with the full moon.

Buds on giant straw flower sowed april. finally!

Fire cracker cuphia


King tide? That water is pretty high in the photo.