PsillyRabbit starts off 24'

Perfect amount of pictures my dude :+1:
Better believe people are gonna want to peek in on your Wonka part of the shire :deciduous_tree:🪄 :lollipop:


You have a beautiful garden. :heart_eyes:

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I have almost lost control of freakshow. I am doing my best to balance yield and aesthetics.
If i had chopped more lower branches i could have kept the main leader stretching to full potential with vigor. The thick branch here in the foreground before the bend started to receive the bulk of the hormones and basically has “won”

They are now getting Im weight trained. Started to add silica to the diet.

Im pretty sure the topsy Turvey is entering flower ;0/
I dunno maybe she is just throwing out chonky pre hairs but the stacking looks sus.



Wow, I just looked at my pictures from last year and got a slight sinking feeling in my stomach. This 1987 is huge compared to the size and shape last years plant at this time. I was worried a clone only strain that has been continuously re-cloned/ passed around was going to lack vigor in comparison to hybrid F1 seeds. Guess not. Seems like I might get a full on cave to go under.
Maybe that hour and half night interruption made a hell of a difference.Or keeping them in the 7 gallon bags in the ground helps to sequester more nutrients? i dunno- too many factors to guess but Its probably just the ratio of sativa genetics.

Just tried 1987 for the first time- holy shit. I haven’t had anything like that in a long while. Metallic in nature and strong as fuck. The flavor reminded me of 90s General Mills fruit snacks. We’re not talking the sugary/waxy or plastic scents from Fruit by the Foot or Fruit or Roll-Ups. I specifically pinpointed the teflon-coated cardboard packaging after you eat all the “String Thing.” I can’t say it immediately brought me back to the old-school early 2000s haze, but when I left the room and came back, the smell was spot on.
I only smoked some of the clones run for S1, they are hardly dried and have zero cure. Far from a good sample but the electric citric acid bite was not like citrus but more like the powder on the bottom of the candy bag.

Had to make more cuts than i would have preferred to keep the shape on Freakshow

Blue in the garden:
Annual zone 9 “patio blue sky” salvia that decided to be a perennial here in zone 7



Pure blue “roly poly” " can be infected by a virus (called iridovirus) that forms crystals in their shell** . The crystalline structure gives the infected woodlice an intense blue or purple colour."

Blueberries are starting

This annual Lobilia is blue to the eye but purp on camera


This, lol. I call this “kicking up a leg”, like a Rockette. Mine does it too.


There are lil solar fountains in the bogs circulating water. I have seen strays and my own Miss Maeve drinking out of them. I dont mind but they trample the plants with no respect!
Maybe a separate fountain will fix this?

Pallet cleansing native Clematis

Happy Full Moon.


Summer Solstice

Biggest plant in NY? Please LMK otherwise. IF you use reddit post it for me and see if anyone opposes.

I had this for non plant reasons but it seemed like a good summer solstice present for the ladies. Mixed it up with some elderberry flowers. Ph’d to 6.3 with lime


Over exposed but pretty neat shots

Velcro girdle- elderberry to sumac


Dude, I always love seeing the pics of your garden. Never get enough.

I always feel excited, thinking of what I’ll make for myself one day when I can have an outdoor garden. Thanks for all these pics and inspiration!


All the best for your season :star_struck: greetings from EU more or less same latitude!

Looks really promising so far :star_struck:

You totally made my day with this beautiful Scrog Like :cupid:

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Thank so much for the kind words! It really means a lot as I spend a ridiculous amount of time, money and energy on my garden. I am glad to share the pics and get my dose of viral serotonin from the likes!
I hope to see more people do funky things with their buds as its becoming more than socially acceptable to grow your own.
I do landscapes professionally and would be glad to help out any north east OGers with designs suggestions outside of boxwoods and roses.


Upstate NY- Im working on getting my backyard to as blank a slate as i can manage, so i can do “something” with it, after 10ish years of letting it go apeshit back to nature. No before pics, but the vines above and below ground were Epic, and the pinebush growth was taller than me in places.

This is 4 months of labor later:

The raised bed is right on the line where the wilderness started.
Where the garlic mustard bumps out in the middle back is where the groundhogs live (for now)

Lot of poison ivy in the back right corner. Working on rounds of 30% vinegar spray to kill it (and everything else in that zone), but it just beats it back for a while. Next years focus is clearing out this whole back corner, maybe throwing down a layer of gravel or something to keep it dead.and keep the vines out of those trees.

After we get it to a blank canvas…… my imagination kind of falls off. I like to grow tomatoes and vegetables (and might eventually get around to growing some outdoor), but outside of that i really have no idea what we’d turn the space into. Any creative vision or even general thoughts are entirely welcome :sunglasses:


I would love to work on that with you and have some immediate ideas. Some things to keep into consideration would be budget, (available resources) color pallet, specimen piece(s),peak season of interest.
Lets move it to PMs and keep this thread for my summer grow.image

differnt light up situated at the 7ft mark. (Avg. Power Draw: 150W±5%)


Yeah it looks professional to me for sure. I am growing in a really small garden and I am also trying to integrate the plants into the garden less obvious as possible. But not so beautiful like you :slight_smile:

Maybe I can argue with help of you journal :slight_smile:

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Tigers Eye sumacs, Elderberries /(lemon lacy), Comptonia, Virginia creeper, may pop passiflora, Vitex. These are a few things I would recommend for camouflage
compound leaves in general
Mass amounts of plants (2010)


This was last year one of the places.




critical nevilles haze auto in flower bed/ flowers/Front lavender bed

Bog water taste better.

Bump for the 6’ mark on Freakshow

Almost tempted to top 1987


Those pitchers are gorgeous.


hell yeah. So cool on so many levels. That bog garden is on its 3rd summer and cost me >500 all said and done. Totally worth it for the hours of entertainment it has bestowed.

everything is vegging out!


:+1: Those pitchers are really beautiful! :+1:

Your entire yard looks great!!