PsillyRabbit starts off 24'

Topsy turvy sure is Psilly. I couldn’t help but shake my head in disapproval the entire time my hands kept moving.
That re vegged Iron Cindy hybrid should put on a good show She is over 120 days old.Never trimmed or trained. She is a 13 week strain so I dont really know WTF im thinking. Wish me luck with that one.


Definitely interesting and I’ll be watching it. Wanna see how this works.

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I totally thought the picture was upside down. That’s a crazy mind trick. Escher level lol.


Started to right herself by this morning. (24 hours)

48 hours later


Freakshow is taking full advantage of all the Nitrogen thrown her direction and has started to win the size race with explosive growth.
1987 Got a lower canopy shape up that was delayed until she was established. I think she will catch up and potentially still be the “winner”
The supplemental light ensures the plants are growing when its a gloomy cloud covered day (like most of spring). MJ and black lace elderberry got sprayed with Purecrop one as a preventative and “bio stimulant”

purple lemonade FF clone went into that third pot


tomatoes and cages are in and up. Ox heart & Ramapo

8:45 bedtime


Ox heart is a great Tomato. Big and meaty


Hell yeah ox heart is my absolute favorite for sauce. They are extremely calcium greedy. Each plant got a handful of Jonathan green love your soil (excellent product I use for all my veggies and chronic.)
Unfortunately those stupid lil seedlings cost 5$ each. And I work at the fuckin nursery… 85 bucks on veggie seedlings would have been half that 2-3 years ago. They are also smaller/ less developed than years past.
Today i got the drip lines and irrigation working for the veggies. I keep it basic with peppers. Shishito, Jalapeño, and some lunchbox ( fuck I need Italian roasters)
All plants got a generous top dressing of neem seed meal. I also traded a freakshow clone for a “skeleton coleus” with a local plant nerd.

I saved all of the healthy fan leaves from a winter grow and all the trim from the last 150 days of these plants lives. Mulched the two ladies with it. Totally forgot about the Topsy turvey tbh

This yard is almost ready to enjoy; and by enjoy i mean water the crap out of every day.



Little fella in the first pick looks similar to a spider I found in my home this morning. I scooped ‘im up in a glass and sent him outside before my cats ate him

That lil fellow is a nymph Spotted lantern fly found him on the Topsy turvy and proceeded to squish the life out of it.


Solar powered canopy fans keep air moving all day. 30 watts of light keeps em chugging along when its overcast out. All ladies have been sprayed with pure crop1 and neam oil a few times.

They are growing over an inch a day now. Branches on the 1987 are pulled in to force them up instead of out.
Had to give a shape up to freakshow to maintain her desired habit. Also needed to move the light so that the main leader follows down the guide line.
I left two large branches that go against the aesthetics but are going to be heavy yielding branches. I rolled them around my fingers breaking the cell walls so they need to recover rather than becoming the dominant apical meristems.




This is a clone from mama freakshow in the ground at 10 weeks (12/12 from roots)


Hows the topsy-turvy plant doing

Better than expected. She was the “winning” plant out of 100+ only because she gave me 11 blade leaves early in her life. She was taken as a flowering branch on jan 12th
((White widow x Ak47 )x (Original glue x Triple OG )) X Iron Cindy)
I have been spraying her with neam and pure crop one like twice a week since water drips all over her. I added some Strawberries to the top just to make it even harder to keep happy



june 7th

Generally I am watering these ladies with the hose. Yesterday the ladies got their first full strength dose of FF nutes. 5 gallons each into the 7gallon fabric pots. They have certainly hit a good stride and are growing over an inch a day.
I am tired of all the spotted lantern flies and decided to try a new product.
Essential just rosemary oil. Lets see if it makes any difference.


1 More light added each +1 for the purple lemonade still completing re-veg. Totaling 125 watts.
Night interruption cycle has officially been ended. The extra hour and a half have been added to the evening and the morning. Lights go off at 9 and turn on at 420. I hope that will not stress them out. This is the peak of growth for them and to go through the dance right now would be weak sauce.
This morning all four plants got a top dress of Biotone, Neam seed meal & Bat guano. Watered in with FF grow big+ micros. All nutrient waterings Phd to 6.4 with liquid lime.
I am not sure the freakshow will grow to the desired shape but if i get another 30 inches+ flower streach i should be close. I chopped off 4 rather large branches from her to aid in upwards growth. I need to go collect some seaweed mulch.
The product used above did not reduce the amount of Spotted lantern flies so i cant say i would recommend it.
I scored a few 2025 proven winners trial annuals. I’ll snap shots of them when they flower too!


Skywalker haze auto -

Oxalis maccorizzus/ others

hummingbird moth

I take a million pictures a day LMK if daily bumps are too much!


Looks amazing. Keep 'em coming!

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