PsillyRabbit starts off 24'

Artist rendering
(For scale)

“Freakshow devours T-rex of typical size”


love it :rabbit:


Me too :slight_smile:

It’s exploding as well at my end!

Fingers crossed for a long summer :heart_eyes:


Monster growth this past week. Inches a day on all plants. Already started Flower nutrients.
Only gonna hit them with BT one or two more times. Full strength Silica has been added to their diet.
Need to take 1987 cuts today to keep this clone only strain alive.
Gonna start a crate of Freakshow x Banana daddy auto f1s today to have F2s to play with and give away for fall.

She’s a bit patchy right meow. Just finished a major under canopy trim.
S1s and 1987reversed fems will be/are available to those of you that have been following.

she swole



I love it. If you need a volunteer just hit me up :innocent:

Should be out spraying but it’s too windy.
I have a bunch of pics but ran out of storage on my account…
Went down to 12 hours supplemental light 9 days ago and have entered flower stacking.
Pulled everything threw 3 days ago for the last time and removed 75% of the understory since then.
already day dreaming about the next two grows :upside_down_face:


Big nasty windstorm just blew through here and wreaked some local havoc - hope everything is still where you left it 🫣🍀


Safe here. Hope your good too.

However since I have to water that topsy turvy every day sometimes 2-3x a day all the extra humidity from evaporation has caused the peach above it to get PM! So right now there is PM hanging over (and presumably showering down on) the Topsy turvey. Wont have time to o a heavy trim until i get home from work.
That whole thing was just for funskis and im not trying to stress over it.

*chaos shot of the passiflora in the mix


Just some walnut branches i gotta cut up thus weekend

Got lucky this time. Was crazy watching it slam dance and then fall apart :scream:

Sucks your topsy turvy is not being very polite with its upstairs neighbor… maybe it needs its own apartment!



Nice looking sativa you got up above, not the pic you just posted an hour ago. That looks hungry or something, but I’m sure you got it handled. Keep up the good work :+1:t5:

I reversed the 1987 and think I sent you some Midnight Mass that was knocked up with the pollen. Was that you @ManyManySpliffs ?
lol Topsy turvy is good now. She was just bone dry because it was supposed to rain all day and didnt.
the above photo was at 5.13 when i got home from work
this photo was 5:39

trimmed the peach above

next moring


How about an update:
Advanced Node stacking, pistol formation and over all stretch leads me to believe these plants are at the end of week one of flower.
This is the original main leader The plan was to make an arch all the way too the 1987 but i favored a massive yield over aesthetics.

First tomato with color


:tomato: That’s always a rewarding moment.


leaving for 3 days. Im gonna have my buddy water the topsy turvy sometime but dont want to ask them to do it more than once. Just hose watered and hit everyone with 5 gallons of Phd nutrient water after watering.
Hopefully it’ll be alright.


1987 Flower stretch
(Ft. Collins Cough x SSSDH) x (Kali Mist x SSSDH)

Freakshow is over the sumac

I :heart: Sumac (Upstate)*


Thanks for sharing! This sumac is totally tantalizing :star_struck: do you use it as a seasoning ?

No words for your 1987 work! It’s epic :slight_smile:

Do you like the freakshow from its buds as well ?


Thanks for the kind words. So much time and efforts goes into keeping a big ole plant like that healthy the entire time. I wish I could grow a bunch of small plants here but we are only permitted the 3 so a few monsters in the public eye it is.
The freakshow in the ground was a mother plant for a lil while and the smoke from the clones was great! She took 11 weeks to finish. Buds are fat and weep over.
Real hashy, sweet and earthy. Undertones of some dark stone fruit I cant put my finger on. Certainly more indica notes then I was expecting, buds had purple hues when left to 12 weeks. Still had plenty of white hairs at that point too.

As far as the sumac goes. I make “lemonade” with it a few times a season while they are ripe and its fuckin amazing! I dont save any for the winter or use it in cooking.



Really crazy bro :slight_smile:

I know a forum they believe on the mythos that OD plants will not stretch :rofl:

Do you use the Sumak ?

PS: your beard looks kind of dry… :rofl:

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