PsillyRabbit starts off 24'

Really crazy… nobody would identify it as a forbidden plant :100:


The mask really ties the photo together :smiley: :clap::+1:


babe said " sure ill take a picture of you in your furry mask"

a few more pics added above


green poles are the 6’ mark

image image image



I haven’t had much time in my schedule for overgrow these days, but I sure love catching up on your thread. Awesome stuff, bud.


Lovely, Just Lovely … :green_heart: :green_heart:


Nothing to complain from my end :green_heart:

Some fantastic looking plants in your garden - nice to see the variety and the beautiful flowers :smiley: :smiley:

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freakshow is not gonna make it. Too much rain, no enough airflow- dirty scissors- all of that coupled by old age. Possible fussarim in my bed.
I am kinda peeved but know it’s my fault. If not for lack of care for being too prideful. I already had harvest in the bag so obviously the universe was eager to throw me a curveball. There is fungus on nodes along the stem. Followed it down to the base and i can see the beginning of root crown rot.


Do you know this one ? Brottrunk - Wikipedia

try it with that and keep your fingers crossed!

That says it takes a month to culture Lactobacillus reuteri. I could buy it from bezos Feed it a bit of grain sugar (LME) and keep it at 98F thats what we would have done in the brewery for a " fast sour"
Maybe ill do some reading into that. I dunno if she will cross the finish line. I’ll post some pics after work.


Any pictures of this disappointing Tragedy,

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In Germany we can buy it as a drink. I think the Asians have something similar ? comboucha or so?

We use this Brottrunk tobwash the steam and it recovers nearly always.

Other hint could be cinnamon :wink:



I lost one last year, did the preflowers flowers just go all brown and slimy? I had symptoms of septoria, I no longer believe that was the culprit. I know my particular freakshow hates wet feet, and the red clay. I’ve only watered them two or three times this summer, and they seem happier so far.

It sucks to lose a plant, but it looks like you’re winning the season :+1: good stuff

So it seemed a lot worse this morning before the sun was all the way up and everything was still wet. I just got home from work and it doesn’t look as bad as i remember this morning. Obviously there is a problem but it looks like she will pull through. The young buds appear unaffected. I also remember some exposed roots being soft to the touch this morning but everything is firm when i just checked ( could i possibly have been imagining it?) I would hit it with hort oil but i think letting the wounds breath would be more beneficial. If it was any other plant i would hit it with copper.
I have a biological fungicide. A sample of streptomyces lydicus 108* from Actinovate. I’m gonna use this tomorrow after get hit with the remnants of this hurricane tonight.

I didn’t snap a lot of photos but the fungus is affecting any wounds or exposed nodes all the way down the stem.

(sorry photos are no so clear)

just now


Man, I just can’t give that a like. I’m sorry man. What a bummer.

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In times of strife, i see that button as feeling the hurt, and sending what little love we can


That feline is beautiful :heart_eyes:

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Cheer up and do something :wink:

I saw some worse infections got healed we the emphasized methods !

All the best and fingers crossed

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thanks @JonPott , i found that kitty screaming for help in the water last august. @CalleMinogue ;0) I’m on it bud ;0)
I used the stience now wish me luck

Lets get back to the pretty pictures
