Psychedelic Strains

What came to my mind is that there is CBD-leaning Landrace in the Auto Side of your Strain.

I heard Stories derivering from Northamerican Landrace resembled this Type effect slightly.

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@Blu-Tri what was the name of this auto strain?
I saw a duke diamond strain advertise as having a similar effect as robo-tripping


I have experience with lsd and mushroomsā€¦ The strain that i remember the most tripping was Nebula, about 2004. I remember myself and a friend, dancing without music, on a work table in an industrial warehouse, at dawn (i dont like dance). Great twist to the senses, i would describe the effect as lsd + mdma. Has anyone else had similar effects with this strain? Its the third on my list of next seeds to buy.


Nebula is good ganja. I grew it in 2013. The plants that I grew enhanced color saturation. It was wonderful. I plan to grow it again and make cobs.


You and another person were both dancing on a table with no music? Why so early in the morning? Did anyone see you guys or were you guys alone?

Your post cracked me up bro! Iā€™m still trying to picture you guys dancing.


The friend was my girlfriend at the time, it was one of the first times we met. Her religion didnt allow her to be with me, and we could only see each other secretly. We lived 500km from each other, my family owned the warehouse and I had keys. A private place in a crowded city. From talking for hours we went on to laughs and dance after smoke. Grow that strain for a couple of years, before losing the moms. Beautiful memories.


Thatā€™s what I had on my first experience with weed at the beginning consistently. Colors just popped and just seemed both darker and brighter simultaneously. All I can remember about the weed I started on was that Iā€™d describe it as a grilled chicken with the skin on smell. Not seasoned, but just a roasted chicken with a light note of wood. It straight up brought me to my childhood when Iā€™d enjoy a BBQ party to my hearts extent and eat anything not nailed down. Iā€™d definitely not describe it as a decarbed smell. Though who knows. A terpene profile can exist that when decarbed smells like a wood fire cooked chicken afterwards. Though this was a nice indica with really resinous and bulbous trichome heads. Occasionally a shade of purple to black streaked through in place of red, but primarily a deep forest green shade. I never got any strain names and never even met the person my friend got the weed off, so I can only analyze memories now.

I also add this to anyone needing context for at least myself when I say something feels psychedelic. I have gone on a full visual lsd trip and weed definitely hits close to if not occasionally stronger than the microdose I had figured out for myself while I was that tripped out(about 22-27ug). Just because an effect is reduced does not negate its similarities. On top of that if your only definition of a psychedelic is to completely lose track of yourself like on heroin Iā€™m not sorry, but you have a problem and you should be using that trip to work on that rather than escaping reality. Please get help if you feel attacked by this before you end up OD like nearly my whole family through my life.


Real NYC haze aka piff can get pretty spacey. Iā€™m hoping to find some this winter.


You ate a tiny bit of acid one time and you think itā€™s like weed? Yeah, You tripping big balls! Lol. You was smoking dust. Sorry about your people bro. Mine gone also. Iā€™m not trying to argue with you bro, your experience is your experience. Iā€™m just curious how old you are?

I like tripping, a lot, and there is always something to be learned when taking high doses. Sometimes you donā€™t know what you need to ā€œfix/ work onā€ in your life, and when you dose hard, well everything just seems to line up just right. Edit! (For me)

I like talking about these kind of things and respect your opinions guys. Peace and love yā€™all!


Lol read my post again. A tiny bit one time? No. I had 1250ug one time. That also doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the only time. On top of everything you donā€™t know my experience with having no other choice other than to feel out what hormone is too high and needs a balance. You know what assuming makes

Iā€™m 30 and for the last 6 years Iā€™ve been taking psychedelics at much higher doses than anyone would expect me to take. I actually have a decent baseline tolerance as far as visuals go actually and it takes at least 800ug to get any distortion in vision.

Trust me if it was dust Iā€™d be dead. Also in withdrawal lolllll

I still prefer shrooms over lsd. Lsd I got what I needed from anyways and I can just enjoy a mental reset when I feel like it. Much less than I used to as Iā€™m not really needing any more answers for myself.

I enjoy discussing things like this as well as without a back and forth there canā€™t be any progress.

Edit: I feel I should add that even if 1250ug lsd wonā€™t necessarily kill you. It can have the potential to through seizures if youā€™re sensitive to serotonin syndrome. If caught in time the hospital will induce a medical coma to stop it. Though Iā€™m still convinced my friend took rc not 600mg lsd that night.


You big tripping. People used to eat ten strips all the time. You gonna fry. Letā€™s say they were dosed around 150-200ug thatā€™s around 1,500-2,000ug right?

Large doses of acid are way different than large doses of cubes. If you can handle heroic doses of mushrooms you can take what Lucy has to throw at you.

Just be careful bro. You only got one brain.


@OniTenshu well said.
Thatā€™s the thing I love about weed, you can go as far as you want to goā€¦ and still make the trip back.
Worst case scenario, you burst into laughter and fall asleep.
I have a couple of buddies that love acid. They tell me the bud I have gives them a crazier trip. It gives you different types of experiences. We think the effects are dependent on your mood.
They range from out of body experience, to lost in time. Even lost in space episodes. I always tell my wife that the smoke allows me to crawl deep into my mind. Sometimes the past just comes alive. You start reliving past memories, or smelling food from the past.
I call the events Psychotic episodes. Itā€™s when I journey far into the past that was before my time, or well into the future. Sometime I travel beyond the reaches of man, so I think.
The thing is, your mind will never be the same, after this trip. But luckily I always come back. We talking Cheech when he said, ā€œwow man. Thatā€™s some heavy shit man!ā€ Or ā€œ hey man, what in that shit? I ainā€™t never smokes no dope like that before in my lifeā€¦ā€ yeah Iā€™m talking that type of weed.


Thatā€™s one thing Iā€™ve been getting at honestly. For different people and their own personal body chemistry tripping can express in a different manner. For myself personally tripping on mushrooms without getting any even closed eye visuals had been frustrating, but after enough time my brain also was able to trip and enjoy another aspect of tripping. I started with deep introspective thought. Visuals are nice, but arguing with myself still is the better experience as it allows me to find out why I react a certain way. Being told doesnā€™t always help. I canā€™t explain it to anyone without a Dysphoria disconnect without vivid details. Just Google it if you want to know in better details than I can late night rant about.

My main thing that drew me to weed initially was it allowed a safe space to work on my emotions. Though not every strain. Unless I just smoke an excessive amount.

As another strange example by that nature alcohol would also be grouped as a psychedelic as it tends to make people talk too much about their past they may have blocked/locked the memory on. Though Iā€™d consider most alcohol a dirty psychedelic as it doesnā€™t exactly make the happiest person in general.

Also yes @JohnnySeed i was fishbowling for a month or so after that 1250ug trip. The halo was less a halo and more a permanent wavy trip. For awhile it was neat. I could see air currents as a semi transparent effect like in cgi. Then the novelty ran out and I was realizing fast I was stuck in noodle body and as pleasant as it was to just have my body stop tensing up always I had to follow the trip and when I did I stopped being stuck in the fishbowl. Honestly thatā€™s just the power of psychedelics really. The permanent visuals are seemingly amazing at first until you canā€™t function well enough to shop alone without buying shit you mistook for another completely different color box and such.

Iā€™ve had that with weed, but minus the visuals. The pathway is still the same. The visuals may not always be though for all. In some cases it could be a visual mental health condition, an issue with the optic nerve signaling, damage to the occipital lobe, a serotonin syndrome disorder, or really anything else really I canā€™t think of off the top of my head.

@Blu-Tri yes I try to discuss this with my partner, but she doesnā€™t really understand venting. Iā€™ll just get a therapist if I canā€™t stop venting to my partners about every single thing my clinically diagnosed severe adhd riddled brain can think of. As so many people use adhd as a catch-all lately I felt the need to add that. Or maybe just in my area adhd meds are something those with actual severe adhd have difficulty reaching an ideal dose on. Though I canā€™t take amphetamines, so I avoid the group of adhd meds that are a part of Gen 1. Gen 2 ones work best for me. Re-uptake inhibitiors. Meds made from research into why lsd works please over medical meth always.

Edit: typo. Replace to re-uptake.


Yes you wouldnā€™t believe believe what drugs can some type of psychological impact on a person.
For me caffeine is a real nemesis. Iā€™m talking a sip of Coca Cola, a candy bar, a cup of decaf coffee. Even a brownie or a piece of chocolate cake will do it. It crazy
I canā€™t sleep for days. I have weird dreams about my wife cheating on me. I become indecisive.
For these reasons I donā€™t take pain meds unless I really have too. I try not to consume any type of pharmaceutical.
Even if I over do it on the bud. A .25 g time session will have me somewhere in the Crab Nebula, or flying into the sun. Maybe talking to God. I really like the ancestral trips, where I go back into the past to see my future.
Bud has a time machine, and a tree of knowledge effect on me when I consume it. It brings new concepts of physics into my reality.
Objects vanish, people vanish, I have vanished, my wife has vanished. Even my friends report the same type of events when they smoke my bud. So I know the events arenā€™t isolated solely to me.
My wife has the highest tolerance for it since I use her as my test subject. Even after 5 maybe 6 years of being on the strain, .4 is about the most she will do. And she only does that at bed time.
Another crazy detail is my friend say they are afraid of it. But that doesnā€™t make sense, because they know if I give them something else and will tell me that they want the other bud.
They actually prefer the crazy weed. They tell me itā€™s the only weed that gets them high every time. It has a certain level to it that your body will call out forā€¦ just as brother is looking for that specific effectā€¦they now want that specific effect.
I think it can be somewhat addictive and cannabis isnā€™t supposed to be like that. I am the creator of the strain that I call the Nympho.
Since I am a hedonist. Meaning I like to experience new feeling of any type. I created a strain that is so intense, mentally, physically and spiritually all at the same time.
It allows you to feel stuff that you havenā€™t felt in years. It opens up your brain and restarts the thinking process. I think that is what scares most people, ā€œ they do not think, so thinking is new to themā€.
I try not to pass the bud out any more, and I noticed that my friends list has gotten really small now. Yes I have other really good bud, but itā€™s just not the same. They prefer the weed with the trip.



Honestly caffeine in excess has its own mild hallucinogenic effects. Back when I used to make coffee for a living Iā€™d basically run off what I call a death cup. 6 shots of double shot espresso shots, strong brewed coffee(Iā€™m the only one in the family with the old family Irish coffee recipe my grandfather died with), and mixed with one pump of cocorico chocolate syrup. All made with a chilled milk frothing cup to avoid watering it down. 32oz of this anywhere from 3 times to 6 times a shift.

Caffeine alone is not why energy drinks work the way they do. RCs are why.


Omg. That would have be shaking and walking back and forth for days.


I call it Nympho.
Itā€™s an auto flower that I created 6-7 years ago. When it fist appeared, it was 2x as loud, and 2x as potent as anything I have ever had before.
I love to see the reaction of people that I give samples too.
Every one who tries it always say they have never had anything like it before. Or they think itā€™s laced.
I tell them itā€™s real, and itā€™s an auto flower.


@Blu-Tri Iā€™m not sure I would like that. I can lose my keys more often than any damn human in the planet. At least I can still find my wife.


It happens mainly in my grow area. Iā€™m be watering or tidying up. She will come looking for me, but never see me. So once she was wit me, I stepped out for really 3 seconds, when I for back, she was gone. Man for realā€¦ I looked all over for her. I even stood in the spot where I last seen her. She was gone for like 2, maybe 3 mins. I went to calling out to her name while searching the house, and she finally answered me. I came back to where I last saw her, and she was right where I left her.
When we talked about it, she told me, do I not know how many times she has came looking for me and I wasnā€™t there. To this they she will not come in there. She says it scares her. I know it freaked me out. I have 3 other friends that all report the same types of stuff happen to them, when they smoke my bud. Brothers it crazy.


Check out the Central American land race threadā€¦

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