Psychedelic Strains

That definitely sounds interesting… my interest is certainly piqued. As bizarre as it may be, don’t let something like that disappear. At least back cross it, set up some clones with friends, tissue culture it, or something. It could be quite nice if it could be mellowed out.

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@BlackGoldNGreen First it’s an auto flower smoking on that level. I know that is hard for most photo growers to conceive.
So no clones… it consistently produces from seed. As any good auto should.
I mellowed it out by crossings to other strains. I added more frost, some color, and some of the newer terps profiles.
I’m working on making the crosses as potent as the Nympho.
Once you smoke it, it’s hard to smoke anything else. It gives you feeling that your body will crave. It makes you remember everything that is good to you. Your endorphins will be in overdrive. Every nerve in your body will tingle.
Brother it makes the hair stand on your arms in just a few puff. It’s how we like it around here. We don’t have to wine about bud not like it used to be, because we have something so much better.


wich auto did you use for the Nympho, please tell.


@romanoweed lol I started the Nympho in 2013. And been growing it for generations. She hasn’t had any outside influences in 6 generations. I spent a lot of time learning to lover her. Learning how to grow her. Also learning how to bring out the best in her.

What would you do if you were in my shoes? Would you pass in out? If so how would it be worth? What is it worth to you ??? Feel free to inbox me.


What i would do with you Strain

I dont know what i would do if i were you, casue im not you. hah

If i wanna make money, i would probably not gift it to others.
If i dont wanna make mony or get anything, then i would share it.
If i was a collector that hopes to get rare insider Genetics, in exchange for my insider Genetic , then i would also not pass it on to everyone, so i can get the people to give me insider Genetic.

I was more interested what the genetic background is. Given your smokereport, it sounds different to my tripp i had once. considerably…

I just am lead to beleve that you have some CBD Automatic inside that Line wich is responsible hfor the trip-effects you report.

I have very rarely heard that Hybrid-creations are as trippy as Landraces.

Thats why i just would try to take the Components appart. If Nympho uses say: Cookies. And say the Cookies werent as trippy by itselve, but say the Cookies were the most trippy by itselve of all the Ingredients you used… Then i woud go back to Cookies, and try out other Automatics to cross it out to. (Automatics can come from pretty different parts of World (northemaerica . Northeurope, Chinese).

Try to find better parts (better automatics) that are trippyer than the one you used.
So you can get higher, or better high…

Thats what i would do at first. Im myselve trying to combine different SE Asian Lines. To get trippyer effect. Not just cause no reason. Cause sometimes a certain Vibe, a certain direction, a certain "Trait " is missing in a Given Landrace I THINK . Not always, but can happen.

So, i try to improove a Strain that way, almost entirely that way.

So, back to your Nympho. Well, i beleve in the power of Landraces, but who knows probably there can be very special combinations that are trippy. BUT mostly i beleve you just, despite the name “Automatic”, kind of added to the durban in the Cookies by adding something very similar. probably the Automatic, even it came from say Russia , it may have a similar climate that it is similar to durban.

I am lead to beleve that you actually therefore kind of added two similar Landrace, andt herefore just created SOMETHING LIKE a Landrace . cause its like the same climate, just something in common… And climate influences the Race that ives in it…

I beleve that, cause i rarely heard there is any Hybrid that was as trippy as a Landrace…

So i think you created something a bit like a landrace.

1:exchange parts that may not be perfect enough.
2:find purer versions of the parts that may not be LAndracy enough, say the Cookies , find a pure durban instead.
3:dont exchange parts that you cant find better versions of it. If you dont find a pure durban thats AS GOOD as the one in the Cookies, and it will be a lifelong hunt for it, then you might be better off with what you have.

So, in one go:
find better versions of the parts you used, or find purer versions of the parts you use. Till you have broken down your cross, to a point, where you understand what makes it so good, and to a point where it is better.


@romanoweed you put a lot of work into that speculation. Just ask brother instead of speculating… no hemp/cbd… none bs is in the Nympho… there aren’t any horrible built, poor smoking landraces.

Obviously you weren’t paying attention when I said 2013…and that was being optimistic, when it closers to 2011. So that’s a real 10 years invested.

This isn’t any poly morph. … or that more of the same bs that every one else is passing out. This that shit every one is talking about the want… but when it come down to paying for it… they start crawfishing and making weak as excuses. Or looking for other ways to get it.
I’ll buy a pack of gsc from you…if you can get it from berner… or that pie cross Durban… or whatever it is they are calling it this week.
So when it comes to telling anyone how I got it. ,just know, I’m not the follow the leader type. I prefer to be followed. And my bud shows it.

Brothers, Anyone one can talk cannabis, the net is filled with bs cannabis stories. Stories made up to increase the marketability of the medical marijuana… did I say hemp out loud. Oh yeah they call it cbd now. Wait it’s … cbn… oh I forget, last week they changed it to cbg. … wtf is it going to be next week? … besides the sorry same ass bs… that everyone else is passing out.
When you get tired of that, fuxk wit me because the Nympho is something different. Exit the past brother… I’m fux’n with that “new new”. You can call it nunu if you are hood enough.

Since I have your attention, let’s be honest. Most strains were isolated to their local areas, so the chance that you had access to smoke as many as you claim to know just doesn’t seem real to me.
We all know… just because a mofo says he has it, don’t make it true… the internet has made every pot grower a connoisseur, simply because he can repeat something that he read off the net.

If you are serious get in my box where we can talk like grown man, instead of kids looking for likes.
For real bro. No free ride. No copy cats… no seed preservation runs…you gonna have to bring that bag for me to share this with you. I know if you spend that bag, you want be passing my work out for free.
I got crosses. In other words, you can get a taste… I’m pretty sure that they will be enough for you. If not the Nympho is on deck. But If you want that Nympho effect. $$$ motivate me.
Remember I said I made crosses with it tone it down. meaning I added the gsc crap for that “flavor chasers effect” which neglects any real high… if you are still getting buzzed off gsc, gelatos, and the likes, I know the Nympho is way too potent for you.
Clear your mind brother… think 2020 -2040… the Nympho is that type of smoke. And no I don’t pass it out. What I am doing is searching for something comparable to breed to. So far the cookies crosses that I have samples aren’t even playing in the same ballpark. Let me get a pack of what you are talking about so I can see for myself. I got you. $$$$. I prefer to know what I’m talking about, before i spread any misinformation. But I guess that would be ok since I’m using the net. , peace brothers. Fly high!


Greyberry, Nirvana afghani, Dutch passion blueberry, dj shorts organic flo, white haze, California orange bud, chemdawg, bubbleHash powerPlant, hashplant, blue dream, afghooey.


the cookies i mentioned WERE as an example how I MYSELVE would try approche (improove) it. It wasnt about Cookies at , it was about narrowing down the Landraces that are in the Makeup of whatever you used.

You asked me for what i would do, thats why i anwsered

Further: i dint mean , that you should give it out. I think its clearly enough written, to not be mistacken.

You just asked for what i whould do.

The Anwser i gave therefore, did neither say that you should give it out, it just said in wich case I MYSELVE dont give something out / or in wich case i do.

Anyway. Peace


hey, and i didnt wanna claim the Hybrids arent as trippy as Landraces. I think i clear enough stated that its just my impression that Hybrids arent as trippy. thats no claim. if someone tells me otherwise, then ok.

i really never heard of such effects like you describe.

all i just wanted to say, that MY IMPRESSION leads me to assume that LAndrace is the Direction to go, or to experiment with. or it i the reason behind potency. No claim, just my beleve…


Sounds like a pretty epic strain you created! Super cool sounding effects. Sometimes I would like to disappear off the job site when we are lifting heavy Lumber LOL.
There’s a midget strain I havethat I got from my uncle. It was called an Autoflower, but I don’t know what it is really. It doesn’t start flowering at 25 days, it’s more of a 90-day variety start to finish. Doesn’t like the cold. When this midget variety is mixed to an afghan, it can really erase your memory. When my cousin did a cross like this he called it mind Eraser. My memory was shot every time I smoked this stuff. Sounds like yours is stronger yet.


I like the way you think. @Upstate


I have done a multitude of psychedelics and also tried a multitude of cannabis strains, and I just want to say that if you don’t think cannabis or certain strains, can be psychedelic, you maybe should just take a seat in this thread and learn a thing or two. Have you tried landrace sativas? Are you familiar with the different ceiling levels of different strains?
I, personally, have had some of my most stimulating thought explorations (psyche[mind/soul]delic[to reveal/manifest]) on cannabis, have had open/closed eye and auditory hallucinations, and often judge the quality of a high by how much brighter colours appear and how much my thoughts are stimulated. As an old hippy once said to me “we used to smoke to get into it, not out of it!”
Much love, and no insults intended, but yes, cannabis is psychedelic by definition and technical classification, and some are more psychedelic then others. Most psychedelic strains I have had recently were malawi 13 and cob cured swazi gold.


I once smoked 25 bong loads of weed late at night by myself sitting on my bed when I was a younger man. I was sitting there staring at this large tapestry with lions and elephants on it, a very elaborate African scene. I studied this tapestry for 5 or 10 minutes looking at all the different details. And then I opened my eyes…


What’s Malawi 13? Is that G13 crossed to Malawi?


oh yes, i think , now that you mention it that there might be Afghani or Pakistani thats inside the Nympho.
bluetri`s tripreport definitly reminds me of the Afghani i smoked. Some afghani has a mystical touch, is the secound strongest weed i know/knew IMHO.
It was very stong, and made very unusual sensations. Yep afghani might be whats in the Nympho… Paki.

Like said, sounds like CBD plays a role in the Nympho if you ask me IMHO .


@romanoweed opinions are like assholes kinfolk… every body got one. $$$.

Really y’all we got off the real point of the post. The psychedelic aspect of cannabis. The reason I posted here, was to see if there is a psychic aspect to my bud. Or are the effects simply from thc poisoning. Can anyone else elaborate?
I want to know if the mind trip associated with the Nympho considered psychedelic… or is it simply psychosis??


I’m assuming your just trying to add to your trippy favs to the thread.
Hope all is well for you man.


Can you describe what else it does, as well as length of effect and taste and scent. I know something that works similar to the 3 minutes you describe of your brain being scrambled. Round my ends they use something called spice, mamba its a synthetic a chemical used to stun the brain for short term. Interesting for a auto to have that effect, sounds like the type of effect you get from something were other cannabinoids arnt developing fully and its just concentrating on a single targeted cannabinoid.


@NIGHTMARE brothers I understand that this is new territory for cannabis of any sort, especially an auto flower.
Did you have the same opinion about gg4, gsc, mac1?? How about gdp, og kush, or chem dawg?
I remember reading where the guy was talking about how much hassle people gave him about sour diesel. But I’m sure it’s nothing like the expert opinions that I’m getting here. It makes me want to ask, what are your credentials. But that’s a moot point since anyone can be anything over the internet.
To answer your question. 6-12 hours… I have seen times that it last 24 hours. Like I know and my people say… you are still high when you wake up. You can’t eat it down. Those x’s want help you. It will knock you clean off those skates. The skaters love it because they can go to work Monday morning after zooming all weekend. Feel me.
I’m no expert, but maybe the cannabinoid at play is thc… and it doesn’t play fair.
This bud is well above mans tolerance. We had been smoking it exclusively for over 5 years. And we still get the same effect. The same effects that my circle say they get every time. It’s the only bud that they have ever had like that. Guaranteed results, because It’s like that every time you pick it up.
Brother the bud is so distinctive, that they know it by looks, by smell, And if they hit it and taste it, they know that bud only comes from one place. Those in my circle get very popular because of it.
Back to that real. I don’t know what type of bud that you are used to. But rest assured that we are smoking something totally different in this camp.
Here is as much background I will give. I bred some different auto strains together… this beast was born. It was The loudest and most potent bud that I have ever smoked. I did another run of it to make sure it was real. That run turn out the same as well. Every plant. Don’t forget autos come from seed. Gen 1 was born.
I grew those for a year and a half, before I decided breed it again. Still with me?
I finally got a chance to breed a few plants from those seed together to see what would happen. Bro it was same thing… very powerful loud smoke. The skunkiest, loudest bud that you have ever smelled in your life. that was gen 2. I smoke on that for a year maybe 2 before I breed again to make gen 3. I’m 5 years in… easily. This my own personal smoke that on me and my circle enjoy.
By gen 3 some of those cookie based auto were being released. So it was the perfect time to see if my Nympho was ready for breeding duties. I made a few Nympho crosses with some autos that I like back in the day, and a few modern cookie auto strain.
I keep the crossed lines and the pure lines separate. The f1 crosses or great to those who have never had the Nympho. For those who have had her, there is a huge difference. Compared to the Nympho, they are a 5 maybe 6. To you they would be a 10.
Being the smart guy I am, I breed the crosses together with big expectations. Wow did they deliver. The F1’s has a slight boost in potency and terps. Breed those crosses together together and you get a good 7.5-8 in comparison… to you, “hey man where did you get this shit?” Is what you will be saying. It taste like cookies/ something, but smells and smoke 10x better. That’s what i wanted to see. And it was just like I expected.
I further my experimenting by breeding, some of the 2x crosses to each other, to a f1, and back to the Nympho. With every cross, potency and terps became more prevalent. The hit becomes more and more like the Nympho. The taste, you are eating cakes, eating pies, eating cookies, oranges, grapes, bubble gum, chem, candy, meaty funk. With the help of the Nympho, the crosses have some of the most complex terp profiles you have ever seen in cannabis. With every hit you can find something different. Would will find something in any cross of mine that you like. For those that don’t like fruity strains… I bet you will like these.
Don’t think my work was done there. Not by any means. Crosses were bred back to the f4 Nympho. (2x X 2x) X Nympho, then those times each other. I put that work in.
With so many photo guys like your self calling bullshit, you know what I had to do next. They are too fux up to grow autos, so I decided to make some photo crosses to shut their mouths.
And they want have to bitch about growing an auto… you now the guys that I’m talking abou, the guys just like you.
I’m going to breed the gen 6 Nympho to some photo strains that I picked up.
Some bet good reviews, some don’t, but it’s not about that. It’s about what’s going to happen when I bred the Nympho to them. And then breed them back together. There is going to be some awesome photo stains in the near future.
So thanks for all the opinions, and carful thoughts… thanks for all the put downs an none support. And I especially thank those that have been kind and supportive. There is a reason they are keeping it on the hush. When you are scratching your head trying to figure out what happened… the Nympho happened brother. Keep your eyes and ears open. ! And enough with the foolishness. Peace and fly high. image|375x500


if you mean me, i have no idea why you see me as acting like an Expert. (Wich probably adresses the Problem of someone claiming to know something, or such behaviour)

I think i clearly stated what i said as an oppinon. Wich is to differ from making Claims. And therefore is different from acting like an Expert.
And whatever you POSSIBLY have ment by adressing me as acting like an Expert, i inform you that i principially dont see me as acting like an Expert in any form.

Further: you actually asked me for what i would do in your situation, thats why i anwsered.
If you wouldnt asked me for what i think, i probably wouldnt laid out “so extended” whats my oppinion about your strain /what to do with it .

I think what i did (anwsering after you seemingly demanded an anwser, stated as oppinion, as assumtion ) is ok.