Psychedelic Strains

Salvia is gross and weird lol. Last time I did it was on lunch break from barracks staff duty. Sat up in my room having a conversation with 3 of me.


is seeing Things with your bare Eyes, not transparent, not with closed eyes, not imaginary good enough?

(now comes probably: it was laced…)

Then my Anwser: dont think so. Ive seen other people in the Jungle in the 70s even have this weed. Rather not laced. Ive readen like 50 reports of this quality around the globe, always comes from pure equatorial plants. Those send you to space i recon. It was overall just like ganja feeling, couldnt make out any obvious differences. It was like ganja-without the bad sideeffects that hold you down. These effects like anxiety, hiding at home, tiredness, overthingking things. All were nonpresent. Just the good sides. And the good sides creeped on you till…


not shure if it is. My expericene with ganja is on same level with ajahuasca reports, or some of the better mushrooms lsd one, where people went really deep. but more peacefull i guess. no fear at all.

The mass was 3 puffs per person. we just had a tiny spliff, the tinyest we ever had.

but not important.


Salvia divinorum holds a special place for me. my experiences with her showed me and and helped to teach me many things that helped me immensely in all facets of my life. It’s been some time since we’ve crossed paths, but I know we will see each other again.

After listening to Bodhi on the potcast I’ve wanted to try chewing a quid of some… hope to maybe get to grow some at some point…I like a lot of the salvia/sage family of plants.


One fat bowl of dried leaves, take the whole bowl in one hit and hold it as long as you can, at least 30 seconds. You’ll be gone by the time you blow it all out.

Small amounts would cause the ground to seem like I was walking on a 30 degree incline. Like whole of earth shifted.

Larger amounts it was like a hand would come down and pick me up, I could see the whole room from a bird’s eye perspective.

Stronger still, reality/perception would shift. Literally sideways, usually left to right. One time my left eye was seeing some other place, a dark building somewhere, while the right eye was still seeing my buddies basement and what was going on. Thought I was stuck like that permanently until it wore off after 3min or so. Another time there was a circus attired gremlin/dwarf looking guy operating a gameshow spinning wheel for how much I could see of this place…

When you do it right, that shift happens completely. You are no longer wherever you started at. That’s where someone could yell at you, hit you, whatever, it doesn’t matter, you aren’t here anymore until it wears off after a couple minutes…

It’s totally unlike anything else. No see through transparency here.

@MantisTobogganMD :ok_hand: exactly how I feel about her.


@holyangel, i dont go into details… Cannabis was as trippy as ALL the psychedelic drugreports i ever was able to find.

Just no sideeffects were present


And 3 puffs of a thin spliff are exactly one bowl or less?

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I smoked some stuff that I don’t remember the name of, if it had one. All I know was that it was completely gem green. No purple hairs, a very minut amount of orange, and when we smoked a bowl of it I remember zoning out to a point where I didn’t even hear the conversation that took place a foot beside me. Wish I could find that again

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Its all well and good having a one off experience maybe from some unknown or known strain. But when you have the exact same strain that is around for years and has a serious effect on everyone who smokes it thats when you know that is some dangerous stuff. When you see countless people white out or rolling on the floor with one eye looking in a completely different direction to the other saying this weed is bad, this weed is bad over and over or complete mumbo jumbo. Or countless people being unable to speak or move for hours at a atime or others actually throwing up continually for a hour or two. When you realise that this one strain is having this earth moving effect on all who try to challenge it and it completely puts everyone into a altered reality were you lose control then you can say you’ve found a powerhouse psychedelic strain that will bend your head upside down. Not many strains that can do that. Daydreaming is something else that one can do even without weed so thats a completely different effect to what I describe above big difference between that and weed you just zone out on and have daydreams on.


Sounds like the old NL5Haze description… or AKBB’s Consumption.


well, that weed i smoked is so ultra rare, that i cant tell if everyone would get Halluciogeic effects.

i didnt ask my friends concretly about if they were sent to space. Some people , like me react differnt and dont mention what happens to them. Further questioning i didnt do,its simply nowhere to be found .

But what i know, i read about this strain, i dont wanna mention it again, and the effect seems to been roundabout what you mean. but not that people have eye-problems, just everyone will be strongly affected, they will aknowledge how strong it is.
but what am i saying with “aknowedge how strong it is” ?

well thats what someone told to me, i can therefore not go further into detail.but i think he ment people freaked out. he said it was always fun to watch people smoke it .
some individuals however were sent to space.

So, i guess this actually exist. but would have to ask him again, for a hundret percent verivication.

Overall, weed isnt very consistently a hallucinogenic. but i actually couldnt tell that many drugs that are like that. ? salvia and ajahuasca seems to be consistent?

The other thing you have to admit is that we all smoke cannabis regularly. if you already smoked short before, shure it get weaker. different with salvia?


I’m not knocking weed, but it’s not a psychedelic. You keep comparing it to trip reports you’ve read. Reading a trip report doesn’t give you any real perspective on what tripping is like. Calling weed psychedelic without first hand experience with psychedelics is like comparing apples to mushrooms while having you’ve only ever eaten toast.


@EugeneDebs420 Sorry had to edit that post, i missred your latest:

Strains of Cannabis compare like another drug between themselve. That means some are so special (Thai , Middleamerican), they are like another Drug.

Have you ever smoked 70s Thai or similar? If no, then you havent smoked weed of a very different quality.
And i think if i had a Experience that i classify as Hallucinogen, then well, it is of a certain Level. And if i further was never able to find any more mindblowing tripreports from other Pschedelics like Ayahu, Dmt and so forth, than i found in Canna-tripreports . Given this two reasons, i conclude that cannabis is just on same level i would say. And i have read some very crazy psychedelics tripreports.

Well, im not wanna proove it.

And i dont wanna go into detail.


I frequently get mild to moderate psychedelic effects from certain strains. I’ve gone on plenty of psychedelic journeys with lots of hallucinogens over the last 30 years, so you’d think I’d know the effects, both subtle and obvious.

Some types of cannabis give me intense visuals that are most definitely psychedelic in low light or dark rooms, or with my eyes closed, and visual sharpening and oddities, such as strobing and popping in and out, in bright light. None of it is full on disconnection from everyday perception like a heroic journey on a classic hallucinogenic substance, but many are very distracting, so best not to drive on those types.

Those types include one or two Northern Lights crosses, some Vietnamese stuff, a couple of the high mountain sativas, and the one Iraqi cross I’ve tried from bodhi. I suspect it may be my endocannabinoid system, since weed affects me in different ways from most.


What about the synthetic cannabinoids? Those will trip you out. I would not recommend smoking them cuz they overload your brain receptors and then it will take a while til normal weed will get you stoned.

I think a lot has to do with tolerance. Someone that doesn’t smoke daily or very rarely smokes will notice more differences in the different kinds of smoke. A few years ago I would only smoke once every few weeks and I would smoke two bowls to my head and be stupid dumb high!


Yeah sythetic cannabinoids can get pretty nuts especially if you don’t know which one it is and how concentrated it is in substrate. Smoked more than my fair share of spice in the army. I used to make it in my barracks room, ordered the jwh-018 on alibaba straight to the unit mail room sprayed onto Damiana leaf in acetone solution 30g jwh/kilo of damiana. I made so much money it wasn’t even funny, and being young and stupid I blew it all. Got out of the it when jhw was scheduled and harder to source, the synthetics that replaced it seemed sus and had like no tox research(jwh018 was relatively safe) I didn’t want to risk hurting anyone and my first Sgt had warned me about that i was under under investigation by CID so I shut everything down.


So when I was 15 I was in Maui and I scored some bud from a user I hooked up with on the island, he said it was real Maui wauie,. I shit you not smelt like rotting skunk in the rental,. They later asked if we smoked in it… ha. No, ne way with no way to buy a pipe being 15 I smoked the whole eighth by rolling js. This stuff had my head doing wah wahs and I felt like I was inflated like a balloon, this was some of the trippiest smoke I’ve had, the only other thing close is some weed called head band, well no joke. I felt like I was wearing some sort of band around my head, there was a slight pressure present. In my experiences those are the most psychedelic it got with buds.


Damn bro, sketchy. Yeah I knew someone getting the rc and making it. I was on paper so I smoked it. Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was really good, sometimes it sucked and sometimes you were so jacked up you couldn’t get off the floor for 15 minutes and you would be sitting there thinking about how you get up. Forget how to talk sometimes! Yeah, shits no good. Lol. It Was a good high sometimes though when they got it right. Sometimes it was like a speedball and sometimes it was like dmt also.

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I have an auto flower that’s smokes like what you described. People think it’s laced. The high literary take you to a different time period.
This is the true meaning of tripping. Women seem to tolerate it better. I have seen grown men run from it. I mean just take off running.
Personally, I only take a hit of 2, if you smoke any more than that… who knows where you will end up.
Just to make it real… I was standing in the room with my ole lady talking. I step out for a few seconds to grab something off the table in the next room. My wife was not there when I got back. No place to go or hide, she was gone. I searched the house 3 times looking for her. I finally remember hearing this voice that’s calls out to me. So I called to my wife. By the 3rd try she answered me. I asked her where is she. She told me she is in the room. I told her to grab something and keep taking. I prayed she would be there this time, and she was. No she rarely go into the room. If she does, she doesn’t stay long… she always tell me,” do you know how many times I have done to that room and you wasn’t there.” I told her, I can hear someone come in, but I never see them. I always go look, but I never see anyone. This bud does this to every who smokes it. Freaks them out so badly, so I don’t give it out any more. It’s personal.


@Blu-Tri crazy story. i never got such a type effect from Weed.

But actually somehow i am reminded on when i had nothing to smoke , but wanted too.

i took a lot of hemp, made edibles.

Wasnt like i saw Things appear but i was close to feeling lost, like dissorientation, but actualy not. it was just like i couldnt think very far. Couldnt think far in my “mental map” .

As dumb as it sounds, and now im probaby super uncredible. Well it were brownies, and Hempbrownies are really strong with low Tolerance.

It was like i couldnt think far, also in my Thoughts, i only had the first Word of a sentence in my Head, to a point where it was really intense. Just half Sentences chasing each other… Just no Endorphines that you get from Thc-Weed were present.

I think you may got a Pheno that is mostly Auto. And therefore similar to what i consumed (Hemp).

But yeah, alltho it reminded me bit of the intensity of Tripping, it wasnt pleasant really, or anything that i wana go back to.