Psychedelic Strains

@romanoweed no brother I’m not singling any one out. I’m just speaking in general. I can accept yours, and anyone else’s opinion. Even if I may not agree with it.
This post went from speaking on psychedelics, to me having to defend myself for sharing my thoughts.
That’s uncalled for by any means.
I mentioned crosses. Which should have been taken as an open invitation for anyone interested to see for themselves what I’m working with.
Instead I got unwarranted speculations. Wtf. Adolescent behavior at it finest. We call that “hating”. But I’m confused because the hate is coming from the the uninformed. We call that ignorant. You decide which shoes that you are wearing.
I’m going to make it super easy. The Nympho is derived solely from auto flowering strains that predate the hemp/cbd stuff that you are referring too.
I’m not telling anyone how I build her so quit asking and speculating. Let’s concentrate on the fact that she exists. And she is ready to take on the world. Which should be very obvious with a name like Nympho! Think positive brother. Put your hands on one my crosses. Then get on here and give an honest opinion. That’s how real mofo do it. Peace brothers. Fly High!


It could be that you try to adress me , but in the same time use a Shine to make it look like you didnt adress me (trough Generalisation /adressing someone).

If so, then i inform you that i dont see myselve as forcing anyone to having to defend himselve(bringing someone in the position where he has no other choice as to defend hiselve) . Cause everything i said was neither undemanded, so that rules out me beeing unpolite by “framing what you speak about” .
. Nor was it unjustified i think, cause you did not tell anyone the Lineage, so your Question about “what i would do” left many unknowns, by not providing any Basis/data about what the question concerns. (no full Lineage).

I think to anwser a Question that doesent provide any Basis, like described , with speculation is ok. Cause it felt , the way you talked, it felt like you wouldnt wanna provide any closer Data about your Lineage.

Even if you actually wouldnt had a problem with Lineage Data, at this point in time (before) you asked me a Question, to wich you basically only provided me the Smokereport, plus the Therm “Autoflower”. Wich to me , for such an Act it would most probably make sense to anwser with speculations, … Speculations of similar Effects of Strains, and their whereabouts…
In this manner i anwsered, and namely it included Landraces.

I mean, who would possibly been able to anwser a Question regarding a Strain that you just provided a Smokereport for , with nonspekulative Anwser (facts). Smokereports have some subjectivity to it, wich makes it probably very hard for someone to actually know, and feel exactly enough what you talk about. Since this estimated difficulty for someone to exist who can anwser this Question , based on subjective Data, since that i figured it would ok to anwser with speculations. I think thats ok. Atleast i think its not really wrong to anwser with speculations, in this case.

Incase your Generalisation didnt include me, then ok.

Can you probably continue in PM, casue the flow of the Thread.


Nope, I didn’t get 'em.


The only time I’ve ever talked to faces in the clouds or had the world in front of me flash in and out of reality was on Mary.

Acid, mesc, other pills all purported to be psychedelic never did that.


Ok bro so here’s the deal… normally grown marijuana has all kinds of chemicals you get when you smoke or vape it. The main one being the thc you been talking about. Well that delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol is only a PARTIAL AGONIST . So it can only get you so high.

Well now there are people spraying synthetic cannabinoids on all kinds of stuff. Paper, legal herbs( aka k2/ spice) and now yeah you guessed it normal weed!

And most of these synthetic cannabinoids are FULL agonists, they over stimulate your cannabinoid receptors.

Ok that’s my spice rant.

Some strong sativa buds have me paranoid sometimes.

Idk bro you gonna have to smoke a joint with me and I will tell you if I trip.


Gimme, gimme, Nympho! You talk like a pimp promoting her :stuck_out_tongue:


@Stinky yeah bro I love my girl. I’m proud of her and it shows.
All I did was offer a guy that was talking, the opportunity to see for himself… for the record, he didn’t take me up on my offer. All he wants to do is talk.
As far as the synthetics, around here there is fentanyl and spice laced bud… and it still doesn’t compare to the Nympho power.
Real talk, I created the Nympho to out perform that crap. And we all know that fentanyl laced is super tough… but any real bud smoker knows the difference in a chemical high and a thc high.
The characteristic of a chemical high is first it’s short lived, and second it will give you a headache. 6-12 hour buzz is common for the Nympho. It has lasted as long as 24 hours.
So It takes some getting used to. When those 6 bunts back to back smokers hit it, you see that girl come out in them. It tastes good an is really smooth. So they are “thinking this ain’t shit”. All I’m doing is counting the hits he take.
2 hits and I know he is good. But I want him to get at least 3 hits because thats where the legs will give out and you have to sit down. If he takes that 4th hit, he will probably pass out before he gets home. He definitely want be able to drive, can’t think or walk straight.
Mofo’s be feeling like I laced them up. They be like man that shit can’t be real. But at the same time, they are flagging me down every time they see me trying to get more.


You should send a sample to a lab and have it tested.

I’ve heard that the strain, The Church from green house, tests high for several of the major cannabinoids. Maybe your bud is similar and has a lot going on.


It is very good but not psychedelic. I still have a bit of bubble hash from a Church grow a few years back. A very resilient plant & an easy grow.


I have no doubt your nympho is a potent strain. It’s not something I would be interested in any more than I want heroin.
A clear cerebral high with insights and feeling I haven’t had in years…that’s my ticket. Heightened colors and sounds and a boost to creativity? That’s what I want
I’m not interested in a green rohypnol, although I’m sure you have buyers… nor does it sound like a psychedelic strain


I feel you brother.
it is too much for most people to tolerate.
What gets people is that it’s really easy to smoke. It’s really clean, it doesn’t choke them or burn their throats. They aren’t used to bud like that around here. So they overindulge.
Some like the fruit in it, some the chem, the oranges, whatnot … they will keep hitting it, while trying to figure out it’s tastes. By then, they are too deep in it.
It’s a different concept when it comes to medicating. If I can get medicated off a couple of hits, I’m happy. IMO, that’s better than sitting around smoking all day long. Then firing up cigarettes or cigars… then taking a shot of liquor or drinking a few beers. That’s doing too much… damage!
I’m good for a few hours just off those couple of hits. I can fire it back up that evening. Or the next day… or next couple of days. You are satisfied, and your body is no longer have that craving that makes you want to smoke more and more.
We all do things differently, this is just how I do it.
And I think it’s more thc poisoning than
psychedelic. Yes you can compare it to rohypnol if you overindulge. That’s the same with any medication. I like to write as you can tell. It motivates you to doing whatever it is you like. Bro that you of you want to smoke your self into a coma. Take to hits and put it down. You know that hear about… this it doesn’t real. And for those days that you don’t want to feel your body, I got you covered there as well.

Right now lab testing isn’t an option in my state. Hopefully soon though. That’s why I only speak on it in the groups. Where I’m a little comfortable. When shit gets good here, I’ll be happy to test it and see what makes it tick.
Believe me when I say how hard it is to be sitting here idle waiting things to get better.


I’m not sure what “THC poisoning” is, but maybe you would like to elaborate? THC is one of the least toxic substances known to humanity.


Kinda like water poisoning…

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@Blu-Tri testing in Oklahoma is fairly cheap and as of now, fairly safe. They have no established a rigorous seed to sale protocol and you might get an Oklahoma resident,(like myself or several others on OG) to take it in. It cost me fifty bucks to test a strange Lebanese pheno, that was high in a certain unusual terpene called guaiol.
It certainly would be interesting to find out what’s in the profile.


So how does this happen?

Is there anyone here that has done this already that can share their experience?

Does the real deal ever come out or do only crosses get out to the public?

It certainly sounds incredible but it seems as though it’s only getting exposure to a small circle.


I’m not far from Oklahoma. So we can probably work something out.


@Blu-Tri I will PM you.


Awful lot of asumtions. For a start I wouldn’t touch genetics for breeding that have ruderalis in them. Also I wouldn’t be quite as confident as you are that what is a 5 to you might be a ten to me. When I talk about something good most people dont come back, there actually scared to the point they usually quit smoking and hide out on there own looking a mess for quite awhile. Anyway good luck to you im glad you found something that keeps you happy.
Ps never thought much of cookies, or the other modern jazz.


Yeah, and this makes water arguably more toxic then THC. It would be basically impossible to ingest enough thc to upset your electrolyte balance


Really the only way I can see thc causing an imbalance would be from a long duration with an increased heart rate dropping potassium levels if it’s not balanced in diet. As one should be doing if they eat too much salt in their diet. Sodium potassium ion channels are very important to maintain.