Psychedelic Strains

What are you guys even talking about?
This has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.
I was really excited to see there was a thread about psychedelic strains and was all pumped to read it and learn something.
I assumed there would be some substance to this thread? Maybe a discussion of secondary and tertiary metabolites or endophytic fungi and thier alkaloids etc…


Here’s an idea.

How about sending some of this Nympho to a few respected OGers for honest feedback to share with the community?

If everything holds true to what you’re claiming, there might be some OGers that would be willing to pool together donation funds agreeable to you, also with the promise cuts would not be shared without your permission. Win-Win

Sounds like this would be remarkable breeding material. Why not share that with humanity?


Wow, incredible what else?

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The reason I’m growing today has been to help a good friend who has been slammed by this fucking disease.
He was diagnosed the same year as a close relative of mine was.
He dosed with Mary, my relative wouldn’t.
She passed this fall in a nursing home, my friend just got back from a week of offroading with his atv.

I know intimately that this disease manifests itself differently in people and my bud used Mary and still got MS but there is something here I’m sure many researchers are paid NOT to find.


It was only recently that the US was able to expand the types of cannabis used in their studies. Claims of one specific stain conferring specific effects is so far down the line of current cannabis research that the strain will in all likelihood be lost before that happens, unless legislation and research progress begins jumping by leaps and bounds, or you find someone looking to privately fund it.

Personally, I think that privately funding something like that is going to be extremely difficult even at the basic level. Even if you could find someone to back something like that, it’s hard to invest in a strain when the only feedback about it is coming directly from the strain’s marketing team and close friends.

That said, I understand wanting to keep something good for yourself. Conversely, letting it out doesn’t change the fact that you have something good unless you give all of it away.

Now if the concern is trying to capitalize on it, that is something different. Nothing wrong with that at all, but again you’ll have a tough time selling a product that doesn’t have unbiased reviews and never leaves the warehouse.

From the comments here and your own testimony, you have generated interest for the strain. You also believe it would be beneficial for others to have for a variety of reason. To me, it seems fairly open and shut, but then again I’m one of those who are interested.

In the end, I hope it goes the way you want it to go. I also hope that if it is as helpful as you say, that it reaches as many people as it can. With luck both goals can be achieved.


@spaceman Brother for real. I saw a lady that was bed ridden for 3 years her up and walk. She purchased an exercise bicycle. She even started shopping again.
I knew another lady that has sever muscle spasm/ ticks with her ms. It was sad because she had small babies. She had to smoke just to hold a glass of water. She couldn’t do anything with her babies. I didn’t have the Nympho at that time.


WOW! Thats incredible! You gotta share with us your magic bro bro, how do we do that too?? How do I breed my strains to outperform that crap, like yours do?

Expectations!! But, of course!! :man_facepalming:That’s it!
You know what bro‐bro, now that you mention it I think part of my problem could be my expectations!?
I probably haven’t been adding enough…
I’ve been adding 3.14159 ml per ppm trying to coax out that pie pheno but clearly that’s not doing it.
How many spoonfuls do you add to a sandwich when you’re feeding your nympho? ( * sandwich? that dang ol’ auto correct, it was supossed to say sand pail)
Imma tell you part of my secret but you cant tell nobody. Ok. Ill share if you share… you know, a secret for a secret… ok so through the very extensive research I’ve been conducting in secret I’ve found that using yellow sand pails when you feed your plant makes them hella loud, son!!
Bro when I break out the yellow sand pail…awwww snapz doggy … the whole block be dawnin’ they finest earmuffs, cuz they know the treez bout to get louder than a drunk b!+ch up in here.

Bro like I was saying before I’ve been adding 3.14159 ml per ppm trying to coax out that pie pheno but clearly that’s not doing it.
Help me @Blu-Tri, my nugs aint taste like no pie and they definitely ain’t be stronger than fentanyl.


I thought I made it quite clear that mine are not even close to on your level! I want to learn from you and how to breed like you? If we set your nympho up on a date with my boy do you think they will have a good time and maybe get frisky. Im hoping they’ll, you know, do some sex. I think you misinterpreted bro bro, I want to learn your dark arts.

Yeah what he said!!.. Comprende‽don’t misinterpret what im saying Your skills are superior, im just hear to learn from you Grand Master. I want to breed like you and make my strains the strongest most bestest in the universe. I want to make mine taste like these pies and cakes that you speak of.
Like I said though I don’t think I’ve been hittin them with enough expectations when I’m breeding. So far I’ve learned that just because I measure out my expectations using the number of pi doesn’t always mean my nugs are gonna taste like pie. Who woulda thought?
Grand Master please don’t hold back this very important knowledge. I need to know how to make my breeds superior to all, like you did with your nympho. Teach me the dark arts.

Grand Master this task has been bestowed upon you, we need to learn your magic, to breed like you. Scientists are only so smart, all they have is books and science posters on their walls with Garfield the cat sleeping on a book and below it a caption that says learning through osmosis… Garfields can’t breed like you they don’t have your gift, he’s only a cat… you’re special Grand Master and you breed the most special plants no ones ever even seen before. Wait till they try your nympho!! you must help mankind. They will appreciate it !


It sounds like you are new here. This isn’t the farmer or rollitup forum
Chill or leave please thanks


Excuse me?
What have I done wrong?


Stop with the piss contest


Whose pissing? I’m trying to learn about psychedelic strains.

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Please and thanks

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@Trowertripper I’m not sure I understand? Have you read this entire thread?


It would be grew if everyone were to get back to the subject hand which are psychedelic strains…not stony autofems.


Many of the markers for triptastical ganja are THCV, equatorial origination and etc. Yet, I have smoked and eaten ganja from non-equatorial regions and had trippy experiences. I am a huge fan of narrow leaf sativa genetics, but not all trips are brokered by the skinny girl. I have grown Afghani broadleaf genetics and have had powerful visuals. SUN GROWN cannabis has been a big factor in my trips. I smoked 3.5g of the aforementioned ganja alone. While watching a movie, the colors had become noticeably and pleasantly more saturated. I finished the movie and prepared for bed. After 15 minutes of meditation, I laid down. That’s when the Sesame Street 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 psychedelic funk pinball game began inside my body(some of you know what I’m talking about). Fractals and underwater paint cloud explosions galore. It was glorious. There had to be trickles of DMT pebbles that began a micro avalanche. I heard music. I sat up, grabbed the notepad to channel the inspiration.
So yeah… There is some trip weed out there.


Was waiting for this obvious come back from someone and shocked it took so long.

This always happens when outlandish claims are made in any forum where people are passionate about their opinions. Thus mods.

I happen to find humor in these posts but think Myles would have made a more resounding impact if more subtle, less South Park humor but hey that’s me.

Will say, this thread has brought some mind bending hilarity which is extremely psychedelic.

I’m willing to give blu the benefit of the doubt if he’s willing to send some Nympho buds (not seeds or clones) to 2 different respected Ogers. i.e. put his money where his mouth is.

No genetics would need to be shared. It’s only in blu’s best interest. If he’s not willing to do that and keeps hyping, one can only assume he’s using this forum as a pissing match platform.


A friend has said he got A Kerala.cheelakutt from Khalifa…is a trippy WEED especially if combined with Kullu in the same joint and smoked after a tolerance break
The closesthing I had lately was one of my batches of bubba hash…certainly an indica…high dose almost reached the body stone sensation of floating and when I st up in bed…I mentally saw my hand reach out and grasp a glass door knob and felt some one pouring a glass of water over my hand…quite Weird…Damn near pissd the bed when it happened
Another episode had me looking at t alarm clock and the numbers burned into my retina so saw them every where I looked.
This was a cross between my Rom grapefruit and pineapple Thai.
I also had real trouble watching a video of a mark knopfler concert that was vividly grainy and had lots of camera wobble. I couldn’t handle it.
It has too much visual.
So the visual distortion is in that cross and I’m crossing it again in a bigger scale this fall.z

  • List item

That door handle experience is fascinating. The cultivars that enhance the visual experience are bread crumbs that lead to hidden psychedelic treasures. Further testing is required. Back to the lab… :smile:


Yes it was a type of lucid dream only in a gif format…lol