Psychedelic Strains

Nice! Little things like that make me smile and giggle while I’m out in the woods fighting off mosquitos, digging holes for a guerrilla op.


Agreed. Opioid stony type weed is something different to what I seek, and usually others when looking for weed that trips you out. Star dog can be strong but its that strong mongy sleepy type bud that can knock you out. But if weeds doing that well its actually kind of shutting your mind down and putting it to sleep. Something along the lines of opening your third eye and setting your mind into overdrive is what we look for. Were the high is so strong it actually twists your world upside down and inside out. There is no escape by falling asleep or shutting your eyes. Once your on you have to ride it out, no mater how frightening things become. No jolly kiddie candys can save you from climbing the walls and wanting it all to stop. The power of the darkness literally sitts you slap bang in to the middle of the pit of chaos for quite awhile looking at the reality around you become a warped mess.


You should get in touch with shanti baba and his cbd project. He is the one making cbd versions of lots of different strains for multiple seed companies in Europe and have expanded in to the usa market and do the same. I think they use their base plants to breed into multiple different strains other companies approach them with from all over. It would be a good place to look into if your serious about getting your plant line to the medical community. They have the facilities to scientifically assesses the plant line and compare its performance against many many other things on a huge scale. If found to be above and beyond whats out there already shanti has the legal know how, funding and structure in place to do things right and get things out there were they need to be. If found to be as good as you say im sure a suitable arrangement can be made.


@NIGHTMARE good info. That’s for the support. I’ll definitely look into it. Check you pm. Thank you.


someone just tried to take my iPhone when I put it on the table but I took it back I never lost my keys. I like Moët champagne 3 or 2 bottles along time ago and Mexican Coca-Cola or Mountain Dew zero black cap drink tea all night, I’m sorry? this is not on topic.

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I just got 2 seeds that were labeled Vietnam Gold from the U.K. thrown in on a pack of seed I got.

This is what he said about them:


Yes, those seeds are from my collection…I know who you got them from…

Vietnam Black x Schrom

Schrom is 70% Sativa and of Santa Marta Columbian Gold lineage…


so, this is another Vietnamese Line inside Vietnam Gold? I thought its just snowhighs vietblack, but that sounds promising.


My Vietnam Black seeds came from Vietnam Veterans who were there fighting the war…I dont even know who snowhigh is bromigo


He’s talking about this from Seedfinder:
Vietnam Gold (SnowHigh Seeds) :: Cannabis Strain Info
That’s what I thought when I got them. So, I asked him how I can have seeds if they were clone only.


Schrom was a clone only strain…I took a Vietnam Black male and bred it to Schrom…that breeding I made was about 20+ years ago…which means I named it Vietnam Gold over 20+ years ago


I was gifted some seeds that were a cross between a snow high strain that was one eighth Romulan? And a vietnamese black male…if I grow them out can I share photos with you for a visual verification of their lineage?


im pretty shure that i made this cross you have ( 7/8Vietb. -1/8Romulan)

Here is it before i added the last half of Vietblack (1/4 Vietb - 1/4Romulan):

These i have from Snowh. , and he called it Vietblack x Vietnamgold.


Very cool! Is there anything else I need to know before I run them?
By the way I will PM you also…thanks


It took me thirty years to figure out that the best way to hold onto a variety is to share it. Plenty of people that would hold on to it and not profit off of it. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket they say.


Scientists are researching if Cannabis is a Psychedelic Drug, and it looks like it might be: Is Cannabis a Psychedelic Drug? - Psychedelic Science Review


@Upstate you are the best at sharing! Yes I would seem the best course is to get the beans out there and let them overgrow rather than sit in a vault!

It seems to me marijuana is highly elastic. That it is barbituate or narcotic in some forms, stimulant in others, psychedelic, emetic, antiemetic, appetite inducing at times and appetite suppressant in others …anti inflammatory, antibiotic and helps with anxiety or creates it, a true wonder drug with all uses not mapped out…
I can smoke to got to sleep, to wake up, to eat or work, to focus or lose my self in fantasy


Vietnam Thunder Fuck male…I let mother nature sex them for me…I started with 3 Vietnam Thunder Fuck seeds…hopefully the other 2 are females.


My favorite Oaxaca plant is trippyish. I’ve had a hard time putting the effect into words, but the other day it hit me…its trippy. The feeling is extremely similar to what you feel when mushrooms begin to kick in.


If I want more of a physicadelic high, I usually go with smoking a salad. A variety works well!

I think I have a bud of 14 strains that I’m going to grind up and enjoy a few doobies of this weekend.