Psychedelic Strains

Super high THC/low CBD strains can cause visual effects. So, anything that is a high end sativa. There’s nothing else really to it.


you mean smoking multiple strains at once.

Is it possible that you imitate hybrid vigor with it.
I was always thinking that an inbreeding depressed Line losese trippy Qualities to a degree. Just thinking, dont know yet-


Yes, or one after another. I grind all together and smoke.


Its said that in many medical herbs, the compound of Molecules makes it a powerful medicine… And single Compounds wont have same healing propperties

Thats why i am thinking this. So a vigorous breed will automatically have broder Gene-display…? (broader compoud)


Of corse im rather speaking of Landrace X same Landrace X same Landrace X sameLandrace. Wich would be the trippyest, but same principle.


My brother grew out some White Russian in a small cabinet grow under 3 ft florescent bulbs plant and aquarium bulbs back in 2003when it first came out from Serious Seeds.He gives me a bud the size of my pinkie nail out of a full one gallon bag and I was like what is this going to do he goes bye and closes the door I was pissed.Anyway fast forward like 2 hours later when it gets dark out.I smoked that little bud with someone else maybe like 2 babyshit hits a piece.She quit smoking weed for years because of this and swore I laced 5 min we went from clear as a bell to complete fog I don’t remember half that night.Everytime I closed my eyes and laid back I’d see that kalidascope thing go on for a bit but definitely no visuals or anything.My heart would do this race thing and that would make me super paranoid for a small bit but not sweating peeking out my windows paranoid.I felt like I swimming in a fog all night if that sounds fucked up.Kind of psychedelic I guess.White Russian is still my number one cultivar.That one hits my seeet spot just don’t know what it is about that one.


I always wanted to pop some Vietnamese black.Heard that’s Willies favorite cultivar.


Sounds like an adorable effect! whats the source of your oaxaca?


Black Willy is his favorite I think… It’s a hybrid of that Vietnam Black and Highland Nepal from Reeferman. Very, very high in thcv. Tested up to 15%! 7% on average I seem to remember


It’s Cryptic Labs Oaxaca. I got it as a freebie through Great Lakes genetics. I only had four females and three of the four I consider excellent. The fourth is still very good. I would imagine all of cryptic’s strains are excellent. (Cheap, too.) They certainly did a fantastic job with this one!


I wish I had hopped on that when cryptic labs still had it. I have an order in with chimera fora strain a friend named yesum has recommended.
I sent cash through the us mail and have been “tripping” about that lol :joy:


Cryptic Labs deserve applaus! releasing two old mexican lines.

I thnik my Hoabac x Vietblack is very comparable to upstates Oaacan… It makes the world look very good, like a nice Painting, and alot of seeing Things in Things. Also im seeing a layer around things, enbedded in a good mood. Some very special feelings, those Feelings alone are woth it.


Thank you for your reply. I think I have access to that genetics here in Mexico, Ive loved your description of the high. I have pending to pop some cryptic labs ohaze * oaxaca aka Demon Latcher, phenotype “pearl”


Your on my list… you’ll have it soon😁

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That one( Demon latcher) is supposed to be crazy! Pop those babies and use this thread for updates if you’d like…I’d love to see it grown!
Yes @romanoweed they deserve all the credit for making these a available. Too many people are holding on to these old Mexican lines. Because of this, I fear they will disappear. Sharing is caring!
All outta likes for the day…
That Viet hybrid you made is one my short list. Can’t wait to try it!


Ive been told the same about the effect of the DL, incredible. I will do so, I will post. I have not been more active in the forum due to mite problems, but it seems that it is already solved.


I’m seeing some seriously FB Group level shit here. :man_facepalming:t2:

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I thought we were in the Central American land race thread LOL. Feel free to post there! ( seems like it belongs here too?)


The strain i just ordered from chimera is djshorts bluberry crossed back on his highland mexican f1
I hear good things about it.


Here it is…