Psychedelic Strains

Tis’ a beautiful sight.

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I have one friend who has grown this and said every fourh or fifth pheno is a straight up trip weed pheno.


Here is a find that suggests that thc-O may lead to the psychedelic effect of cannabis. I don’t know.


THC-P is stronger, but THC-O acetate is something that should be purchased exclusively from lab tested sources. The method to make it is highly toxic. A proper purge is mandatory or 3 times more potent isn’t worth it to risk getting poisoned imo.

With that warning out of the way yes. I’d 100% test that and I know there’s at least 2 sources online I know of with 3rd party lab testing that sell it too.


I really don’t get it. I roll it up. Light it. Smoke it up. If it doesn’t do as expected, I find something else and try it again.
Chemical affect everyone of us differently. As scientifically as it sounds, the fact is, a chemical is either going to produce a “manic state” or a “depressed state”, and there no guarantee which state or combination of state that you will enter into by taking any drugs.
Labs don’t tell you that or they wouldn’t be able to sell us the crap.

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I haven’t read the whole thread but there was a blueberry tasting weed I had in UK decades ago that had my mind travelling at intergalactic warp speed and made my legs buckle and fall onto the couch, so lucky the couch was there. A guy who said weed does nothing for him took 2 drags stopped his car on the highway, started laughing hysterically and saying he couldn’t see anything let alone drive.
There was another unknown strain which I can only describe as so narcotic and trippy at the same time that that period of my life felt like I was on heroin, not that I’ve done heroin, but the period of time just went by like someone chewed a chunk of my life away.

edited to add: spacequeen was very special and ‘soary’ weed compared to other strains, weird taste


I bet that was a very fun ride. It Sound a lot like smoking the Nympho.


hahah pretty much the effects I just posted and am now reading backwards to see what others have said


dude we just connected on a conscious level now gimme gimme gimme

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Actually brother I’m glad I’m not the only one that has experience cannabis on that level. Here is how another guy described the Nympho

Was talking to a friend the other day and she said, I love it when my knees get weak.” She said her legs get so wobbly that she cannot stand up. I told her, that’s when I know it has you, when I see you legs buckle, then you look for a place to sit.” Yeah it craze bud out here if you can find it.


I’m actually finding it hilarious reading back and seeing the same terms I used it makes it look like I copy and pasted the whole thread into 3 lines, I just gave up scrolling when I realised I hit 2018 and what seems like disbelief. The heroin like strain which I don’t know what it was, the smoke was real thick and enjoyable and I recall sitting in my armchair not breathing and just smiling for what seemed a long time. These smokes were from 20yrs ago though and because it’s not legal here yet and dealers/growers are more interested in driving a car with big rims rather than care about product, ok let me stop here because recently a teenage scruff on a bmx was telling me about weed that is 3.5g for £95 whereas normal deals are 2g for £20 but I refuse to pay that or satisfy my curiosity

eta: hahah even the gimme gimme was posted previously, I must be some kind of crazy psychic or someone is trolling me like quantum leap


Sounds a lot like “godberry” from freedom of seeds.
Copy and paste.

Godberry feminized Cannabis Seeds by Freedom of Seeds: Freedom of seeds, Godberry is a delicious fruity indica rewarding you with enormous production. Godberry is one of the most easiest plants to grow and will thrive in all growing environments, especially recommended for novice or experienced gardeners looking for a commercial crop with excellent quality. She is going to become a very popular medicinal strain because of her narcotic wheelchair buzz. Also an outstanding outdoor plant for its supper early finish end of September in the north. Flowering Time: Indoors: 55 days outdoors: end of September in the north, height 1 to 1.20m indoors, outdoor 1.80m.

I’ve got one outdoors in a Polly tunnel north UK and she’s just started flowering. :+1:


The Nympho is slightly fruity. But get this. Skunky, gassy, chem, Plus she leaves the most beautiful Afghan kush taste in your mouth. It’s crazy, here terps are as complex as her high.
A couple of hits and every thing goes black. The television disappears. There is absolutely no sound. Then the good stuff go to happening. You literally will enter another place in time. I have experienced so many times and so has my wife and other friends. It really freaks people out, when someone tell them that they were looking for them. And you know you have been sitting in the same place the entire time. How is that for a trip.


All I can say is that if you have smoked spacequeen, the blueberry was 5 times stronger, the buds were loose, small, greasy and shiny, the heroin like weed was a totally different look, I haven’t seen weed like that ever again, huge buds not like these tight little unicorn-butt-nuggets people sell nowadays. It was like the incredible hulk of weed and everytime you turned your back I’m sure it was trying to rip out of the baggie.


Putting this in a baggie is a waste of time. Ok pull the baggie over itself a couple of times. Then seal it in Mylar. You can still smell it. People would be surprise when they see that it was wrapped also.
To travel with it. I have to put the Mylar bag into a mason jar and be careful not to touch the jar with the hand that touched the bud.


Those are rookie numbers! Do a thumbprint :smiley:


Pop those Demon Latchers?


Around 1991 by chance? That’s the year I got my blueberry tasting and smelling weed which I assume is the old legendary blueberry variety. I always called the effect of this pot" fried awake".


Sounds more like DMT to me. I remember smoking a joint or jay in NY city in 1969 that was laced with DMT. It was a psychedelic trip that lasted only a few minutes.

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Wow, I’m not sure how to view this. As far as psychedelics, I began my journey into consciousness in the late 60’s. I had a sugar cube or two and some other very potent early trips on what I was told was produced by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals. One was called Strawberry Fields. It was a mystical experience beyond anything I tried in the 70’s. I also took one called Orange Owsley (probably 1969) that I believe was at least partly STP. I remember we buried the rest of them (about 40) because we were afraid to share them. There were I think 5 of us who dropped the Owsley and we fled to the woods when, after just 15-20 minutes, we were soaring beyond ordinary limits. 14 hours later the colors were still intense. All of us were never the same after that. All of a sudden I understood Jimi Hendrix saying “I shall never hear Surf music again.” When we could finally talk I remember the first words I heard were “I’m alive”. I’m not sure who said it, it could have been me. I had hundreds of wonderful trips in the 70’s but none of them were as powerful as the 4 or 5 early ones. LSD 25, blotter, 4 way blotter, flats, barrels, you name it, we ate it. All good. I did have a bad trip where I spent hours in the bathroom with agonizing, gut twisting, issues from some poison ingredient (cyanide?) I also had many wacko experiences while tripping like a biker friend putting a gun to my head and being interrogated in the back of a police car. I was lucky because I never really lost it in a bad way. Some of my friends were not as fortunate. One friend had a bad trip on something they called Christmas Acid. He never came back from that one. It was a dramatic night with a large group of tripping friends, in the dark, with added fright from many police showing up and chasing us into the woods. I’m not sure if the acid was the cause of his schizophrenia but it certainly didn’t help. After that he medicated himself with Seconal, nebutol, tuminol which was pretty much life threatening. He moved to alcohol after near ODing and would put away a case of beer in one sitting. He eventually ended up with a heroine addiction and did OD in the early 90’s.
The bottom line for me is psychedelics are not for everyone. They were a miracle for me and many others and improved my life in many ways. The 60’s wouldn’t have been the 60’s without psychedelics but I expect only a portion of the folks who were experienced actually had very positive, life changing effects. Even strong cannabis is a problem for some so I always caution people to start slow and make sure they’re comfortable with expanding their consciousness before they over indulge.