Psychedelic Strains

I thought we were trying not to embrace capitalism here. I’m not sure about this dialog but if we don’t want to share, ideas and herb, than why are we here on this site. I’m sure everyone is impressed that you have a unique strain that you think is magic but I’m not sure you should take so much credit for something that the plants accomplished, if that is the case. Although I guess none of us will ever know unless you share to allow others to evaluate what you’re saying. The conversation seems a bit unreal but perhaps we’ll never know.


:rofl: :joy: :joy: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :laughing: :laughing: :grin: :grin: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :money_mouth_face:

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tbh with you I think it was the 2000’s, 1990’s we were smoking white widow/rhino and ak47

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Well I see the Texans have better weed than anyone but you can’t beat Sooners…we sooner have legal weed too.

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Hey, no offense was meant. I’m just trying to understand the purpose of this forum. As far as doing illegal drugs go, I was commenting on a chat about psychedelic strains of cannabis. The LSD, mushrooms, peyote, mescaline I talked about doing in my youth (50 years ago) are simply psychedelics. I’m sure there are many folks on this forum that have similar histories. I’ve been around a long time, over 70 years. I’ve tasted herb from all over the world. This isn’t a competition, I thought it was a collaboration or at least a sharing of ideas. Cooperation is what makes us strong, as a species.
So if you were offended by my naivety, I apologize. You have a right to your way of thinking, it’s just not the way I look at the world. It’s not like I haven’t profited from 50 years of growing herb, I surely have. I just didn’t think that was what this site was about. Love, to me, is what gives life meaning. Fare thee well my friend.


Brother thank you. No need to apologize. Just remember that you are speaking to a real person. And not just a screen.
I know how hard it is to find good smoke. Hell the entire world is looking for that smoke that makes them feel like they used too.
So I don’t blame you.
Here is some advice, if I may. The modern bud has hemp/cbd in it. The cbd does the negative of thc. So that type of bud tends to be less potent, or the effects do not last as long.
That’s the price we pay for the increased yields.
Believe me when I says that I understand what you mean about profit, but I do still buy seeds and I don’t mind paying a high price for them if I have too. That’s just me.
But what a lot of people fail to realize is that is someone’s hard work that is being passed around like the breeder doesn’t have anything invested.
I know what I have invested. So how would you feel if someone was doing that with your pride and joy.
Look up the oxacan strain, I hear good things about @upstate
Good luck on your search and peace.


Just to finish up, I have absolutely no interest in your weed or seeds. You may believe what you like about your plant but you have no right to think that I want to take advantage of you. I don’t play that way. I have nothing but best wishes for all. Sorry that you interpret my words quite differently than I intended you to. As I said earlier, I was responding to a chat about psychedelic cannabis. I started the conversation with a short history of my experiences with psychedelics over 50 years ago. I credit psychedelics for teaching me about the dangerous drugs that were detrimental to both brain and body like heroin, ups and downs, speed or meth, opiates, alcohol and even nicotine. When I referred to Owsley, I was talking about Augustus Owsley Stanley III, who was the audio engineer and friend of the Grateful Dead and also a chemist who was famous for producing large quantities of acid to give away at shows and acid tests. At that time, LSD was legal! As a young person, I wouldn’t expect you to know that. But, when someone is talking about psychedelic strains of cannabis, the participants in the conversation should learn about what the term psychedelic cannabis means. It’s easy enough to look it up on google! So I hope you have good luck with whatever road you choose. Love is what gives meaning to life!


why did i read that Cannabis Hallucinations are pseudo-Hallucinations? i dont get it, but will do research


And why they alwas talk about pure Thc-extract… Does it create Hallucinations?


I’m under the belief that we all are here to share our opinion, experience, as well as help each other if we can.
Cannabis is a drugs the should be labeled “results may vary.” It just my opinion. Therefore I never judge when a man tells me how cannabis affected him. How could I, you, or anyone else dispute or discredit a person’s experience while under the influence of cannabis.
Besides, most of us already know that the cannabis high effects every one of us differently.
Here is my high brothers, believe it or not.
When I smoke, I want to go places like the ancient pyramids, or fly through the rings of Saturn. I like that I fly to the Amazon rainforest, or ski the of Pluto?
I’m for real brother. I expect my cannabis high to take me places that I have never been before. Rather it backwards or forward in time, or hotboxing with a couple of aliens, while flying a ufo into the sun. Feel me.
After that first hit, everything begins to dark. I get kinda antsy as I try to figure out where am I going, or where I want to go.
The thc immediately converse my parietal lobe. You know… the part of the brain that controls sensory such as sight, smells touch, sound.
At first inhale, the repugnant skunk aroma with fruity undertones make my nostrils flare. The Afghan taste overwhelms my palate as I try to figure out which taste that I like the most.
My every nerve begin to tingle, and I can hear my heartbeat through my ears. I can feel the the effects of the thc as it course it’s way into my bloodstream, starting with my brain.
It’s getting dark all around me. The tunnel vision takes hold as my eyes begin to squint.
My heart, my chest, lungs, my stomach all react to the effects. Now my legs are tingling, my calves. My toes. Every inch of my body welcomes the thc.
Now here comes the fun part as thc runs back into my had and send my mind, body and soul into an alternate universe.
The transformation is now complete as I wander in and out if time. The light and the darkness becomes one.
Thc removes the limitations that light places on my eyes. The boundaries of space cease to exist as I am now able to travel anywhere instantaneously. From that point, I’m at one with the universe and share the infinite knowledge of the cosmos.
This is what I consider a trip. This is what I have come to expect when I smoke cannabis. And I want this feeling every time.
I’m my opinion, smoking cannabis is more than just squinty eyes and slight light headed buzz. That just doesn’t do it for me.
I created the Nympho to ensure that I can feel how I like to feel. She is my girl.
To each his her own when it comes to what you are smoking and your experiences with it. Peace, and remember the Nympho says to always Fly High!


When I smoke, I want to go places like the ancient pyramids, or fly through the rings of Saturn. I like that I fly to the Amazon rainforest, or ski the of Pluto?
I’m for real brother. I expect my cannabis high to take me places that I have never been before. Rather it backwards or forward in time, or hotboxing with a couple of aliens, while flying a ufo into the sun. Feel me.

100% . Warp 9, thrusters at full capacity.


This is why I am getting sick of people trying to sell me weed that isn’t this, everyone around is touting the latest and greatest weed and it’s normally crap. I told the latest dealer that I can buy a bottle of vodka and it hits me the same each and every time, yet when I buy a bud off him the weight is shit and the high is varied, in the olden days we didn’t mind as we got 3.5g but now for some reason an eighth equates to 2g by some impossible law of physics


Brother I feel your pain.
So i don’t have it go through that mess any more is the reason I do what i do.
I been burnt many times as well.
To Pluto and beyond brother. Y’all stay lifted.


I was never a “good” dealer. Only certain people are comfortable selling overpriced crap. I was always fair whether I was selling weed or a used car. I think it’s my 60’s mentality. Being a part of the counterculture then meant that more often than not being righteous was the rule. Karma played an immediate role, it wasn’t a future plan. I had several ‘good’ dealers when I was in my teens. They were good because the herb was top shelf not because they ever cut you a deal. That’s why they were dealers, they were businessmen first, friends second.
In New York, as in much of New England, cannabis is legal to possess and smoke. You can drive around with 2 ounces in your glove compartment. But there is no place to legally buy it yet unless you have a medical card? I’ve been forced to grow over the border in Massachusetts where you can grow legally. I have friends and family there.
I won’t be able to sell weed here in New York unless I play the license game which probably will be too expensive for most. But I will be able to give it away. I’m looking forward to that. I’ll be able to grow 12 plants outdoors in fenced, raised beds, 6 for me and 6 for the ole lady. That should translate into at least 10-20 pounds. A pound or two will be all we need so the rest I can give away. Imagine if half of the growers could do that. We would definitely be over growing the government. And weed could return to $12-20 dollars an ounce in the American marketplace.


@ironlungs I always regret buying dispenser weed.
I went to buy screens for my bing and though…why not?
Got.some.shiska something
Rolled a blunt. Tried three hits ass off
and had a sore throat and nightmares…
Why… do.i …do …this


I’m sorry. I wish I could give you some of my Mandala #1 sativa which is pretty much kick ass. I’m sure I have way more than I can smoke. I’m not comfortable mailing anything yet unless someone has some full proof suggestions. I haven’t had to purchase anything in a long time but I have purchased flower and edibles at Massachusetts dispensaries. The flower never compares to my weed. I just visit to see what they’re offering. I’m not a big fan of extracts that use toxic materials like ethanol to process their product. All in all, I’m not a fan of Massachusetts dispensaries but I do very much like the legality of my favorite herb so I won’t beat up on them any more.


Let’s not take the thread off course, it’s just my age showing, grumbling about this n that


Gotta say I have loads of good stuff jarred up and don’t need their crap…I just get curious and want to try some new stuff…bought some “Maui wowie,” that smells and tastes like chemdog…hmmm.


It’s body chemistry dependant honestly. I naturally have erratic serotonin spikes, so I have a decent resistance or a low tolerance. It really just depends on the day. Though I haven’t heard of a thumbprint. Either way LSD just isn’t my thing really. Lasts too long and I get bored of it halfway through.

Edit: I will add that I’m allergic to rye, so it’s entirely possible also the negative body effects I regularly experience on LSD that I don’t get on mushrooms could be from that :thinking:


So did anybody ever get to try nympho or what? I need closure! lol