Psychedelic Strains



I wont argue with you any more. But just hear me out. Ive tripped alot in my life, its sort of a special intrerest for me. If you havnt done DMT you cant imagine what its like, some goes for a full strong trip of salvia. What you experienced doesnt sound anything like DMT, nor Salvia. It sounds like a open-eye hallucination. Different molecules gives you different type of open-eye hallucinations, but its also on a individual level. I have a friend who start to see solid objects on a very low dose of shrooms while i only get heavy distorsion of reality. For me, shrooms make everything breath and wobble. I can have a hard time to de ide which color is which. But he sees gnomes and shitā€¦ That have never ever happend to me on shrooms, only on salvia. While DMT is just a COMPLETE change of reality. Everything changes, smells, sounds, vision, your mind and ego, time. There is nothing left of reality. But when you are in it, you get the feeling that its the real reality.

Pz :pray:t2:


@LonelyOC Bro!!! Love your description of DMT. And ā€œketamine is boringā€ Lol. Good stuff bro

The real reality. Not that fake one we all experience. Lmao so true


I am thoroughly acquainted with LSD, and enjoyed it immensely in my 20ā€™s and 30ā€™s but though it did bring epiphanies I never had a ā€œsolidā€ hallucination. Physiologically explicable ones, breathing walls, tracers, running surfaces you bet. Objects that were entirely provided by my mind, no.

Cybes are much kinder to the body and mind, for me.

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Possible it never comes again. Ok :grinning:


You know this is not my wish. Just something to consider.

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college but i mentioned i dont go into detaille, right? i havent even mentioned what i saw, so why conclude what i might have ssen, if you obviosly mus have notice the absense of me describing what i saw. haha, all good, but i did never tell you what ive seen and the states, and such,

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wait, im in a good mood, i might give more details, or not? mm.

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Itā€™s good to hear from you romano. SchuƟ


Sry bro. Missed this post :sob: Well it depends on the ceiling. You might start to get open-eye hallucinations or you might get more closed-eye hallucinations. But If you like this i would recommend you to try some cubensis, start with a small dose and work your way higher and higher fot each shroom sech. I dont recommend smoking weed at the same time as taking shrooms the couple of first times since it might give you discomfort and turn into a bad trip. The more you trip the better you get to handle stronger and stronger effects.

Pz out my brother :v:t2:

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Yeah, i would love to hear more about it. It would be very interesting If you would smoke DMT some day and compare the two experiences! For me, every DMT sech is life altering. Everything seems to have some sort of meaning in my life and always stear me towards a better path. A path of empathy, people and community. Ive had DMT a trip that bullied me for 20min and really crushed me. When i came back i realized how mean ive been to a girl at work. That i judged her based on her skill level and instead of helping i was excluding her from being able to learn and improve. I might be stupid for doing that in the first place but DMT really ruffed me up for doing that and the next day i talked to her and apologized for being an asshole. Now we are friends and I would never treat someone at work like that ever again.

Pz my friend :v:t2:


Sounds like you are also abit of a psychonaut yourself. Happy to have company of such a loving soul :pray:t2:

Yeah ketamine might me good for the brain but the dissociative part of the experience makes is very boring. Atleast for me, its like dreamingā€¦

Pz :v:t2:

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@romanoweed Who said I took it from Mama Mia? THCV is present in Thailand Weed. THCV combined with THC makes trippy weed. This is like arguing politics.

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You seem cool, dude.

Ive done many trips on salvia, dmt, etc.
Like you said, you cant convey what its like to someone who hasnt done it.
Ive found chanting to be perfect for channeling the trip of salvia. But then again, i never mess with what you can get at a store - i was smoking the dried leaf.
Id love to get a cutting to grow. I also hear its meant to be eaten and not smoked, so id love to try that.

Also, like you, I dont get visuals from mushrooms. For me its more energy, and info downloads.
Mushrooms and ketamine is divine.
I had a real long time-loop on mescaline, lsd, and ketamine at my last festival. Like, Id see something happen and then it would happen and clarity would come when i made physical contact with the person I saw. Basically like premonition and deja vu rolled up.


The hope tempered woth skepticism in this thread reminds me of one of my last Wachuma (mescaline) ceremonies in group setting.

There was a guy who came and was wearing a Gi (like an asian outfit one would wear in a dojo). I introduced myself and rightaway heard the guy say ā€œAyahuascaā€. Oi
So, I explained to the guy the different energies and personalities of the different entheogens. I explained that Aya/Dmt catapults you and is aggressive in its mind-change. And that Mescaline is the most subtle of entheogens - that the two are opposite ends of the spectrum, so please dont disrespect Wachuma by expecting him to be like dmt.

Well, ceremony starts and after the first cup this guy gets restless. He pulls out a lil personal fan and puts it to his face. He breathes loudly. He doesnt match anyoneā€™s gaze. Another cup servedā€¦ He eventually pulls out his phone and surfs the web. Oi.
At the end of ceremony he says he wants to take back the gifts he brought to ceremony because he didnt trip like Aya/Dmt.

The funny thing is, the whole time he is telling himself that he isnt tripping, he IS tripping. Just, he is choosing to kill his trip simply because its not what he expects. The Mind works in funny ways.

Anyway, I just wanna say I trip almost everytime I smoke, especially after a two month detox.
Now, do ai trip like that one time umpteen years ago when I had ceremonial Lambsbread from Jamaica? No, thats only happened with a couple strains (Cherry Cake, High Voltage, Zamalā€¦).
Is it fair to the spirit of cannabis to say fuck you Im not tripping like that one time? Nope.

The question is why is it that we have that special trippy experience early on in our smoking career? Because we dont yet have a baseline to compare it to. Once we start comparing experiences, we kill the magic.

TL:DR if you want to trip from weed, just let go and enjoy each experience as it comes and keep it sacred. Skepticism and expectation are the easiest way yo kill magic.

Just after posting this, i open YouTube and this pops up

ā€œNo more wiggle roomā€. I fucking love that


god, youre all not believing me even a wird, i can hear itā€¦
Genetics matter, and if you spent a decade highly engaged, youd realized that the only guys tripping on weed (lets get adult and define ā€œtripā€ jesus) were hippies.

They make tripreports slightly similar to mine. well, or very rare a guy still has lowgen seeds, then, only then does he EVENTUALLY one two times rech my State i reached. Hundert percent correlation between old Lines and tripping, hunderpercent correlation between Sativa and Triping, Vietnamese to be exact and tripping, SE Asian as a general Hotspot and trippingā€¦

So, did i say, imply or sound like i say fuck you to cannbis cause i dont trip. Go figure that i dont smoke since AGES, so where is the addictive behaviour. In truth im less adicted to alcohol than most, well i never drinkā€¦ i dont do any other shit aswell.
Find that totally weird how you come to that picture of me IF you came to that picture. I hope notā€¦

No, and youre fucking wrong. Shall i proove it?
Why do only hipies have out of body experiences, atleast muuch much more often then one single guy on 2022s Overgrow.

Remember the mathemathical Idea that your Brainchemestry matters? PLUS the genetics matter ?

And principially, didnt you listen when i said that Switzerland in year 2000 was weed paradise? That we had weed like perfume, like pineapple, we had 20 weeker Sativa SOLD ON THE STREET. IMAGINE THAT pure sativa sold for average guys on the street. It was a multitude of breeders right heree in Switzerland, thats the reason i got the wed that hippies smoked, namely pure ,

Thats a difference wich you never experienced SIDE BY SIDE, and you didnt get pure vietnamese. im sorry for that (not in a dominating tone, but im sorry, some LAndraces are acording my research VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY special)

So, please no reasoning how and what i disrespect.

If you were in my Skin you would know that i get bad sideffects form modern collected LAndrace, and get bad sideeffects from slight hybridisation already. So, how is this ā€œnot aprechiatingā€ that super peak Experience nomore, if its simply that i cant even smoke nomore. I would never ever smoke modern Landrace again, where is the ā€œnot praisingā€.

And i tell you the sadest thing of all, Canbis is obligated outcrosserā€¦ So you dont even consider that i guess. as anone otherā€¦ For you its not so important, but I Romanoweed am one of the few that knows there is more, and i know it will eventially dieā€¦ The people will NOT reserve vietnamese in vietnam, not with 20000 Plants to avoid inbreeding depression.

Be truthful, did you really reserch , and gogle inbreeding depression? I did, but you, did you take it serious?
So, im one of the people who had an experience that i would describe almost word for word like the DMT Trip before desribedā€¦ And the chance that i can get a still relatively remaining Tripweeed to another person that has a suited bodychemistry, is very low. The chance that this person is wealthy enough to afford indoors is pretty low (i can speculate that cause im fullon artistic, i have and wil never care for haouses, cloths, im poor) , and then is the hope that a guy like Elon musk finally gets such a Tripweed, so he can super easily preserve it. how realistic is that.

So once again, why did only hippies trip on weed on a broad basis (much more than one guy that had an out of body on his autoflower hybrid wich is quiet seldon today ) ?
It was cause Cannabisn genetics matter, the details further up in this post.

And why is it so important to make people understand that genetics matter? because my dilligent research im prtty convinced that you simply cant preserve a Strain in a Growroom, its probably similar, but since Cannbis is one of the fewer Drugs thats a Human Breed, these couple percent degradation MAtter.
So, you really think its just all weed a bit same, and i stoped aprechiating it, thats highly specualtive, and makes me utterly sick. I litterally sweared to god that the bud looked differentā€¦ it had longer hairs. and i never seen suchlong hairsā€¦ aah youre tirening me with such explonations beeing honestā€¦ anyway, help tripweed die with such claims if you want, its your right!

so, again i recognize myselve in the hippies Smokereports, thats why i know its weed. I discover distinct features in those reports, thats why i know that even the Tripweed looked very distinc it still could been coexidence that exactly then i trip, but cause i read ALOT for decade about tripweed and heard the wordings of peopl, thats why i know it correlates with what i ha. The word usage of a cannabis trip is distinct.

And while you guys probably cant hear it, cause you cant believe its true, or whyever you cant, thats why you dont regard it as true i guess.

ha ha ha ha, i really factually laughed out loud.

HAve you heard how many older Stoners hate modern weed. Thats the secound magnitude how people dont believe what i sayā€¦ They dont believe modern degraded weed is bad.

And im telling you the fact that only hippies tell ā€œthe weed is so bad today, i cant take it anymoreā€ but only the hippies tell ā€œthe weed was better beforeā€ . And the fact that it was decriminalized and quality sunk to zero in Switzerland in no timeā€¦ You have to experienced this,
just the fact hop people speak ab

jesus i dont want nomoreā€¦ think your own things, you can even write it, but please dont claim it.

But one thing, i was laughing out loudā€¦ Enjoying modern Landraces, are you serious?
You never had a zero anxiety trip, i can hear it from hereā€¦ you never had the kindest and strongest weed (one of them) , namely vietnames 70s.

Anwser me that:
close your eyes, skip into the wiggle room Video, but forget what this guy say for a the moment,
watch this guy, do you se a hppy guy that reflects on good emotions, on somehting extrordinary, something good, something groundbreaking?

I tell you what i see, i see a guy that has slightly closed eyes, he has a very brittle voice, he has fear thinking on it.

I DONT wanna go trough my life like this, i dont need his phylosophy, i dont. If weed is degraded and i know you dont believe me, then i simply dont smoke weed anymore. Problem solved, and i doo not smoke anymoreā€¦

I go , hunt, and probably find real weedā€¦ thats the other way to do itā€¦ i dont need your dmt, or whatever to face my fears, i need the ganja that i one day had that had zero sideeffects the ganja that had only the good sides of DMT (acording what he described it did), thats what i need and thats actually what the forum is about?

Im not here to learn to deal with troubles.
I came here to find the same weed as i had. And if you come and tell me i didnt find it cause it isnt. Then youre denying the reality that anxietyfree, TRIPWEED existed. Have your viewpoint, but dont claim it please.

(i didnt even understand the video, think its about facing the fears, and i just dont care.)
Hey, and i can call up my Friends who tripped on weed (not just any kind of trip, TRIP) to tell you that im not the only one. But theyre to sick to defend such staements that its just my Egoism, or whatever this video ties to say. Hippies dont do that, im bit more modern, thats whyā€¦ You have to either believe me or not when i say Cannbis changesā€¦ And you have to believe or not belive Scientist that its cause inbreeding depression, adaptation, wrong selctionā€¦ And the sheer abundance of Breeders private stash in community today. Hence good cannbis existed, and its vanished. No need ego-solving tactics.

Chem 91 gave me a zero anxiety trip. Actually, one of the most tranquil smokes.

You assume and project to much for me to continue.

I hope you find peace and bliss

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oh man, college i dont wanna be angry or fight.

but that what you now say does not interfere with what i say. ill try to be peaceful now.

I said, look, i already said everything, i said that some people dont trip on weed as a general. I think Brainchemistry is the reason.
That also menas, look:

Every person in my View does like resonate with certain weeds. And not resonate with certain Weeds.
Some are sativa Heads, some indica heads.

Some are alleaters, right? the hybridlovers.

But quiet a few older folks tell you that they cant enjoy todays weedā€¦

And THAT correlates whith what i feel is true for me (nd other sativa heads too).

TI listed all the reasons why modern Landraces dont do me the same way as the old Sativa i once smokedā€¦
So i found the Theory that there is inbreeding depression, and this correlates quiet well with Peoples who have an old Heirloom, or old Landrace like say Nevills Haze.
And they moan around like me almost the same feelings, its nomore the same, its nomore the same.

I research alot, so i dont have to jump on simple Theories explain it all away, but in the end i found quiet a few correlations and parralells that absolutely match.

Gooeybreeder tells me not even after a single open pollination his Thai is 100 percent the sameā€¦ Thats insane. Gooeybreeder is a very longtime, old school breederā€¦
I could go on and on, give you such reasons , that lead me to this believeā€¦
I actually wrote a thread about itā€¦
Thats Info i presented with reasoning in a very cold scientifical manner. But that doesent mean that you just can not look into itā€¦

And again, tell me a single 70s collected Thai on the market. The strains are factual not on the marketā€¦
And the few collectors Thais form 70s have all been shared numerous times, each time loosing another generation from the Initial Thaiseedā€¦ So, how are we supposed to find the same tripweed IN CASE THAT inbreeding depression existsā€¦ And in Case that Adaption happens, and that epigenetical Change happensā€¦ How is it supposed to be the sameā€¦

And how are you supposed to have tripped on weed, if after decade of research almost, i concluded that Vietnamese was one of the few Strains that even did make you trip on THAT LEVEL that youre getting OBES and stuff, and in the same time you have probably never smoked a 70s Vietnamese.
This is again if we assume that not every Landrace even could make you trip (unless probably you overindulged by a factor of 10, lol).

Can you somehow imagine that i am right with one or multiple of these correlations i think i found ?
Please apprechiate it in the amount , like i always try to explain it to peoples, give a bit openness to that thing. I think i was overall very kind and tried to let poples the Choce to believe or not believe.

I just have problems when people present their ideas to firm like you. And you like claim its this, its thatā€¦ Cause im aware that i very often tell thats just my oppinion, and am aware people might jump so easily then on your claim.

So: yes, i have seen so many correlations , and can almost bet cause i have seen so much that you never smoked a 70s vietnamese. you mentioned afican black, robably you had one of these cause you have some experience, but i tell you its just a steep curve when you smoke an EXCAT black african VS a not so exact good black african. its limitlessā€¦

I have other colleges that tell you the same, that ONE time you find a really special smoke, and its like 10 fold as awesome than any other smoke from THE SAME CATEGORY. Anyway, imho, it cant have to do with Ego, BECAUSE 99 percent of smokes in the old Swiss days would give me anxiety to different degrees/ and not give me any colorboost even. Thats another correlation, and the few times that abud was exaptionally thin, with the long hairs, you remeber then i had the most beautiful, anxietyfree, and trippyest peakexperience in my lifeā€¦
Thats an extreeme strong correlationā€¦ So, how on earth is a standalone beautiful experience supposed to be the stopping of my Egotrip? IF it correlates with the Budstructure 100 percent . 100 percent sativa bud from the Jungle thats whats the reason. And my Brainchemistry Type (sativa guy).
And also how is it supposed to kind of a Psychosis if it was pure beauty, pure absense of any Anxiety?
It was THE most best beutiful thing i experienced. Troughout the High. Next day i was compleetly normal.

The sativa guys stronger complaints correlate perfectly with todays favor of Indica, hybrid weedā€¦ Of corse it does.

So, you see, i have presented very cold and scientifical some Hypothesis whats up. Dont overlook it please,And dont claim that i assume too much, thats your way to explain it away PROBABLY. But instead, i reserched all the Tripreports i ever could find for a Decade. I have spent seat and tears, truely for finding the sameā€¦ I spent sweat and tears to check if breeding mattersā€¦ Im not assuming, im presenting cold and scientifical what i found. Because i cant do much more than google all the shit , talk to 100s of more or less eperiencersā€¦ What better could i do?
I think its theoretical posible that i DID find more or less true things based on my open minded approach, to stay scientifically coldā€¦ I dont jump on any guys, i smoked trippy weed. i keep it in mind, but search further, till i find patterns , and correlationsā€¦ So i can nail down where and how tripweed was. The info you can find me telling over and over again. If you dont believe, allright, bt if you go and claim another truth is the case, and that weed is just the same, and whatever, then i go back to what everyone says and just think over what you said, the others said, and decide what is the most clear pattern, and it is imho not that weed is just the same, thats a very nonmatching description with what i eperienced, with what most of the people interested in weed say, thats not what i believe reallyā€¦