Psychedelic Strains

in my 40 odd years of using cannabis of many strains i have also been making oil for a lot of that time and been through the entire range of barneys farm strains of which i was not impressed with the lsd despite all the hype i had zero trippy effect.
ime there tangerine dream or rather one particular phenotype gives slight visuals from smoking and full on as strong as our english liberty cap magic mushrooms trip that lasted far longer than id have liked at the time,must say this took my by surprise and only half a gram is enough for a jolly good trip!
i do get slight visuals with the ssdd f2 from our friend @HorseBadorites esp the oil and mixed with the tangie welll,
i do think like acid and shrooms a lot has to do with set and setting,frame of mind at the time and even the weather all effect the affect.
id quite like to try the oxacan and some of the others mentioned here,peace all


Just smoked a .8 of lit farms bad decisions

I remember when there was a time that I would run to this type of high. Bright eyed and bushy tailed type. Had me picking mushrooms as I walked around the block. Iā€™m still buzzing pretty goodā€¦ the main point is that my head also feels good. Iā€™m high. Itā€™s an outdated high, but Iā€™m high.
But what should I have expected when the strains from the cross all produce an outdated high as well. More of the same for those who need it spelled out for them.
The bad decisions only had me buzzing because if I was high, I would barely be able to see the screen, thus unable to type out a post.
When Iā€™m high, I got a huge grin on my face and my eye lids are stacked on top of each other. I may be moving around, or I might just want to watch some tv or listen to music. It the type of high where I can choose how I prefer to feel. The point is, the high works with me to fill my needs which may change at any given moment. Meaning sometimes I need to trip out so I donā€™t go allā€¦. Well you know.
I mean there is bud that can get you blasted and have you off your game for hours and still not be able to produce the spark that causes tripping. And even when you smoke large amounts of it, it still donā€™t have that spark needed to send the brain to Disney world, the Supreme Court and the twilight zone in an instant.
Donā€™t get it wrong, the bad decisions produces a high that I have been searching 20 years for. But guess whatā€¦ that was 20 years ago and my tastes and needs have changed since then. I have outgrown the high produced by bd so itā€™s no longer no longer desirable as a go to for me. Itā€™s more suited as a ā€œnerve calmerā€ to me.
I mean itā€™s still effective, therefore if a person hasnā€™t gotten there yet, they are going to love it.
However for me, I have found a new and more exciting bud that turns a person into a ā€œhuman glitch.ā€ My body is alive with electrical energy and its as if I have been supercharged.
The next step then becomes what do I want to do with my new super powers. The sky is the limit because I can go from rocking the grand baby to getting the kids iPad lined back out from them. Then get them a snack. It may not sound like much, but Iā€™m doing this from an alternate reality. There is light in the room but most of it is dark. But I can still see everything. Yeah itā€™s gonna take me a little longer and I may make a bigger mess, but I guarantee that will be the best eating snack the lil ones ever had.
Time passes away so seamlessly that 4 or 5 hours will pass and it only feels like 1 hour at the most.
The highs that are produced by the cannabis plant can have multiple parameters which all seem dull without that extra spark that set our souls on fire.
Do I have this type of bud in auto form? Yes I do. Iā€™m also working on adding it to photos to give them that extra spark as well.
Does it work. Of course it does. My tent produces next level smoke. You should see how strains come alive when i reignite that spark in them.
It would be nice to breed to a strain that share similar electric trippy characteristics.
I take a proactive approach to problems. Instead of waiting around for someone to pull that perfect nug out their arse, I put that time to good use and spent it creating that which Iā€™m looking for.
But guess what. I do it with a new design that better fit what todayā€™s consumer are looking for.
Most want to be the host instead of the consumer. Kinda like an instapot where they can immediately set up shop with little to no effort put forth by them. Wishful thinking. Peace


the Feeling of Electricity reminds me of a similar thing like Hybridisation. (And i cant stand too much hybridisation) .

Hybrids make me think too much, so i end up in very ugly sideroads where i think my Cat is greyhaired cause it most probably ate poisoned Mouses (per eample). Where i think i look literally like shit, my skin looks so boring and i move like a beaten Dog trough streetsā€¦

For me it matches slightly Electricity. Felling of Electricity is edgy, fast, shoots in all directions instead a usable direction so you can use itā€¦

I find it interesting to explore that electricity to determine if some landraces were lately hybridised ,
Becuse electricity is well known in Landraces like Thai, or some Middleamerican regions.

Could be cause Thailand is seen as tradingroute as opposed to Vietnam close by.

So, i believe that one of the tripweeds i smoked ,wich was electic was Thai, or a very satvialeaning hybrid of highest degree. And the other one was really not electricā€¦ But was actually ultimative weed.

When i hear you describe the electricity as extra Cherry on top, then i imediatly think, that the electic Thai i had was just not the strongest Tripweed i had. The calm Tripweed was the stronger.

Sorry to say, but i believe that cannbis is very unique in that regard that if you have the non-electric tripweed that it can bring you on the same level like dmt (from what it sounds like) but without the ā€œlifelessons what you all did wrongā€.
I found it soley goodmooded, there was close to zero anxiety. Wich also falls under a ā€œunnecessary Sideeffectā€ in my Worldview (highly subjective and limited view)

I found also when couple year later i occasionally heard dmt reports, lsd reports, mushroom reports, that cannbis has a special Property.

i actually found that some lsd reports seemed to tell of the same state.

when i googled this Seretonine receptor i first learned that most psychedelic drugs do something with it, and that DMT has its own twists how it does something with the Seretonine receptorā€¦ they pointed this outā€¦
And this for me matches with what i believed are outofbody reports from again, dmt, lsd, mushrooms , cannabis (the few ones) all creating kind of the same thing, but in slightly different ways.

Cannbis is way more undetailled, also less other sensory perceptions of the hallucinations other than seeing it. So, as i conclude from what i heard since a while now, cannbis may be a little pale, little undetailled, but way more kind on the plusside. It has this age old image of a happy giggly , literally positive effect, right? And i see this as something thats so unique, that i go up the walls sometimes when i hear how people just didnt experience that.

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What strains have you tried so far and didnt work? Maybe we can all put our minds together and be productive!

Pz :v:t2:


everything that is landrace collected long ago in the 70s, doesent matter the region was close to this zero sideeffect weed that i love. with few exeptions.

I find like just mentioned that Thai should be electric wich i find not perfect,
The other thing is really, modern Landraces, they are very hectic, and have no depth, wich leaves me a bit like agressive.

Then come the 13 14 15 weeker Sativalandraces from Mexico, SE Asia, theyre ok, anxiety is in middle presentā€¦ Not too bad, not too perfect. I slightly TEND to hide myselve so people cant see me. lol

Really there is nothing else that i want than a 70s Vietnamese, or a 70s Mexican probably.
Im hunting them everyday, ill find it probably.


Yeah most of the beans sold today as thai has Skunk in them. Probably what you are feeling.
There are multiple cultivars from Africa, theres also very ceilingless nepal/indian strains that very well preserved.

Most cultivars from assy and New Zeeland are from thai, Vietnam, cambodia or Laos. Their climate is perfect for sativas and I know that ive seen many trippy smoke reports of assy strains on icmag.



70s Viet:

vietnamesisch salat - tourist hemp vielleicht

im getting emotional, haha


This pic was labelled Black Hawaiianā€¦ OOh, seeh the beautiful shapes? More intact looking than modern LAndracesā€¦ So insaneā€¦
Its almost as if old Landr. are on the same beautylevel like hybrids today. Thats cause theyre not depressed or starting to acclimatize IMHO, NO CLAIM


Wow this one is beautiful! It looks like someone worked on this one, which is nothing bad IMO. I wish you could test smoke through pics :dizzy_face:ā€:dizzy::drooling_face:



No, this is first generation Thaistick as it sounded. Thats normal in some Thaihotspots.
Gooeybreeder found it subotimal ,haha

however , sometimes one sees indeed a slightly shitty plant even in the 70s, then it could be just a Hemp Cultivar tho, so of corse its then worse looking Budā€¦

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This i like, what a bad bad monster! Makes me think of those old photos of real purple haze on icmag!


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So brother which one is it. Does the electric trippy high come from the Thai or is it from hybridization.
We got bud that will keep you running for days brother. Yeah it may knock you out for a couple of hours but after that you wake up feeling like a 90 year old in a 25 year old body.
Brother I want you to take this to heart. Cannabis has been in a stagnant state for 20 or more years. There is nothing that you or any of the research that has been done, to change that. Meaning I donā€™t have to be in too big of a hurry.
That bagšŸ’°might speed up things if necessary.
But anyway brother keep preaching and spreading that ā€œknow howā€ that working so well for you peace. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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i dont know what ? because and why?

Dude reminds me of a guy I used to hog hunt with. Guy was in a full on rage. This cat over heard the land owner telling me how good of a job that me and my dogs were doing.
Any way guy start in yelling, calling me the ā€œoffice guy.ā€
He went on to say how can a guy who just started hog hunting be better at it than he is, when he was born into it.
What dude didnā€™t see was me out training with the dogs at every opportunity. Nor did he see the applied tech that I learn from the net. A lot of that time dude spent turning up beer, I was in the bottoms running my dogs. I guess he thought it was some kind of ā€œmagicā€ why the dogs were so good. Or maybe ā€œmagicā€ is the new word for hard work and determination.
Itā€™s the same hard work and dedication that go into my plants. In a way I feel bless that i wasnā€™t born into cannabis like some other. Thatā€™s because I donā€™t have to succumb to the same stigmatism indicative of his genre. My different approaches allows me to move past alienations that keep cannabis from moving into the future.
Keep letting dudes like this tell you what it is and what it ainā€™t when he has never played the sport. Grow.


hahah, well, me not learning from you?
i think you forgot that the first thing i did when you appeared on this Thread telling ā€œnyphoā€ psychedeƶlic" was to ask you about lineage.
not learning? you was simply not anwsering anything. so how was I NOT trying to learnā€¦?

I dont learn from people that shout around when i ask him questions thats right, but it is possibly not right to imply that im similar to your whatever college you just mentioned. Or atleast i find it weird.
Why shoud i even, to get anxietybud that trips me outā€¦ ? when i had the seldon Drug that trips you out without scaring you at all? And it was landrace, so, should i apply hybridisation? for what? to reach my Goal of anxietyfree Weed? Does make no sense, atleast, i mean do you get anxietyfree bud from your nypho suddenly or,ā€¦

Or is it just a claim? trown out about what you believe is my behaviour?

Further, you seemingly are very adment (is that english?) that i dont do shitā€¦
Im not shure actually that you really are a Mindreader, or such a thingā€¦ You dont sound very convincingā€¦

Jesus, i was actually the one googling your Strain, found you on autoflower netā€¦ reading your stuff. Trying , well to just read about itā€¦ Dont think many others didā€¦ To hear that is , youre just not kind. I felt that from the startā€¦ Kind you are not , not in my subjective oppinionā€¦ Thats your right b the way.
Im also not always super perfect, but pobably you can see myselve in a very different light than just moaning, or whateverā€¦ Its rather that i try to avoid insulting anyone bay writing so longā€¦ thats how i see myselve. And what do you wanna tell me, do i NEED to learn from you? so you are the boss that knows soethign thats important for me, if i dont learn from your words then im doing it wrong.(wich you greatly made impossible trough shouting after i asked lineage). yeah, lol

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It would be nice to make some tide sticks in my cheach and Chong voice . Lol

Be early 70ā€™s last time I smoked any of that .


Ill give it to preservers when i find real weed. Im still doing many things.
HAve to wait then

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Iā€™ve got a couple 3 different cultivators of Thai in seed form not sure there stick quality .
Iā€™d grew a few 3 or more years back never bothered to wrap them on sticks smoke if I remember wasnā€™t anything of keeper quality.

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imho i had good experiences when directly consumed, 5 days drying. you can even harvest early if theyre true thaistick. that was some of the best.
its so much taste, and power in them. its not the curing that matters,
you can even grow them outside, early harvestā€¦ comes close if you ask meā€¦ It was still very heavenly, the Vibe is absoltely there , just less juice? less complexity i would say. A bit ruff, but comes close.