Psychedelic Strains

The BOEL Hawaiian is all pre-1972

Swazi x Thai x Jamaican x Mexican x Afghan

The afghan in there will probably ruin the high, If its an wide leaf afghan. They are very Dominant in crosses…


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@romanoweed i love you dude. Your compassion for the cannabis is admirable. It’s a shame that you do not have what you are searching for.
It’s obvious that I’m not in a position to take advantage of my find bro or you would already know how I am coming.
So I continue to work as I wait for my situation to get better bro. My Nympho has many exploitable properties that can be a real benefit to some. So instead of letting someone take advantage of me, would rather be patient and wait it out. I grow cannabis so I have plenty of patience.
We all know that the next person who bring something different to the table is going to “break the internet” regardless of what it is.
Thats because the cannabis market is on fire right now and everyone is looking for that edge on the competition.
The right strain will own the cannabis market as we have seen so many times in the past. Or at least until the next best thing comes about and who knows how long that will take.
The best thing I can tell you brother is to bring your A game brother.
Jordan, Jackson and Tyson are the guys that I admire. All named Michael. Each of them are undeniably the best in their field. Just like them brother, I believe in playing the game at its highest level.
In life, all things are possible. You just have to be at the right place and time.
Anyway brother peace.


I have a Thai cross that has that workout weed thing going on.


You’re right and I harvest my Thai sometimes when the resin is only slightly amber for a elevated high.

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Nah. Its pretty epic and only comes out in the ones i line bred for the affy. The others are straight sativa

Have you smoked The One or Blue Orca? Those have the 1960’s Affy as well. BO is a bit heavy, but TO is one of the GOAT

@romanoweed hopefully you saw my VB males. I had 3 and have collected a lot of pollen so I will have seed of that in December/January.

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The One

Same as The One used to make Sugar Punch ???

Wow Nice to have affy that doesnt dominante cultivars in the high!

Never tried any of those cultivars but maybe i might some days. Since ive been a caretaker ive mostly grown “landrace” cultivars. If a patient what something mellow i cross what they already like to a couple of other landraces and they can choose which one works best for the new need.

As a medicine, landraces will often bring a wider range molecules then something pollen chucked by greedy clone collectors in USA.

Pz :v:t2:


Heres an F3 male


@SativaKid sound great bro.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Tripweed sativas

here is a ssh haze from greenhouse seeds an u cle of mine went to Amsterdam bought them back in thr 1980s he gave them to me right before he passed away. This is the last seed from that pack and i cloned the hell out of her to keep her!IMG_20220927_214157_640|375x500



Yeah man! Keep her alive for your uncle! So cool


But bro!!! When are you going to pass out testers of your gear? You always talk about how great it is but then no one other than you has grown it…I want to see if it is as good as you say :wink:. Maybe you are waiting for THC to be descheduled eh? and you are taunting us with your super strong and fast flowering autos…you aren’t planning on attempting to corner a market are you :sunglasses::wink:? That thing better produce some damn fine hash mate…I want to see your hash joints in the store along side my own and others :wink:.

The competition is tuff though mate…

Wait till you smoke a hash joint of the old vanilla cream “bubble mint”…mmmmm that’s some mighty fine cannabis there…

I know guys that have (“inherited”) 1000s of acre farms that were once used for hash production…these farms will start producing again once THC is descheduled. America once had a very robust hash market that has been on standby since THC was classified as schedule 1.



Peace and smoke brother.


:grin: I got one thing to say; I loved your post!

You need to copyright that!



It’s all good though.


O of course and also because of how great of a high she is just made 2 pound of butter out of 4 oz of her trim gonna make a liter of tincture with another 4 to 5 oz of trim and the rest will get washed for bubble hash i have a killer clone mother of her