Psychedelic Strains

I believe that there is far more to this plant and it’s interaction with each individual differently, than just being strain specific or tolerance specific. I have never experienced a psychedelic high from cannabis and I have been smoking kind since the early 90’s.
On the other hand, my brother has experienced them numerous times, I have witnessed it :joy:, and never more than once from any one variety.


I’ve actually done this a few times before. Despite people on the web saying otherwise, I, too, have noticed the effects from smoking mushrooms and cannabis mixed with mushrooms. I notice colors and some slight trailing. It’s a nice effect with a unique taste.


Wow that’s a long flower. But sure would be intriguing to sample the flowers effects


You just mixed some ground up shrooms into the cannabis and smoked ? Did you use equal parts ? Do you remeber what strain of cannabis and what strain or variety of MMs you used ?

I didnt really think the active compounds in shrooms would work like that.
As far as I understood, your body converts psilocybin into its active form- psilocin when digested.
P. Cubensis and P. Cyans and other species contain many things, but what makes you trip are the psychotropic tryptamines, psilocybin and psilocin. Some other species also contain, weaker psychotropic compounds like baeocystin or norbaeocystin but all act on the central nervous system by binding Psilocybin and psilocin to your serotonin receptors.

If I ever find some shrooms for sale Ill have to try this :v::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::latin_cross: :heart:


There was some Columbia black beans sourced there by a local distributed here on og awile back, I heard a few people had germination problems and haven’t heard a word sense. I wouldn’t doubt some of what has surfaced more recently came from that source , he sent 50-100 beans to several different people. I have a lot of interest in those and some of the other strains from that area, they just take such a long time most can’t commit to them. I have some of the png going atm but may consider the Colombian black or mango biche for the next long sativa grow but will prob commit to some eastern manapur Burma first


A couple days ago I watched a video about thai stick buds that have been frozen since the 70’s. The guy had them tested and they were 17% thc and 13 % cbd. This goes along well with what I recently learned…that one of the strains sold as thai stick( @Instg8ter you were right, there was more than one strain sold as Thai Stick )was Squirrel Tail, aka Phu Phan landrace. This was spread around Thailand and much of Southeast Asia during King Rama V reign, 1868-1910, due to its medicinal properties ,discovered by the University of Thailand( Bangkok)at the time. I never would have suspected that Thai stick, which I have heard people have had psychedelic experiences with, could be high in CBD. More than likely there are high THC phenotypes as well, and with the potential of nearly 30% Thc, I could see how people could see things smoking this stuff back in the 70s.


Youtube video.


when in the 70s was the Thaistick recieved?cause from 78, 79 on , thats when the qualiy of Thai changed rapidly.
And the Thai imports were also called Chocalate Thai from then on.
Some people favored Chocolate Thai, but majority found it worse.


I’m loving the Full Moon, much more savory than any of my Thai lines and buds are spear shaped Sativa , high bud to leaked (spear) ratio and it’s 3 Hit and Quit , Whalen the warm and fuzzy’s go from your lungs to your Head. Trippy up buzz and good yeilder.


I grew out some apollo 11 f3 from bodhi seeds and gave my dad a bit of it and he said him and his female friend had a fairly psychedelic experience down on the ocean watching the waves. They both super light weights so maybe that was it. Never had the experience myself.


I was answering your post last night but greened out.

I expected zilch, too, when I first tried it. I thought, at best it wouldn’t work, and at worst I’d get some weird fungal infection. I smoked relatively small amounts, a few pinches sprinkled on a bowl and I tried it a couple times by itself.

I only tried it because after you’re done processing lots of shrooms, there are crumbs, and I had a “what if?” moment. I encourage everyone to try it that is able to. I believe our pharmacological understanding of many of these substances are incomplete.


Your discovery seems right , people react different.

The few reports of people smoking pure Sativa also included Reports of people freaking out and calling the Ambulance.
There are types of Persons that cant stand tripping on Weed. They cant stand pure Sativa.

For me its opposite, i dislike not-tripping on Weed.

That doesent mean that im sensible, i smoked Hybrid or Afghani Weed thousand times, and would describe the Efects as not impressive. its not like i am trippyng on any puff. It just confuses me and melancholic smoking Hybrid Stuff.

I think it has to do with eachs Personality.
One type likes Sative/dislikes Indica and vice versa


On that we agree. We have barely begun to explore the capabilities of magic mushrooms. We havnt even explored all the abilities, compounds and effects of cannabis.
I dont even think we know exactly why merinol, that THC pill didnt work the same as smoking the herb itself when merinol contained THC. The effect was never the same. So we understand that it must be the combination of compounds in cannabis, psychoactive and non, that give us the desired effect we love. But I dont think we yet understand why or how.

Hopefully with new research, and legalization we can beggin to explore all of the compounds and try to understand other molecules such as DMT.
I think we will find that these natural plants and compounds far exceed the capabilities of what we beleive them to poses.
One day. One day.


In my opinion Bud is no fun without the trip. The best trips comes either from high thc potency. By high thc, meaning you just have to exceed your current tolerance level.
Or you can harvest early without any amber trichs. You will be tripping, can’t sleep. Have Psychosis and paranoid like crazy.
My buddies hate it when I do it like that, but my wife prefers it.


@Blu-tri I read your post to mean this…


As true as that is - I also believe that there is a balance of terpenes, other cannabinoids & thc.
After a few weeks of 30% dispo weed & 90% cartridges - tolerance is an understatement.

But dramatically switching strains - or trying something completely new to your palate - can have the effect of a tolerance buster.
I always bring this strain up - Velvet Purps - I got it as a novelty to show my Wife the completely pink buds & the unique, tart wine-grape terpenes.
THC clocked in at 15% — we shared one bowl and were STONED. What tolerance?

We’ve been steady diet of Indicas lately - time to go grab some Durban Poison or maybe a Haze - what tolerance?

That said - nothing resets tolerance like abstinence.

Edit - ha! My Wife likes the first couple of early tester buds I take. Very “up” buzz, but pretty short lived.


You are right about the short lived when it’s green…uncured.
I’m talking when the trichs are solid white. Looking like powder sugar. If you notice a little later the bud will start to twinkle like diamonds. That when the amber begins to set in.
The amber trichs removes the trip from the bud. It also calms the smoke down. Making it more soulful and decreasing the paranoia.
The more amber, the more sedation will set in while removing the fun, trippy, seeing stuff, laughing at yourself for that dumb crap you just done, type of high. Plus it tons more energetic. Instead of using different strains, I harvest ladies at different times to take advantage of the different effects. Everyone does things differently, this is just my way.


nice described. It shure plays a role. All the factors matter i think.

If all factors are right, you can get the highest i guess: Low tolerance, not taken too late, Genetic, your personality .


really potent bud makes it really easy to trip.
But sometimes you welcome the amber to quell the nightmare that comes with potency!
Beyond the bed spinning… when the darkness sets in. Then when the light returns, everything is different. You don’t know where you are, a different place in time. No longer bound by time, one with the universe. There the Light so dark, you see only with your heart. It’s a very thin line that separates day from night. A thinner line separates light and dark. To return to the light, you must first face the dark. Not to let fear hold you back. Cannabis, lights the fire in your heart. Cannabis allows you to see in the dark.


I do the same.
I’m not running a production farm with a schedule to keep* and I’m still a new grower who’s still figuring out how I like to grow anyway - so I harvest with the same thought of intentionally discovering which way I like my weed.
Since I’ve started, the “harvest window” has become (much) narrower - I’ve learned what too early / late FEEL like as well as what they look like.

And to your point @Blu-Tri - I really like the early buds. They’re great for more vigorous activities like surfing where adrenaline already causes trippy effects like time-dilation (a 1 second tube feels like 10). Weed seems to make managing the adrenaline hit easier and time practically stops - I’m watching a liquid-crystal cave rotating around me hypnotically - just make sure to disengage in time to get back out!
Feels like this (but that’s a pro, I’m an old fart)