Psychedelic Strains

Beautifully put brother.


You are right. Itā€™s the lack of other cannabinoids that makes Marinol different, and oddly LESS medicinal. Leave it to a pharmaceutical company to make weed less medicinal. Also, it is being ingested rather than smoked. Many people find the THC only Buzz of Marinol uncomfortable. Itā€™s the same with much of the modern pot. Narrowed down to just a couple cannabinoids to favor THC production alone.


I am a few years late to this thread but tagging along =)


Iā€™m wondering if the earlier harvest has higher cbg levels than if it had used it up in phytochemical reactions to make more of the other cannabinoids.

Edit: I ask because more recently Iā€™ve gained easy access to lab tested Isolates to have some fun messing with cannabinoid ratios Iā€™m dabbing.


I canā€™t speak for others, but in my case making a 2g cbn isolate, 2g cbg isolate, 1g cbc isolate blend has been making sounds pretty much exactly the same as when Iā€™m tripping. Only a few times Iā€™ve had weed do this. I could probably tweak the ratio more, but so far itā€™s extremely relaxing and acts like a chill pill dab.

For extra context Iā€™ve added Zkittlez, King Louis OG, and GSC(eucalyptus phenotype) terpenes to the dabs. Iā€™ve added my high delta 9 thc crumble to the mix as well. Overall total volume is 14g and as of now it dabs like microdosing shrooms. Very chill, mellow, everything seems interesting for the most part, and sounds have started changing pitch/echo.

I hope I helped in some way as I have no idea if itā€™s just myself with a heavy cbg, cbn, and cbc content.


You got to be careful who you smoke with. I think one of you guys smoked some pcpā€¦ thatā€™s what it sounds like to me. I had some really nice bud before that had little pieces of crack in it. Iā€™m glad I only got a quarter bag, but it still sucked. It was some pretty, stinky, sticky purple stuff.


Why would they waste good bud? Sorry reading that really nice bud was destroyed by crack makes me annoyed and I couldnā€™t figure out a more friendly way to word this.


I donā€™t know what they were thinking! It was like they broke it up in little chunks and tucked it in the sugar leaves. It was hard to pick out, Iā€™m sure I smoked some. It wasnā€™t like an eight ball but probably at least a gram. I donā€™t know why some people smoke pcp! I can see why they smoke crack more than pcp though! Lol. That shits unpredictable! Where you live? In a big city?

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Iā€™m in Massachusetts and itā€™s not big like Boston, but itā€™s not small either. I just canā€™t understand why someone would want either of those tbh. Luckily thereā€™s enough dispensaries nearby that itā€™s become much easier to find good weed. I still think they donā€™t cure well enough or for long enough :confused: the last weed I grew honestly seems to prove it. I smoked it at every stage to get a baseline smoke test against dispensary weed. My lungs wonā€™t let me smoke anything not well cured anymore. It just tastes like charcoal and ash on top of grass if not well cured. It also causes some fluid buildup. Iā€™ve mainly swapped to concentrate to help my lungs and to avoid inhaling waxes and such my lungs canā€™t handle even traces of. Allergies and asthma plus who knows if anything else anymore.

Also the weed had a tea smell and taste to both smoke and edibles. The combination in honey was delicious :yum: the weed in question for example is definitely trippy in the sense that it acts like an antidepressant, an antipsychotic, euphoric, mellow, and oddly when made into edibles the occasional fractal(not anywhere near the scale of shrooms).


It seems like all the pcp ends up in big cities. Iā€™m not sure why one would smoke it on purpose other than to get jacked up. Normally they have someone smoke it then rob them. Itā€™s messed up for real.

Of course youā€™re weed is going to blow the dispensary weed outta the water. All they care about is your moneyā€¦ well most, Iā€™m sure there are some badass caretakers still out there not cracking sick peopleā€™s headsā€¦

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Tbh Iā€™d be more worried about fentanyl in my area. One by one everyone I knew growing up are dropping from it. Though thankfully in my case Iā€™m allergic to opiates and opioids. I have no idea what one that synthetic poison is again.

Where did the heroin go? It seems fishy to me. Why would the dealers want to kill the entire almost the entire addict population. The guy who mass produced fentanyl was thinking he was helping people. It was less expensive and synthetic and kept people well. Shits crazy. I try not to judge. Different strokes for different folksā€¦

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In a medical setting under supervision and those who understand what to do in case of an emergency itā€™s safe(ish). About as safe as morphine and other IV things they give for pain or whatever.

As for the heroin Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s still around. Iā€™m meaning contaminated drugs killing people. I had a previous parter drop from prescription pills that managed to be coated in them or something. We had a date that day and I just get a call that night that they didnā€™t wake up from the nap they took before the date. Later on the autopsy report came up positive for fentanyl.

You should tell your friends to find a clinic. Street dope is too dangerous right now. If you gunna do it, thereā€™s fentanyl test strips, and naloxone, and tell them never get high alone! Very important! Never alone! I tell my people at least call a mofo and tell me your about to do something stupid! That way paramedics can be called if needed. People donā€™t need to die from opioids. Iā€™m sorry about your people, I hope maybe you can help the ones still struggling! There is good help!


None of this is recently. Years ago now. The problem has just gotten worse as I read about those I grew up with passing for the last 5 years.

All my friends buy from dispensaries. Back in 2016 I pushed it really hard on them and it stuck. Theyā€™re willing to pay more for assurance.

I used last year as an excuse to finally be antisocial and cut off toxic friends who only want to meet for ulterior motives I find out years later about. :upside_down_face: also as a way to enjoy a mental day off. If they canā€™t handle my being off my phone for a day with a heads up I wonā€™t talk to them anymore.

Iā€™ve learned the hard way that at least once a week I need a relaxing day to just let my mental energy drop by only having minimum responsibilities. If I donā€™t figure out calming down once a week Iā€™ll get a migraine that lasts 2 days to 2 weeks. Depending on how bad I screwed myself over without taking a break.


Sorry for your loss. It seems fentanyl and benzodiazepines are almost always a deadly combination. Iā€™ve heard it too many times. A friend of mine got high with his mom, all the time, one time he woke up and she didnā€™t. He blames himself. Itā€™s for real not his fault, his mom got him strung out. Thatā€™s so sad. Ok enough of this sad stuff!

Iā€™m working on cleaning up my rooms today. Rotating some stuff and flipping some girlies to flower.

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OMG thatā€™s awful :cry: regardless of any blame to lose your mother like that is awful :disappointed:
Though yes definitely enough sad stuff.

On the thread topic about cannabinoids and how some can be on the range of a psychedelic for how it feels hormonally. Cbg definitely is a strong player with cbn Iā€™m fairly confident. The earliest weed I had smoked had a Similar feel to the cbg, cbn, cbc combo I made from lab tested Isolates. I got those before I purchased the delta 8 from them. One of my partners introduced me to it and Iā€™ve sourced out a local source as well to compare effects. Delta 8 thc seems to be the missing element though as the last time I was able to dab some the color shift to more saturated deeper hues I usually only get from excessively smoking happened.


You have to take care of yourself! Especially if others are dependent on you! It sounds to me like you should be your friends care taker. I wonā€™t let my friends buy from dispensaryā€™s. Itā€™s all crappy mids. And its a 10th of ounce and 50 bucks! Most the time around here Black market weed is WAY better.

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I had only a couple experiences where I got some visuals from weed. One time me and my friend got a half pound of White Russian. I sat it the passenger set and shook that bag for like 5 minutes and the corner of the bag was all Kief, we got to his apartment and I packed the bong with pure white frost. It was a large bowl. I ripped the hell outta it. Almost cleared it, and exploded coughing while running to the toilet to puke. About ten minutes later when I walked to my house it seemed like all the cars were glowing and the bird were going nuts. I was high. Lol. I think that summer I learned how to grow mushrooms. That was fun. Now those will trip you out for sure! And they might help with your headaches. A lot of people are micro dosing now days. You hip?

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Believe me theyā€™d prefer that too, but theyā€™re all stoners and I turned them onto dabs. One day Iā€™ll get a press, but I also canā€™t grow anymore. My timeline for moving out has been canceled as I wait a year for an ADA forced program in the machinist training program I was in.

They had claimed I never informed them about my mental health conditions. I marked them on my application, in my interview, in every zoom call, and every time I met a supervisor and trainer for the first time. They tried lying in an official letter and thatā€™s how they screwed up. Leaving alone they claim I never mentioned my autism. I mentioned every day about my ocd and adhd. Both Ada conditions.

This was the second time I tried to go into machining. The first time was back in 2008 and I finally tried again up until recently. The way they handled it was so bad though that it forced them to make a special education class now for anyone like myself who canā€™t handle the brain damage or high as fuck teachers. Iā€™m very concerned with whether that teacher thinks the earth is flat or not. It took them hourā€™s to explain what squared is. For those who donā€™t know think level, but over a square area and down to 0.0002 of an inch constant maximum without any lips or grooves.

I still donā€™t like that we have to use imperial still. The amount of shortcuts in the math to reach the same or close to the same sizes as metric sizes are ridiculous :roll_eyes: