Psychedelic Strains

Lol yes. When we started talking around 12 hours ago I was on a macro dose lol. I’ll be growing my own soon. I have the supplies and I’ve been cleaning my house to kick up any spores hiding anywhere as I work on disinfecting and making more fermentations to force fungal dominance back where I want it in my house. The stainless steel eating one came back. It looks like steel wool when it grows on anything I forgot about for too long. Shines like it too.

They do help my migraines a lot yes. It’s more than just a headache though. It makes it nearly impossible to think, feed myself, talk, open my eyes, hear anything, and all the usual methods make it worse. Caffeine makes it pound faster for the pain part and it feels very similar to when I was a kid and the school bully full force hit me with a hockey stick. Water is almost impossible to swallow. I’m usually just huddled in my blanket cocoon in the dark waiting for the pain that makes me want to puke to stop.

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I don’t understand why you can’t work with the machines. Some autistic people are brilliant. It’s ignorant to not let you do the work you want to do. Can you find another shop to work at? It start your own?

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Neither sadly. Poor and when I do get a job it feeds me with maybe 100 a month in savings if I skip bills. I can’t anymore, so if I can’t get back into machining soon I’ll have to go back to sales. At least sales gave me a savings I could live off of when I need a few days mental health care off work.

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what part of mushrooms do help against migraines? lsd works aswell i heard. didnt they mention they even extracted the molecule that works out of lsd, and therefore isnt even psychotropic?

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Lsd I hadn’t heard that about.

As for mushrooms idk really what specifically helps. I’ll eat anywhere from 2-7g mushrooms at a time depending on what kind of macro trip I’m looking for. I’ve just noticed that migraines don’t stand up to mushrooms and lsd both.

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If you start seeing actual objects yes I’d be concerned about weed quality. Weed is still a mild hallucinogenic on its own and at least for myself it usually takes 1500mg thc to achieve a high where colors start getting oversaturated.

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im wondering if its just like a psychological Thing that helps agains your Feelings. Like when people say, you are thinking too much. You probably do, and im not telling THAT you do, but its just a theory. If the theory is right some Thai Landrace would probably do the same trick?

weed is a fullon hallucinogen , atleast it happend to me. everyone needs first to smoke thai, and then judge trippyness. ogkush might not work


What actually shocks me is when I’m told I’m overthinking things I haven’t even put in much thought into it. Usually a knee jerk reaction comment and I’m told I’m overthinking. In those instances there wasn’t any thought at all put into it. I can’t put less thought than nothing :sweat_smile: I think people who say that need to broaden their horizons as they may be projecting

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lets dont get caught up by “what other tell” wich you didnt. Yes i hear you. Probably its still a psychoogical component thats there.

When you consume one of these colorsaturating THC extracts , does it also lessen the Headachy?

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Ha ha! One of the first times I smoked dank buds as a kid, we were walking to school and my buddy’s and I smoked a small bowl, we all got probably 4 good hits. We walked across a football field, I remember starting to walk across the field, then we were walking off the field. Freaking time warp man! I must of just zoned out or something! It was wild.
I’ve had a few similar experiences like that. Not really any visual hallucinations. It can definitely add to other stuff though.


Usually yes. It is appetite reducing unfortunately however, but at least by the end of it I get the munchies

you could try thai. i know someone that sells thai from 1978. Good line, 14 -18 weeks flower


Thai made me see things. simple as that. with my bare eyes. it beautiful. Not like imaginations, no: seeing things.
I dont go into details however.

@JohnnySeed Timewarps, oh yeah had it on columbian.


I will jack up a long flowering sativa. I like indica dominant hybrids. When I want to trip I will eat some mushrooms. Handfuls! Then freak out and not wanna do it for a few weeks. Lol.

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I’ll have to try it sometime. :thinking:
I’ve found that cbc and cbg together are a nice pairing for pain. Cbg helps my spine pain. Cbc helps my muscle pain and spasms. Unlike cbd cbc actually seems to assist in intensifying a high rather than tone it down. Though anxiety is much lower, so of you use the body reactions of increased heart rate you likely won’t see it. My bpm has been fairly steady around 85 lately. It’s usually around 104-110 bpm.

I have all 3 mixed however as I also use cbn for antipsychotic benefits. It’s also recreational lol. The stone definitely comes from cbn. Shockingly it’s a clear headed stone. All the feelings of being stoned, but without the high knocking me on my ass.

if you havent tried thai or other SE asian weed, you probably havent smoked weed of a whole other dimension. Its like another Substance, compared to the best hybrids even. its just very different.


I’ve had weed that straight made me search it out for years after. Though Thai sticks I’ll be avoiding. If it’s just hash soaked bud I’ll be dabbing for a cleaner high in truth. If it’s opium soaked bud all the more reason to avoid as I’m allergic.

Speaking of I’ve been intentionally avoiding pine heavy strains. If possible I try to avoid pinene as a whole. After I found alternative profiles I’ve been only smoking or dabbing that. The throat closing and gasping for air doesn’t happen when I avoid anything pine related. Probably a similar reason why I can’t be near pine or willow trees at any day of tve year or I get itchy to where I’ll break the skin. Willows give me hives if I touch the bark.

If you grow it yourselve you can avoid the opium. im not talking of missconceptions. all i say i know . no opium blabla I got my thai in switzerland in 2000. old lines sold as nearly fresh bud…


The no pine strains I’ve also noticed seem to feel closer to a psychedelic as well. What are Thai strains like in pine content?

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