Psychedelic Strains

smell was: puhh like air, like a garage with metallic trestles inside, without the oily dirty smell. Like a sterile Workshop thats freshly built. Like when there is Vinily at the Bottom in a newly built Sportshall.


So a musky phenotype dominant smell.
The strains I grow all end up closer to musk than skunk in general. One of the last ones was Skunk OG and itā€™s nose burning dank, but not really skunky. In fact skunk og just smells like a nice honey now as I checked on it. Like a nice sweet tea made with honey. Extremely sweet, floral, tea, sour, light musk, and a smell I usually only get from honey/beeswax.

Similar for Cheese, but it has a umami smell that confuses my brain. Itā€™s almost just like the first strain I ever smoked. That one straight up smoked like grilled skin on chicken drumsticks smells when you walk past a cookout. I never found out what it was. Iā€™d describe the Cheese I grew out last like jarlsburg Cheese, honey, tea, musk, and skunk. Straight burns my nostrils smelling the jar.


exactly, you guessed it right. I could have called it gassy, BUT most people will missunderstandā€¦

Gas fits, but a very slight non-stinky Gas. exacty.

No floral smell. if there were other smells, i would mentioned it.

Air , or a very Airy Gas smell.


I wonder if diesel has any lineage from SE Asian or Thai?

As far as a non stinky gas would you say a plastic or polymer would fit the gas phenotype? Maybe a tea tree?

Though Iā€™m imagining a basement after you open the windows to air out the area.

Air still fits the best . Cause air is more natural, polymer or such is too unnatural.
Rather metallic. But now people are misslead again and imagine stinky metallicā€¦
Like a Garage in wich you sprayed a week ago, but ventilated alot, with metal trestles.

So, rather no polymer. I was rather describing ā€œbeeing inside a buildingā€-smell. A building thats rather moist, ventilated, fresh air


I usually just smell the carpets, ceiling tiles, and plaster after everything airs out. A vague soil or compost smell :thinking:


Like said ā€œinside building smellā€ , but not your smokers loungeā€¦ inside a garage or a sportsbuiding.


I was actually thinking of the local work center nearby. Pretty much most sales jobs in the area have a office there funny enough. No idea why. It used to be a shoe factory lol.

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Now you imaginary turn of the ventilation a bit, close the doors a bit i pronunced it too much, and then you have it! Plus take out the wood and whatever influences the smell there


@romanoweed I never thought the Thai stick was soaked in opium. I never had any laced weed in the 70s except some rolled in hash oil. That was amazing!
Laying back in a recliner I felt as if I was floatingā€¦Magic Carpet Ride for sure


I think the closest weed ever got me to tripping was some Columbian red back in ,76 or 77
I hadnā€™t smoked any before, we were smoking lot of Columbian gold, which was cerebral for meā€¦lots of overthinking
The red was different
I smoked it alone and went walking through the forest on a moonlit night on my dadā€™s farm and was talking to the trees and they were talking back and reaching for me but in a kind wayā€¦not spooky
I was one with nature in a spiritually aware way
Later when I tried mushrooms it was similar but differentā€¦I liked the Columbian red better.
I recent got a Columbian red cross from Bodhi and hope to get to it soon.


i know someone that said he finally found columbian red and its a favorite of him. he seemed to really like it. however, i was more interested in some SE asian of him. Since im just focussed ā€¦ Probably i ask him for it one day.

but he clearly said it IS his favorite or one of his favorite.

Your experience sounds awesome, very cool.

Very rarely cannabis tripreports are scary, negative, badtripp-like. Only the good things.

My Thai-eperience was spooky. But to differenciate from scary, or paranoid. Anxietyfree it was, cause no overthinking bad thought. I liked it . Seeing things is enjoyable for me aswell, but only the feeling of change of atmosphere into like water, like youre surrounded from energy, that was also cool.

you actually made me interested in trying columbian, first time a columb smokereport sounded so good to meā€¦ hah


The wood part in my city is hard, but yeah I get where you are guiding me.

This whole city is a tree preservation zone. Salem willows is known for their willow trees and I can think if 2 near my house that are Older. One should be uprooted for the safety of the home itā€™s about to fall on, but thatā€™s a separate discussion.


Iā€™ve never experienced anything like my 2nd time smoking weed before or after. A completely unique experience. I do get closer to what Iā€™d consider a psychedelic high when my tolerance is way low. Would love to get to grow and smoke some real deal Thai weed some day or some other long flowering equatorial drug type that I canā€™t ever find because nobody has the time/patience to grow out to itā€™s full potential.


I actually saw a copany selling Thai, Hawaiian, Panama Redā€¦ as smokable Endproduct. But forgot the name of the Company. The strains all looked like legit 70s old Lines.

if youre here on Overgrow, then i imagine you growā€¦ grow it yourselve?


Oh yeah, it is definitely a part of immediate future plans, just have to source authentic genetics, and free up space for them.


i know a thai line from 78 . i tell you if you reproduce em


In my experience people who describe a weed high as psychedelic havenā€™t done enough psychedelics at high enough of a dose to know what theyā€™re talking about. Iā€™ve had weed that made my thoughts race a bit while still being a pleasant and relaxing high, but never anything more. Iā€™ve done shitloads of shrooms, acid, k, dxm, pcp, mdma, salviašŸ¤® and various combinations of them at varying doses. None of them have anything like a weed high.



Talk about phsychedelic strainsā€¦ Salvia Divinorum is a not a social plant at all, but if you wanna tripā€¦ that stuff will take you places acid, shrooms, and other hallucinogens never willā€¦ And youā€™ll be back inside of 5 minutes to tell everyone the story. Stuff is a real-deal full-on reality shifter if you do it right, but thereā€™s zero control on where she takes you. And someone could have a megaphone going off in your ear and you wouldnā€™t have any idea as you legitimately think youā€™re off frolicking in a field or something. Need a trip-sitter. By mass, Salvinorin A, found in the leaves of Salvia Divinorum, is the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogen on earth.


well that was an educational post. Iā€™ll pass on the psych stuff. I would rather be in control.